Jonathan Bakebwa
Jonathan Bakebwa is the creator and maintainer of Chakra UI Vue, a component library focused on making accessible Vue.js websites and applications fast.
Jonathan is also an Engineering Manager at rct.ai as well as the co-founder of the Vue Beijing Meetup in China.
He has also authored Vue.js utility libraries in the Vue ecosystem and is currently building the next version of Chakra UI Vue.
When he is not coding, Jonathan enjoys playing the guitar, reading and learning about startups.
Code at the Speed of Design in Chakra UI Vue
Vue.js London Live 2021

23 min
Code at the Speed of Design in Chakra UI Vue

With Chakra UI, we are able to override component styles to express custom design systems with accessible Vue components. This talk explores the new theme API in v1 and how you can use it to quickly build custom UIs for your application.