
Next.js is a React-based web application framework that allows for server-side rendering, static site generation, and client-side rendering. It offers features such as automatic code splitting, serverless functions, and dynamic imports to improve website performance and scalability. Additionally, it provides an easy-to-use file-based routing system and supports a wide range of technologies and libraries.
Unveiling Next.js Secret Sauce on the Edge
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
48 min
Unveiling Next.js Secret Sauce on the Edge
Mustafa Azim
Mustafa Azim
Next.js on the Edge with its new secrets sauce for better user experience and high performance. We will unveil Next.js secret sauce and the way of working to deliver the best user experience in Edge network and the new features including partial pre-rendering. How to make use of the Server component and its high performance on Edge network.
Table of the contents:- Intro to the Edge network- Edge runtime in V8- Use cases of the edge functions- Deploy a service on the edge network
Building Reusable Server Components in NextJS
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
88 min
Building Reusable Server Components in NextJS
Will Bishop
Mettin Parzinski
2 authors
React continues to evolve their beta capability, React Server Components, and they're continuing to further develop them in partnership with frameworks like NextJS.In this workshop, attendees will learn what React Server Components are, how to effectively build and use them in NextJS, and focus on one of the major advantages of React/NextJS: reusability through components.We will also cover related beta technologies enabled by the `app` directory, such as nested layouts and server actions (alpha/experimental capability).Join us for this hands-on, 120 minute workshop!Technologies:
React, JavaScript/Typescript, NextJS, Miro
From Todo App to B2B SaaS with Next.js and Clerk
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
153 min
From Todo App to B2B SaaS with Next.js and Clerk
Dev Agrawal
Dev Agrawal
If you’re like me, you probably have a million side-project ideas, some that could even make you money as a micro SaaS, or could turn out to be the next billion dollar startup. But how do you know which ones? How do you go from an idea into a functioning product that can be put into the hands of paying customers without quitting your job and sinking all of your time and investment into it? How can your solo side-projects compete with applications built by enormous teams and large enterprise companies?
Building rich SaaS products comes with technical challenges like infrastructure, scaling, availability, security, and complicated subsystems like auth and payments. This is why it’s often the already established tech giants who can reasonably build and operate products like that. However, a new generation of devtools are enabling us developers to easily build complete solutions that take advantage of the best cloud infrastructure available, and offer an experience that allows you to rapidly iterate on your ideas for a low cost of $0. They take all the technical challenges of building and operating software products away from you so that you only have to spend your time building the features that your users want, giving you a reasonable chance to compete against the market by staying incredibly agile and responsive to the needs of users.
In this 3 hour workshop you will start with a simple task management application built with React and Next.js and turn it into a scalable and fully functioning SaaS product by integrating a scalable database (PlanetScale), multi-tenant authentication (Clerk), and subscription based payments (Stripe). You will also learn how the principles of agile software development and domain driven design can help you build products quickly and cost-efficiently, and compete with existing solutions.
Building Blazing-Fast Websites with Next.js and Sanity.io
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
71 min
Building Blazing-Fast Websites with Next.js and Sanity.io
Nancy Du
Nataliya Ioffe
2 authors
Join us for a hands-on workshop where we'll show you how to level up your React skills to build a high-performance headless website using Next.js, Sanity, and the JAMstack architecture. No prior knowledge of Next.js or Sanity is required, making this workshop ideal for anyone familiar with React who wants to learn more about building dynamic, responsive websites.
In this workshop, we'll explore how Next.js, a React-based framework, can be used to build a static website with server-side rendering and dynamic routing. You'll learn how to use Sanity as a headless CMS to manage your website’s content, create custom page templates with Next.js, use APIs to integrate with the CMS, and deploy your website to production with Vercel.
By the end of this workshop, you will have a solid understanding of how Next.js and Sanity.io can be used together to create a high-performance, scalable, and flexible website.
Create a Visually Editable Next.js Website Using React Bricks, With Blog and E-commerce
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
139 min
Create a Visually Editable Next.js Website Using React Bricks, With Blog and E-commerce
Top Content
Matteo Frana
Matteo Frana
- React Bricks: why we built it, what it is and how it works- Create a free account- Create a new project with Next.js and Tailwind- Explore the directory structure- Anatomy of a Brick- Create a new Brick (Text-Image)- Add a title and description with RichText visual editing- Add an Image with visual editing- Add Sidebar controls to edit props (padding and image side)- Nesting Bricks using the Repeater component- Create an Image gallery brick- Publish on Netlify or Vercel- Page Types and Custom fields- Access Page meta values- Internationalization- How to reuse content across pages: Stories and Embeds- How to create an E-commerce with Products’ data from an external database and landing pages created visually in React Bricks- Advanced enterprise features: flexible permissions, locked structure, custom visual components
Next.js 13: Data Fetching Strategies
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
53 min
Next.js 13: Data Fetching Strategies
Top Content
Alice De Mauro
Alice De Mauro
- Introduction- Prerequisites for the workshop- Fetching strategies: fundamentals- Fetching strategies – hands-on: fetch API, cache (static VS dynamic), revalidate, suspense (parallel data fetching)- Test your build and serve it on Vercel- Future: Server components VS Client components- Workshop easter egg (unrelated to the topic, calling out accessibility)- Wrapping up
Crash Course into the Jamstack with Next.js & Storyblok
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
161 min
Crash Course into the Jamstack with Next.js & Storyblok
Arisa Fukuzaki
Chakit Arora
2 authors
You might have read already about Jamstack. You probably already used Next.js, and recently you may be hearing a lot about the headless CMSs. This quick course will put all the pieces together and show you why Storyblok, combined with Next.js, is the best combo for your next project. Stop by and try it yourself!
- In-depth Jamstack knowledge. How it changed from old times to the modern world. Learn how Jamstack was created by comparing Static Sites and Dynamic Sites.- How Next.js serves content, and how content is served with Static Site Generation (SSG).- Atomic design methodology, and how this is applied to the content management system.- Hands-on project experience by building a Jamstack project with Next.js and Storyblok.
Prerequisites- Any Text . Visual Studio Code recommended- Node.js LTS- NPM or Yarn- GitHub account- Vercel account- Familiarity with JavaScript, React, and Git. Having worked with Next.js before is a plus
What's included1. Introduction and overview of the workshop2. Introduction to Jamstack3. Introduction to Atomic Design4. Overview of Headless CMS5. Introduction to Storyblok6. Next.js app creation7. Storyblok space creation8. Next.js and Storyblok connection9. Custom components creation10.First-page creation11. Introduction to Visual 12. Dynamic pages addition13. Blog section creation14. Deployment on Vercel
Crash Course Into Multilingual Websites With next.JS and Headless Content
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
126 min
Crash Course Into Multilingual Websites With next.JS and Headless Content
Ondrej Polesny
Ondrej Polesny
On this crash course, we'll create a new project in the headless CMS, fill it with data, and use the content to build a multilingual Next.js app. We'll spend a lot of time in code to:- Generate strongly typed models and structure for the content- Set up the site for multiple languages- Use respective language codes in content fetching and incorporate language fallbacks- Resolve multilingual content from rich text fields
You will learn:- How to work with content from headless CMS (Kontent.ai)- How content model can be leveraged to generate TS types and what benefits it brings to your project- How to add multilingual capabilities to Next.js website- How to use language fallbacks- What are the typical gotchas when working with multilingual content
Using Feature Flags in Development
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
72 min
Using Feature Flags in Development
Jessica Cregg
Jessica Cregg
Ensuring your code is ready for production without enabling your features to your entire user base used to involve a lot of guesswork. By using feature flags, we can allow our development teams to preview work-in-progress features and unreleased functionality in production without redeploying our code.
In this workshop, we’ll run through the fundamentals of feature flagging on both the client and server sides. We’ll cover working with LaunchDarkly’s SDKs within the context of a React application with a node backend, flagging at different places in the stack and give an introduction to rule targeting in the platform.
High-performance Next.js
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
50 min
High-performance Next.js
Michele Riva
Michele Riva
Next.js is a compelling framework that makes many tasks effortless by providing many out-of-the-box solutions. But as soon as our app needs to scale, it is essential to maintain high performance without compromising maintenance and server costs. In this workshop, we will see how to analyze Next.js performances, resources usage, how to scale it, and how to make the right decisions while writing the application architecture.
Build a Headless WordPress App with Next.js and WPGraphQL
React Summit 2022React Summit 2022
173 min
Build a Headless WordPress App with Next.js and WPGraphQL
Top Content
Kellen Mace
Kellen Mace
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to build a Next.js app that uses Apollo Client to fetch data from a headless WordPress backend and use it to render the pages of your app. You’ll learn when you should consider a headless WordPress architecture, how to turn a WordPress backend into a GraphQL server, how to compose queries using the GraphiQL IDE, how to colocate GraphQL fragments with your components, and more.
Managing Authentication in Next.js
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
155 min
Managing Authentication in Next.js
Michele Riva
Michele Riva
Next.js is a compelling framework that makes many tasks effortless providing many out-of-the-box solutions. But when it comes to authentication and user security, it's our mission to make it reliable, secure, and efficient. In this workshop, we'll focus on different user authentication and session management approaches, starting from a custom authentication strategy (that we will build together), and ending learning how to identify and integrate the right auth provider (Auth0, Firebase, etc.) for any app.
Table of contents:- A brief introduction to Next.js- Building an authentication mechanism from scratch- Why we should avoid custom authentication- How to identify the proper authentication mechanism and provider- Integrating NextAuth.js, Auth0, Firebase, or any other provider
Full Stack GraphQL In The Cloud With Neo4j Aura, Next.js, & Vercel
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
161 min
Full Stack GraphQL In The Cloud With Neo4j Aura, Next.js, & Vercel
William Lyon
William Lyon
In this workshop we will build and deploy a full stack GraphQL application using Next.js, Neo4j, and Vercel. Using a knowledge graph of news articles we will first build a GraphQL API using Next.js API routes and the Neo4j GraphQL Library. Next, we focus on the front-end, exploring how to use GraphQL for data fetching with a Next.js application. Lastly, we explore how to add personalization and content recommendation in our GraphQL API to serve relevant articles to our users, then deploy our application to the cloud using Vercel and Neo4j Aura.

Table of contents:
- Next.js overview and getting started with Next.js
- API Routes with Next.js & building a GraphQL API
- Using the Neo4j GraphQL Library
- Working with Apollo Client and GraphQL data fetching in Next.js
- Deploying with Vercel and Neo4j Aura
Build Fullstack Apps in Record Time with Blitz.js
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
67 min
Build Fullstack Apps in Record Time with Blitz.js
Simon Knott
Simon Knott
Blitz.js is the Fullstack React Framework. It's heavily inspired Ru on Rails and is focused on making you as productive as possible. It's built on Next.js and adds all the missing pieces you need for building a fullstack app with a database. By far the biggest innovation of Blitz is the new "Zero-API" data layer that abstracts away the API so you don't have to mess with REST or GraphQL APIs!

Simon will introduce all the important parts & guide you through getting started with Blitz, so you'll know if you might want to use it or not.
E-commerce on the Jamstack with NextJS and Netlify
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
120 min
E-commerce on the Jamstack with NextJS and Netlify
Nick DeJesus
Nick DeJesus
Jamstack frameworks are changing the way we build top-of-the-line experiences on the web. They are performant, secure and enable developers to build web apps faster than before. In this workshop, Nick DeJesus will walk you through what it's like to build an e-commerce site using NextJS, use-shopping-cart and theme-ui. You will learn how serverless functions with Netlify to help you make secure transactions and how to build accessible UI components that extend use-shopping-cart's abilities.