Ryan Carniato
As a JavaScript performance enthusiast, and fine-grained reactivity super-fan, Ryan is obsessively passionate about the future of JavaScript frameworks. He is the creator of SolidJS, and a maintainer of Marko.
Future of Frontend Frameworks Fireside Chat
React Summit 2024

28 min
Future of Frontend Frameworks Fireside Chat

Facing Frontend's Existential Crisis
React Summit 2024

37 min
Facing Frontend's Existential Crisis

The state of frontend development last couple years is in an odd place for the uninitiated web developer and expert alike. Server Components? Resumability? Hydration? Waterfalls? Islands? Why so much focus on water? And why are we even talking about this? In this talk, SolidJS creator Ryan Carniato explores the landscape of modern web development to understand how we got here and what these solutions really solve.
SolidJS: Why All the Suspense?
JSNation 2023

28 min
SolidJS: Why All the Suspense?
Top Content
Solid caught the eye of the frontend community by re-popularizing reactive programming with its compelling use of Signals to render without re-renders. We've seen them adopted in the past year in everything from Preact to Angular. Signals offer a powerful set of primitives that ensure that your UI is in sync with your state independent of components. A universal language for the frontend user interface.
But what about Async? How do we manage to orchestrate data loading and mutation, server rendering, and streaming? Ryan Carniato, creator of SolidJS, takes a look at a different primitive. One that is often misunderstood but is as powerful in its use. Join him as he shows what all the Suspense is about.
But what about Async? How do we manage to orchestrate data loading and mutation, server rendering, and streaming? Ryan Carniato, creator of SolidJS, takes a look at a different primitive. One that is often misunderstood but is as powerful in its use. Join him as he shows what all the Suspense is about.
SolidJS: Reactivity Unchained
JSNation 2022

20 min
SolidJS: Reactivity Unchained

Join Ryan Carniato, creator of SolidJS, as he shows off the fundamentals of this unique take on a JavaScript Framework. This session will reflect on the challenges of modern web development that motivated Solid's creation. By retracing his steps from simple beginnings to a full-fledged framework, Ryan will showcase how reactive primitives are the only building blocks you need.
SolidJS - Reactive JSX
React Finland 2021

28 min
SolidJS - Reactive JSX

An introduction to SolidJS UI Library. Explore an example to show the similarity and differences between Hook + Virtual DOM versus Reactivity + DOM.