Callum Macrae
Callum Macrae is a developer and occasional musician based in London, UK, with a passion for using JavaScript to solve complicated problems. His current favourite things to work with are Vue and SVGs (but only sometimes at the same time). He is the author of Vue.js: Up and Running, a book about getting started with Vue. He can be found on Twitter and GitHub as @callumacrae.
Animation and Vue.js
Vue.js London Live 2021

32 min
Animation and Vue.js

There's a lot to gain from adding animations to your site or app. Beyond their visual appeal, you can guide the user's attention, cover up slow to load components and elements, and reveal sections of a page without the user wondering where it came from. This talk will cover the built-in ways Vue.js helps you animate your site, and how for more complicated animations you can hook into third party libraries. It'll also cover the basics of animation itself – what to animate, what not to animate – and how you can use animations to enhance your website without harming the experience of people with disabilities.