Soon, nay, the server responds to bring us mock-ups to look upon. One day when the Javascript runs, we'll take our page and go. Last time. Soon, nay, the server responds to bring us mock-ups to look upon. One day when the Javascript runs, we'll take our page and go. We did it, you magnificent people, I love you for joining in. That could have gone horribly, horribly wrong.
Hi, let me introduce myself, my name is Rich, I work on a user interface framework called Svelte, I'm one of hundreds of contributors, and I work on open source full-time at Vercel. The song we were singing describes an important trend in web development. A lot of computation is moving away from servers and single origin functions and out to the network edge. Thanks to things like Deno and Fastly, Cloudflare, the Vercel functions which run on Cloudflare and Netify, someone like me who knows very little about back-end stuff is able to deploy an application that is instantly available within milliseconds to users anywhere on the planet. I think this is a tectonic shift in how we build stuff on the web, even though there are some unsolved problems about where we put our data, for example.
Meanwhile, front-end frameworks are also being affected by this trend. When you think about frameworks, you probably think about React or Vue, or if you're a little bit more of a JavaScript hipster, you might think about Svelte or solid. But increasingly, we don't use these frameworks by themselves, we use meta-frameworks like NeXT, NUXT, SvelteKit and SolidStart. And these are toolkits for building an entire application, as opposed to just a few components. They bring a build tool, a dev server, your routing, all of that stuff. And crucially, as well as running in the browser, they run in a server environment as well. We can call them full stack frameworks, at the risk of upsetting the angry nerds, who police the use of that kind of terminology. And so this is interesting convergence happening. Front-end technologies are starting to claim back-end territory, while back-end is becoming more accessible to those of us who are traditionally front-end operators.
In many cases, Edge functions use the same web APIs that we're used to using in the browser. So I work on SvelteKit, which is the official full stack framework for Svelte, and we're pretty proud of what we've built. We think it's very compelling. It runs anywhere JavaScript runs. It runs on Node, it runs in a Lambda, it runs in the Edge, it runs in your browser. Soon it'll run in a service worker. And you can deploy it to any platform you like. There's no lock-in. When you create a project, we don't ask you where you're going to deploy.