Paulo Ragonha
Paulo is currently a tech lead at Mojang Studios, where he is helping improve the UI/UX of the biggest game in the planet (Minecraft). Natively from Brazil, he has moved to Sweden six years ago, enough time to adapt to the cold weather and even enjoy commuting with his bicycle during snowstorms. In the past, he has also ventured in book writing, having published books on automated testing in JavaScript.
Using React to Build Performant Game UIs in Minecraft
React Advanced 2021

25 min
Using React to Build Performant Game UIs in Minecraft
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This talk will go briefly about the history of how Mojang Studios decided to use web standards and React to build the new UI stack for Minecraft (Bedrock Edition), the challenges we faced around performance and how we landed on a solution that allowed us to continue to write declarative UI, but without the virtual DOM.