Colin Ihrig
Member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee & a hapi core team member.
Colin Ihrig is a software engineer working primarily with Node.js. He is the author of Pro Node.js for Developers, and co-author of Full Stack JavaScript Development with MEAN.
The State of Node.js Core
Node Congress 2023

24 min
The State of Node.js Core

Node.js, as a platform, is constantly changing and evolving. Node's core is a melting pot of features from our own community, as well as dependencies such as V8 and libuv. This talk will cover the latest developments in Node core.
Zero Dependency Testing With Node.js
TestJS Summit 2022

10 min
Zero Dependency Testing With Node.js

Node.js recently shipped an experimental test runner. This talk will explore the test runner's architecture and API, and show how to use it with other core modules to create a testing experience with no external dependencies. This talk will also look at potential future additions to the test runner.
An Introduction to Deno for Node.js Developers
JSNation 2022

22 min
An Introduction to Deno for Node.js Developers

Deno and Node.js have a lot in common. They are both non-browser JavaScript runtimes built on the V8 engine. Deno and Node.js are also different in a lot of ways: TypeScript, CommonJS, package management, permission systems, tooling, native addons, browser compatibility. This talk will compare and contrast the two runtimes, focusing on what experienced Node.js developers need to know in order to succeed with Deno.
Out of the Box Node.js Diagnostics
Node Congress 2022

34 min
Out of the Box Node.js Diagnostics

In the early years of Node.js, diagnostics and debugging were considerable pain points. Modern versions of Node have improved considerably in these areas. Features like async stack traces, heap snapshots, and CPU profiling no longer require third party modules or modifications to application source code. This talk explores the various diagnostic features that have recently been built into Node.
You can check the slides for Colin's talk here.
You can check the slides for Colin's talk here.
Introduction to the AWS CDK: Infrastructure as Node
Node Congress 2021

34 min
Introduction to the AWS CDK: Infrastructure as Node

For years AWS has offered CloudFormation as an approach to Infrastructure as Code (IaC). CloudFormation allows application stacks to be provisioned from JSON or YAML formatted templates. Unfortunately, due to their size and complexity, CloudFormation templates have earned a reputation as being unwieldy to work with. The AWS Cloud Development Kid (CDK) mitigates some of the complexity associated with CloudFormation allowing developers to programmatically define their cloud architecture using familiar high-level languages such as JavaScript and TypeScript. CDK projects can then be deployed via CloudFormation, while retaining all of the benefits of CloudFormation, such as repeatable deployments and drift detection.
This talk will introduce the CDK in the context of Node.js and demonstrate how it can be leveraged to provision cloud native architectures.
This talk will introduce the CDK in the context of Node.js and demonstrate how it can be leveraged to provision cloud native architectures.
Introduction to the AWS CDK: Infrastructure as Node
Node Congress 2021

34 min
Introduction to the AWS CDK: Infrastructure as Node

For years AWS has offered CloudFormation as an approach to Infrastructure as Code (IaC). CloudFormation allows application stacks to be provisioned from JSON or YAML formatted templates. Unfortunately, due to their size and complexity, CloudFormation templates have earned a reputation as being unwieldy to work with.The AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) mitigates some of the complexity associated with CloudFormation allowing developers to programmatically define their cloud architecture using familiar high-level languages such as JavaScript and TypeScript. CDK projects can then be deployed via CloudFormation, while retaining all of the benefits of CloudFormation, such as repeatable deployments and drift detection. This talk will introduce the CDK in the context of Node.js and demonstrate how it can be leveraged to provision cloud native architectures.