Richard Donovan

Richard Donovan

Mindset and Wellbeing Coach to the Software Engineering Industry Richard is self-taught and has over 24 years experience working as a Software Engineer, Tech Lead, Engineering Manager and Software Architect. Feeling the need to contribute more than just lines of code to the software engineering industry, Richard trained to become a mindset coach and personal trainer to help software engineers protect their wellbeing and mental health, which is vital for success in our industry.
5 Steps to Developer Better Mental Health
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
Recording pending
5 Steps to Developer Better Mental Health
Mental health has taken a back seat in the software engineering industry for years.It’s not often prioritised by our employers and unfortunately, we often neglect it ourselves…With so many external factors outside of our control, it’s important to focus on what we can control…After 24 years in software engineering, improving mental health in our industry is now my primary mission.Mental health impact us all in different ways.Better mental health starts by understanding what it means to you and then using tools to incrementally improve it.This workshop aims to help you on both accounts.
We’ll cover:Step 1 - Your ThinkingStep 2 - Your BeliefsStep 3 - Your ValuesStep 4 - Your Physical HealthStep 5 - Your Mental Health
There’ll be education and discussion on each of the 5 steps and we’ll use practical exercises to help you build a picture of what mental health means to you and a pathway to move it towards how you’d like it to be.
Mindset: You vs Your AI
C3 Dev Festival 2024C3 Dev Festival 2024
26 min
Mindset: You vs Your AI
We all have our very own wellbeing processor.It influences how you feel and act. It leads to every outcome you’ve ever had or will have…For most of us, our wellbeing processor is primarily fed by our very own AI.Unfortunately, our AI often seems to work against us.In this talk, you’ll learn how to take back control and train your AI to work with you to promotes a growth mindset and optimise wellbeing.
Mindset: You vs Your AI
TechLead Conference 2024TechLead Conference 2024
26 min
Mindset: You vs Your AI
We all have our very own wellbeing processor.It influences how you feel and act. It leads to every outcome you’ve ever had or will have…For most of us, our wellbeing processor is primarily fed by our very own AI.Unfortunately, our AI often seems to work against us.In this talk, you’ll learn how to take back control and train your AI to work with you to promotes a growth mindset and optimise wellbeing.