Lia Moreira
Software developer in test automation, with major focus on Frontend. Huge passion to learn and pass through the knwolegde that already have.
reactperformancetestingcareerbest practicesblockchainreact nativedesign systemsreact componentspanel discussionsscalabilityjavascriptbuild toolstoolingstate managementteam productivitynode.jscode qualityweb componentssecurity testingdevtoolsweb developmentmicroservicescssreact hookssoft skillsframeworkscypresse2e testingautomationunit testingmicro-frontendsdatabaseproductivityuser interfacesfrontendsecurity
Playwright Fixtures - Little Walkthrough
TestJS Summit 2023

6 min
Playwright Fixtures - Little Walkthrough

What are fixtures? How can I create one? How can I use it? I will answer all this questions with a small but explanatory live code example.
How to Choose an Automation Tool
TestJS Summit 2022

21 min
How to Choose an Automation Tool

What are the aspects you should think when choosing an automation framework. Some main differences on available frameworks.Explain the main differences between the most known frameworks for automation: Selenium, Cypress, Playwright and Robot Framework. Positives and negatives about the frameworks. Depending on the needs of the project your work what is the best framework to use. Small talk about how frameworks integrate with some test management tools.