Theming Gatsby Apps with Theme UI

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There are many CSS-in-JS libraries for us to choose from. Imagine being able to take your favorite parts of those libraries and using them in one. Learn about the power of Theme UI.

This talk has been presented at React Summit 2020, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


Gatsby is a React-based framework that enables developers to quickly build static websites and applications. It offers optimized performance and accessibility, with a simple setup process involving three commands.

To install Gatsby, you need to run three commands: install the Gatsby CLI, create a Gatsby project, and use 'Gatsby develop' to spin up your site, which can then be accessed at localhost 8000.

Theme UI is a styling library that utilizes constraint-based design principles to allow developers to configure designs for components using predefined values in a shared object. It simplifies creating reusable and configurable style systems for projects.

To install Theme UI in a Gatsby project, install the Theme UI Gatsby plugin, add it to your plugins array, create a 'src' folder with a 'Gatsby plugin theme' folder inside it, and then create an 'index.js' file where you export your Theme UI object.

To create a Theme UI object, define styles such as colors, fonts, font sizes, and spacing within an index.js file under your Gatsby plugin theme folder. This object will contain all the style definitions used throughout your application.

The SX prop in Theme UI is used to access and apply styles from your theme object to components. It allows you to refer directly to the keys in your theme object, such as colors or fonts, to style components effectively.

Variants in Theme UI allow you to define different styles for common components, such as buttons or links. You can create style variations within your theme object and apply them using the 'variant' prop on your components.

Color modes in Theme UI enable the creation of themes like dark mode. You can define different color styles under modes nested within your colors object. These modes allow you to switch styles, providing default and secondary styling options.

Pariss Athena
Pariss Athena
6 min
17 Jun, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription
The video covers how to theme Gatsby apps with Theme UI, a styling library that uses predefined values to configure component designs. It explains how to install Theme UI in a Gatsby project and create a Theme UI object with styles like colors, fonts, and spacing. The SX prop is highlighted as a way to access styles from the theme object for components. The video also discusses variants for defining styles for common components and color modes for creating themes like dark mode. Key topics include Gatsby framework, Theme UI installation, SX prop usage, style variants, color modes, breakpoints, and reusable styles.

1. Introduction to Gatsby and Theme UI

Short description:

Welcome to Theming Gatsby apps with Theme UI. Gatsby is a React-based framework for building static websites and applications. Theme UI is a styling library that allows developers to configure designs for components using predefined values. It provides a template for configurable, reusable styles and is easy to install. You can access values in your theme object using the Sx prop.

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Hey everyone. Welcome to Theming Gatsby apps with Theme UI. I am Paris Chandler. I am on the Developer Success Team at G2I. I'm a front end developer, I'm creator of BlackTech Twitter, and founder of BlackTech Pipeline.

So getting into it, first things first, what's Gatsby? Gatsby is a React-based framework that allows developers to quickly build up static websites and applications. And installing it is super simple, it takes three commands. You install the Gatsby CLI, create a Gatsby project, spin up your site with Gatsby develop, and then you can access your new site on localhost 8000. It's as simple as that. So the first thing you'll see is this landing page. And the cool thing about this are that these pages are optimized for ideal performance and accessibility. And it comes with a lot of configurations under the hood that you won't need to set up yourself.

Now getting into it, what is Theme UI? Theme UI is a styling library that allows developers to configure designs for components by giving them predefined values in a shared object. And the developers of Theme UI call this constraint-based design principles. In my own words, Theme UI is a template for configurable, reusable styles that'll help to build styling systems for your projects. These are, once again, super easy to install. So you just install the Theme UI Gatsby plugin, add it to your plugins array, create an src folder, and within that, create your Gatsby plugin theme folder, and within that, create an index.js file. Then you can export your Theme UI object into that. Ah, sorry. Alright, so this is an example of a Theme UI object. So you have your colors, your fonts, your font sizes and spacing, and these are the styles that are defined throughout your application. And if you don't feel like building out a Theme UI object from scratch, Theme UI has a custom theme tool that allows you to build out your object sort of by clicking, dragging, and dropping. It'll create your theme object for you, you can copy and paste it from there into your project. So there are two ways to access values in your theme object. So you can use the components that come with Theme UI and style them with the Sx prop. And if you don't want to use components, you'd need to use the JSX Pragma in order to use Sx prop, and the Sx prop is the only way to access your theme object values. So here, this is the Sx prop and how you'd access the styles within your object. So you'll notice that within the Sx prop, there are object keys that are strings and that's because they refer to the keys in your theme object. They refer to the keys in your theme object. So just to give you an idea of what it's like to use the Sx prop on a basic level, I've got a theme object here with a primary color of Rebecca purple and a secondary color of coral.

2. Using Theme UI in Your Project

Short description:

In Theme UI, you can easily refer to your theme object throughout your project. Variants allow you to define styles for common components like buttons. You can override predefined breakpoints and create color modes. Theme objects are where your style values for your entire application live. Remember to add and import your JSX pragma and use the SX prop to access your styles. Theme UI offers many features such as variance, breakpoints, and color modes.

Below in my square component, I'm setting the background color to primary and the other to secondary. And this is how easy it is to refer to your theme object throughout your project. And this is an example of your primary and secondary values.

Then there are variants that allow you to define variations of styles for common components like buttons. So you have a button object with two objects in them. One is a primary object with a set of styles and the other is a secondary object with a set of styles. You can apply either variance by using the variant prop and this works really well for things like buttons or links.

Theme UI also has predefined breakpoints but you're able to override them with your own breakpoint values. And there's also color modes. So color modes allow you to create things like dark mode in your theme object. You create those modes by adding a nested mode object to your colors object and defining your mode styles in there. An important thing to note is that all colors defined in your colors object are your default colors, and all colors defined in your modes are your secondary styles.

So while that was really fast, let's just recap what we've learned. Theme objects are where your style values for your entire application live. It's a custom tool that will build out your, there's a custom tool that will build out your theme object for you to copy and paste. And remember to add your, remember to add and import your JSX pragma and use the SX prop to access your styles. And theme UI comes with tons of cool features such as variance, break points, color modes, and more. And again, I'm Paris Athena. I work at G2Y, and I'm founder of Blacktech Pipeline. And I hope to meet you soon.

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