Mohammad Shahbaz Alam
Shahbaz is a full stack developer and open source enthusiast, Developer Advocate @ Magic Labs, GDG Ranchi Organizer, Auth0 Ambassador, and Mozilla Representative. He loves teaching and sharing his learnings at conferences and meetups related to Serverless, Authentication and Authorization, Google Technologies, Security, Web Extensions, SPAs, PWAs and VR/AR/XR.
Securing Node.js APIs with Decentralised Identity Tokens
JSNation Live 2021

9 min
Securing Node.js APIs with Decentralised Identity Tokens

Authentication and Authorization are serious problems. We often dedicate a lot of time to craft powerful APIs but overlook proper security measures. Let's solve it with Magic using a key-based identity solution built on top of DID standard, where users’ identities are self-sovereign leveraging blockchain public-private key pairs. In this talk, we’ll look at proper ways to secure our Node.js APIs with Decentralised Identity Tokens. We’ll go from learning what Decentralised Identity standards are, how the users’ identities are self-sovereign leveraging blockchain public-private key pairs, why they’re the future of API security, and to put theory into practice we will build a real-world implementation using Node.js where I’ll show common best practices.
React User Authentication for Self-Sovereign Identity with Magic
React User Authentication for Self-Sovereign Identity with Magic

In this talk, we’ll see how to build a user authentication system in react using magic, where magic provides a key-based identity solution built on top of the Decentralized Identity (DID) standard, where users’ identities are self-sovereign leveraging blockchain public-private key pairs. These key pairs are used to generate zero-knowledge proofs to authenticate users instead of having to rely on users providing passwords to Magic or any identity provider.