Mindset: You vs Your AI

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We all have our very own wellbeing processor.

It influences how you feel and act. It leads to every outcome you’ve ever had or will have…

For most of us, our wellbeing processor is primarily fed by our very own AI.

Unfortunately, our AI often seems to work against us.

In this talk, you’ll learn how to take back control and train your AI to work with you to promotes a growth mindset and optimise wellbeing.

This talk has been presented at TechLead Conference 2024, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


The subconscious mind operates similarly to an AI assistant, processing vast amounts of data from our conscious thoughts and experiences. It uses this data to generate suggestions on how we should think and feel in various situations. The subconscious mind can influence our beliefs, attitudes, and actions, often without us being aware.

We can improve the quality of data by being mindful of what we focus on and consume. Practices like journaling three daily wins and three things you're grateful for can help train your subconscious mind to look for positive aspects in life. Additionally, being selective about the media you consume can positively impact your subconscious mind.

To break a negative thought cycle, first become aware of the negative thoughts through self-reflection or mindfulness. Interrupt the thought by mentally saying 'stop,' take a deep breath to reset your physiological state, and then consciously choose how you want to think about the situation. Asking yourself constructive questions can help redirect your thoughts.

Team leaders can support mental health by creating an environment where well-being is regularly discussed and measured. This can be done through periodic questionnaires, open discussions, and encouraging self-care practices. Making mental health a normal topic of conversation helps reduce stigma and promotes a supportive atmosphere.

Physical fitness plays a crucial role in mental health by releasing endorphins, which reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Regular exercise also improves physical health, which can alleviate worries about physical well-being. Simple activities like a daily walk can significantly enhance mental health.

To be more mindful while consuming media, it's important to recognize the impact of the information you consume. Turn off unnecessary notifications, set specific times for checking emails and social media, and choose content that is uplifting or informative. Being intentional about media consumption helps protect your mental well-being.

Raising spirits and mental health in a team setting involves measuring team well-being, encouraging open discussions about mental health, and integrating self-care activities into the work routine. Activities like team-building exercises, wellness programs, and providing mental health resources can also be beneficial.

Yes, seeking professional help such as coaching or therapy can be very beneficial for mental health. Building a relationship with a coach or therapist who understands your background and challenges can provide tailored support and strategies for improving mental well-being.

Our subconscious mind influences our emotions and actions by processing the data it has accumulated over time, including our beliefs and experiences. This data shapes our immediate responses to situations, affecting how we feel and behave. By training our subconscious mind with positive data, we can improve our emotional and behavioral outcomes.

The 'gatekeeper' of our thoughts is our conscious mind, which has the power to accept or override thoughts generated by the subconscious mind. Being an active gatekeeper helps prevent negative or harmful thoughts from influencing our feelings and actions, thereby improving our overall mental well-being.

Richard Donovan
Richard Donovan
26 min
14 Jun, 2024


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  • John
    Very inspirational Richard, I think we can all take away something from this. Well done.
Video Summary and Transcription
The Talk discusses the mindset and operation of AI assistants, the influence of thoughts on our experience, the impact of subconscious thoughts on well-being, and strategies for improving mental health both individually and in a team setting. It emphasizes the importance of mindful consumption, self-care, and fitness for maintaining good mental health.
Available in Español: Mentalidad: Tú vs. Tu IA

1. Part 1: Mindset and AI Assistant

Short description:

Hello, everyone. Today we're talking about mindset, or you versus your AI. I've been in software development for over 24 years and now I'm a mindset coach. Imagine having an AI assistant analyzing everything you do. Let's explore how it operates and how it's trained. The data comes from your conscious mind and is processed by background algorithms.

Hello, everyone. Brilliant to be here. Hope you're all having an awesome day. And yeah, super excited to be able to talk to you today about mindset, or you versus your AI. And it's a topic that I don't think we manage to talk enough about in the software development industry.

But first of all, again, just a little bit about me, why I'm here. I've been in software development for over 24 years, and I've worked at all different levels. I transitioned to be a mindset coach for software developers and software development leaders, because I don't think anyone else seems to be doing that. And we definitely need a bit more support in this area. And to make my purpose well-being as a whole, I trained to become a personal trainer and an online fitness coach.

Now, I've estimated the time of this talk probably about as well as I estimate software projects, so I better crack on. I want you all to imagine that, as you go about your daily lives, you have a little AI assistant watching and analysing everything that you do. It's constantly giving you little suggestions about how it thinks you should think in any given situation. Now, sometimes, it works perfectly. And we don't even know it's happening. But other times, it's not so helpful. So to try and understand why that happens, we're going to look at this AI assistant and we're going to inspect a high-level system design about how this AI assistant might be operating. So this AI assistant has an API so that we can communicate with it. It can ingest data. We can send it requests. And we can get responses back. Simple enough.

Now, the data for your AI assistant, how that is being trained is getting the data from your conscious mind. So that is anything and everything that you are giving your attention to. And that has been streamed directly to your AI assistant. And it has been for your entire life. So there's a hell of a lot of data there. That data is saved. And then we have some background algorithms. They try and make sense of this data.

2. Part 2: AI Assistant and Thought Analysis

Short description:

Your AI assistant constantly analyzes your thoughts and suggests how you should think. It employs a cache to provide quick responses based on data it has analyzed. However, some of the data in the cache may be outdated, leading to potential conflicts between your current context and old beliefs.

They try and work out what's important and what isn't. And they try and optimise it. And index it. And they create links between all kinds of concepts, ideas, people, places, situations. And your AI will use this data to constantly tell you how it thinks you should think in any given situation.

You can imagine your mind is constantly sending your AI assistant requests over and over and over again. And there's something like, how should I think about this? How should I think about this? How should I think about this? And this, of course, is the context of your current situation. Now, your AI assistant has got a hell of a lot of data to come up with an answer and a suggestion of how you should be thinking. And we need these responses to be pretty snappy. We can't just be standing and pausing all the time.

So your AI assistant employs a cache. It's the job of one of those background algorithms to be sifting through that data, working out what's important, working out what is being most frequently accessed. And it will put that into the cache for you. What that means for your AI assistant is it will check your cache first instead of checking that vast amount of data. And it will say, is there anything in here that suits this current situation? Now, the kinds of things that this algorithm is going to find are things like our beliefs, our attitudes, our morals, and our values, in a very simplistic way. And so there's a very high likelihood it's going to find something that's relevant to your current situation.

So it will lean on that to give us a response. And that's great for performance, but it's not so great when some of the data in that cache actually has gone stale. So we've got some strongly held beliefs that might have occurred during childhood, for example. And those beliefs might not be relevant to our current context. And yet our cache is using them to suggest how we should be thinking. And so the whole system looks like this. Your conscious mind is constantly training your AI assistant. It's not a one-time operation. It's constantly getting that data. We've got background algorithms that are sifting through that data and trying to optimize it. We've got a cache that your AI assistant is using to give us these responses. And we've got your mind that is constantly pulling your AI assistant to get these suggestions of how we should be thinking. And it's generating a vast amount of thoughts. And then there is a face-off, or at least the potential for a face-off.