#user interfaces

User interfaces (UI) are the means by which users interact with a computer program or application. UI is typically composed of graphical elements such as windows, menus, buttons, and text boxes, which allow users to input data, view output, and control the behavior of the program. In the context of JavaScript, user interfaces can be created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing developers to create interactive webpages and applications that respond to user input.
PrimeVue | The Next-Gen UI Component Library
Vue.js Live 2024Vue.js Live 2024
24 min
PrimeVue | The Next-Gen UI Component Library
Prime Vue is a comprehensive UI component suite with over 90 components, including date pickers, buttons, tables, and grids. It offers flexibility through styled and unstyled modes, allowing for customization using design tokens or Tailwind. Prime Vue is WCAG compliant and supports Material design. The upcoming version 4 introduces a new theming API using CSS variables, and it includes features like dark mode switching and integration with Figma. The team has plans to release a UI Designer, advanced components, and a drag-and-drop UI Builder in the future.
The Need for Speed: How AWS New JS Runtime is Redefining Serverless Latency
Node Congress 2024Node Congress 2024
25 min
The Need for Speed: How AWS New JS Runtime is Redefining Serverless Latency
Serverless services like AWS Lambda allow developers to build modern applications without provisioning servers or additional infrastructure. LLRT is a low latency runtime designed specifically for serverless environments and JavaScript applications. LLRT uses a lightweight JavaScript engine called Quick.js, achieving fast execution and performance with minimal memory consumption. LLRT is ideal for latency-critical applications, high-volume functions, and integration with AWS services. It significantly improves performance, reducing cold starts and providing consistent warm start times. Users are encouraged to test LLRT and contribute to its development.
Zen and the Art of UI Components Testing
TestJS Summit 2023TestJS Summit 2023
21 min
Zen and the Art of UI Components Testing
The Talk discusses the evolution of test automation from the original test automation pyramid to the testing pyramid. It explores modern approaches to UI component testing, including isolations and testing with a fake DOM. The importance of testing in a real browser and the emergence of tools like Selenium, WebDriver.io, Puppeteer, Cypress, and PlayWrite for browser automation are highlighted. The advantages of out-of-process browser automation are explained, along with the use of Storybook and Playwright for testing components. The distinction between end-to-end testing and component testing is also mentioned.
Raygui: An Immediate-Mode C UI for Wasm Tools Development
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
19 min
Raygui: An Immediate-Mode C UI for Wasm Tools Development
Welcome to the presentation of RightGui, an immediate mode CUI library for tools development. RightGui is a high-performance library that is stateless and uses small self-contained functions to process inputs and draw controls. It provides a variety of controls, customizable styles, and support tools for live style configuration. Additionally, there are tools like the icons editor and layout creator that allow for customizations and code generation. Reiki offers a variety of tools, including a sound editor, image manipulation canvas, and resource packer.
Game Development with ReactJS, CSS, and React Three Fiber
JS GameDev Summit 2023JS GameDev Summit 2023
22 min
Game Development with ReactJS, CSS, and React Three Fiber
Jorge Rubiano, a Software Engineer from Colombia, shares puzzle, isometric, and board games developed using React.js and CSS. He demonstrates the use of WebGL and 3.js for creating 3D games on the web. ReactiveFiber, a renderer that combines React and 3.js, is showcased in movement-based and color-changing games. The Talk concludes with the development of a bowling game using ReactiveFiber and complex components.
Should we have business logic in the UI?
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
148 min
Should we have business logic in the UI?
Samuel Pinto
Samuel Pinto
How many times did you say or hear “this is business logic, it should not be here”?In this workshop, we will create a modern frontend application using old patterns and you will learn how to build apps that have decoupled UI and services.We will start with a React application that has its whole logic in the UI. Then step by step we will extract the rules and operations to hit that sweet spot of independence.
Ensuring your Users are on the Right Path: the Future of Modals and Focus Management
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
17 min
Ensuring your Users are on the Right Path: the Future of Modals and Focus Management
This Talk discusses the new features of Modals and focus management in web development. The dialogue element allows for the creation of modal dialogs that appear on top of other elements and prevent interaction with elements below. The note element can mark a subtree of the DOM as inert, making it unusable. The field set component can group input elements together and disable them. Using these new primitives can improve focus control and user experience in web applications.
Test your UI in the REAL Browser
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
33 min
Test your UI in the REAL Browser
Storybook is a powerful tool for building UI components and testing them. It allows for easy reuse and compatibility with other tools. Storybook 6.4 introduces interactive stories and live coding, making it easier to create and debug complex components. It also integrates with popular testing libraries like Jest and Testing Library. Storybook aims to bridge the gap between end-to-end testing and unit testing, providing automated testing options for UI components.
Why Paid UI Components Aren’t Evil
React Summit 2020React Summit 2020
8 min
Why Paid UI Components Aren’t Evil
Paid UI components are not evil and offer benefits such as guaranteed support and long-term peace of mind. They solve harder problems and provide features and guarantees that free controls may not have. Paid components also establish a direct financial relationship with the authors, eliminating the need for sponsorship or donation models.
Building a Custom Component Library – Fast
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
8 min
Building a Custom Component Library – Fast
Today, I want to talk to you about building custom component libraries fast. Every company should have its own standard set of UI controls for consistency in design, technology, and accessibility. Companies shouldn't build the harder parts of those libraries themselves, such as date pickers and data grids. But as a software developer, your time is valuable. Building custom component libraries is a better use of your time than reinventing the wheel.