Paul Henschel
Front-end developer. Currently living in St. Gallen, Switzerland. Founder of Luxundlaune, a photography platform in Germany, Paranoidandroid, a custom rom for Android and several open source projects including react-spring, react-three-fiber, react-use-gesture, zustand.
Breaking out of the confines: making games in React
React Finland 2021

20 min
Breaking out of the confines: making games in React

To show how we can make rich, interactive experiences, for instance games, with React semantics and shareable components, and what that means for traditional constructs, like the render-loop.
Making Games in React
JSNation Live 2020

30 min
Making Games in React

This talk is going to be about react-three-fiber. We'll make a mini game together. We'll see how even beginners can make it through all the heavy boilerplate and math without losing their minds, and then translate it to anything, be it a game or a website with some interesting visuals and effects.