Welcome to this talk, where we will learn more about securing a Node.js API using a decentralized identity token. My name is Mohamed Shabaz Alam, a developer advocate at Magic.
In this talk, we will learn what is a decentralized identity token, build a Node API using Express, and then protect that API using Magic.
So what is DID token? DID token created by Magic is adapted by prior tech like JWTs and W3 DID protocol. It is encoded as a Base64 string, JSON string tuple, which is representing proof and claim. It leverages the Ethereum blockchain algorithm and elliptic curve cryptography to generate verifiable proof of authentication and authorization. These proofs are lightweight digital signatures, which is shared between client and server to manage permission, protect routes and resources and authenticate users. A typical DID consists of proof and claim. Claim is the unsigned data representing the user's data. And proof is by signing that using Ethereum's personal sign algorithm and using users' private key. And then you get the DID token by calling B2A and using base64 JSON tuple string.
So this is how a basic generating DID token looks like, which consists of issue.expiration, subject, DID, not before time, and all sorts of information over here. The issue is we use the user's public key in the claim. And when we are signing the using sign function, we use the user's private key, which is again, we don't look at those data. And then we encode the DID token so it can be easily transported over HTTP.
The easiest way to get started with Magic is using Magic's client SDK. The client SDK is where you get the DID token. So you use that, pass on the API key, which is like two types of API key. One is the publishable key and another one is the secret key. Secret key is used for server. Publishable key is for client applications. You call a function called login with email, and then pass on the user's email. By default, you will get a DID token of a lifespan of 15 minutes, but if you want more than that, you can call getIDtoken function to get that. The auth flow is that a user calls the client by authenticating himself or herself, they get the DID token, and they trade that DID token in the authorization header to the server, and server validates that token and then allows the protected route.
So let's build the API. Easiest way to get started is to run npx makemagic select the template express API. So I have already done this, and you would see that I ran an application. I'll just showcase what it looks like. For example, npx makemagic template express API, it will ask for your application name, test API, and then you can use the publishable secret key. For example, you can get this secret key by logging in to Magic and signing up, it's free to do that and copy the secret key from the application folder.