Alex Kyriakidis
Alex has been an award-winning web developer for 12 years. He authored the first book on Vue.js in 2016 and is one of the first Vue.js educators in the world. He founded vueschool.io where he's teaching Vue and JavaScript to web developers through video courses along with many core members and industry leaders.
Vue School, Netherlandshootlex
How Vite Changes the Game for Vue and Web Developers
Vue.js London Live 2021

22 min
How Vite Changes the Game for Vue and Web Developers

In this talk you will learn what Vite is, why it is so great, and why you want to use it ASAP. You will also learn how to use Vite with Vue.js or React, and what Vitepress is and how to use it.Alex Kyriakidis, founder of Vue School, will also answer the most frequently asked questions around Vite, including production use, Vite and test runners, what it means for Nuxt, and many more.