SolidJS: Why All the Suspense?

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Solid caught the eye of the frontend community by re-popularizing reactive programming with its compelling use of Signals to render without re-renders. We've seen them adopted in the past year in everything from Preact to Angular. Signals offer a powerful set of primitives that ensure that your UI is in sync with your state independent of components. A universal language for the frontend user interface.

But what about Async? How do we manage to orchestrate data loading and mutation, server rendering, and streaming? Ryan Carniato, creator of SolidJS, takes a look at a different primitive. One that is often misunderstood but is as powerful in its use. Join him as he shows what all the Suspense is about.

This talk has been presented at JSNation 2023, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


JavaScript frameworks maintain UI consistency by implementing reactive models that provide consistency guarantees. These models orchestrate state changes and data updates in a synchronous manner, ensuring the UI remains in sync with the underlying data.

Suspense is implemented differently across various JavaScript frameworks, each adapting the concept to fit their architectural models. For example, React and Solid use Suspense to manage async dependencies, but the implementation details can vary significantly.

To handle asynchronous inconsistencies, UI frameworks can use placeholders, maintain previous states until new data is fetched, or implement optimistic updates. These methods help in managing UI consistency while data is being fetched or updated asynchronously.

Tearing is a form of async inconsistency that occurs when the UI state is not synchronized with the data state. An example is when switching tabs in an application, where the UI might briefly display content from the previous tab before updating to show the correct content.

While Suspense provides a powerful tool for handling async operations, it is not a solution for all data fetching scenarios. It cannot prevent data fetching waterfalls and requires strategic data fetching placement higher in the component tree to function effectively.

Suspense is a mechanism used in JavaScript frameworks to manage asynchronous state changes effectively. It creates boundaries in the view representation to ensure consistency during asynchronous operations, commonly implemented with loading spinners among other methods.

Ryan Carniato
Ryan Carniato
28 min
01 Jun, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription
Suspense is a mechanism for orchestrating asynchronous state changes in JavaScript frameworks. It ensures async consistency in UIs and helps avoid trust erosion and inconsistencies. Suspense boundaries are used to hoist data fetching and create consistency zones based on the user interface. They can handle loading states of multiple resources and control state loading in applications. Suspense can be used for transitions, providing a smoother user experience and allowing prioritization of important content.

1. Introduction to Suspense in JavaScript Frameworks

Short description:

Suspense is a mechanism for orchestrating asynchronous state changes in JavaScript frameworks. It's a complicated area that has taken years of research to develop the best patterns for. JavaScript frameworks rely on synchronous execution guarantees to keep UIs in sync, but async introduces challenges. Reactivity is how frameworks keep the view in sync with data, aiming to avoid trust erosion and inconsistencies. An example from an introductory article explains the importance of avoiding manual subscriptions that can lead to out-of-sync UIs. The story of Facebook Messenger's bug highlights the annoyance and impact of inconsistent UI, overshadowing the launch of the app.

Actually, an intro to Solid Talk. It's talking about suspense. Suspense is a mechanism for orchestrating asynchronous state changes in JavaScript frameworks. You find it in React, Vue, and Solid, as I mentioned. And this is a complicated area. One that's taken years of research to develop the best patterns for. The reason being, JavaScript frameworks are built to keep UIs in sync. And they rely on guarantees that are based on synchronous execution. Async throws a wrench in it.

How do we ensure that UI is consistent in these conditions? Well, first, you have to understand what I mean by async. Sorry, consistency. This example is pulled from a introductory article explained the inner workings of his React library. Reactivity is basically how frameworks keep the view in sync with your data. Any system based on manual subscriptions was doomed to eventually get out of sync like what's displayed here. This is what all frameworks want to avoid.

Think of what happens when you see this. It erodes trust. You might not believe what you're seeing and be forced to reload the page. And it can persist in even more annoying ways than something that can be solved with a reload. In an early React talk, I remember rethinking web app development at Facebook. Jing Chen recounted the story of how Facebook Messenger had this bug that kept coming back. They fixed it. Sometimes painstakingly so because of how complicated the synchronization logic was. And at that time, Messenger was still part of the app. The bug was people would get these phantom notifications showing they had a message. And they had already seen or cleared all their messages. Seemingly simple annoyance. But as a user, you would think you would have a new message and you didn't. Having this happen multiple times a day, suddenly you would either just start ignoring it and you would miss actual messages or some of the more obsessive users would be full of perhaps disappointment and anxiety constantly clicking and seeing nothing. This seemingly harmless bug was so annoying for users, that whenever Facebook launched it was overshadowed by the demand for that.

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2. Consistency Guarantees in Reactive Models

Short description:

Frameworks have consistency guarantees in reactive models, allowing us to trust in those guarantees. However, not all frameworks are the same, and each has a different idea of consistency. The answer to which model is more correct is not simple.

They would fix this bug. Not being able to depend on the software that you use can be crippling. Luckily, the concerns around this sort of thing, we have consistency guarantees in reactive models you find in UI frameworks. This allows us not to focus on those details and just trust in those guarantees.

However, not all frameworks are the same. But if you understand the rules, you can depend on them. This example was really fun for me. Basically, I took some state, I took some derived state, like count and double count, and I put that state in the DOM and I took a ref to that state in the DOM. And after I was in a click handler, I clicked it and I was like, console log all three values. As it turns out, every framework had a different idea of what that looked like. And honestly, a good argument could be made for this consistency model for each of them. So, you could debate among yourselves which one is more correct. The answer is not that simple.


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