Arisa Fukuzaki

Arisa Fukuzaki

Arisa is a Frontend and Full Stack Developer who became a DevRel Engineer. She works to help improve DX through technical content creation, building demo apps, contributing to OSS, and talks. Outside of her work, she is a GDE, As ANY podcast co-host, and a GirlCode ambassador. In her private time, she is a longboarder, a snowboarder, a yogi, and an Aikido fighter.
Crash course into Astro and Storyblok
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
119 min
Crash course into Astro and Storyblok
Headless architecture has gained immense popularity in recent years for its ability to decouple the frontend and backend, empowering developers to create engaging, interactive, and scalable web applications. 
In this workshop, we will quickly take a dive into the Headless World and Architecture. 
Additionally, we will build a blog website super quickly using Storyblok, a headless CMS that offers a real-time preview feature with nestable component approach, and Astro (3.0) which is already creating a buzz with the new app directory. 
- Master headless CMS fundamentals- Master an Astro & headless CMS approach- Use Atomic design in your Astro & Storyblok application- Creating pages, adding content and understanding how the dynamic routing works with headless
Go From Zero To Hero: Be Cross-Platform Devs With React Native
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
10 min
Go From Zero To Hero: Be Cross-Platform Devs With React Native
Watch video: Go From Zero To Hero: Be Cross-Platform Devs With React Native
We know if we have the fundamental of JavaScript and React knowledge, we can build cross-platform apps. But how many of you have tried out? Learning once and shipping for several operating systems sounds so cool. Don’t you want to experience how it’s easy to transfer your JS & React knowledge and powerful built-in APIs to extend your dev skills? In this talk, we’ll see some facts from a developer perspective and a few examples of how you can transfer your JS & React knowledge.
i18n Was the Missing Piece: Let 70%+ of the Users in the World to Access Your Apps
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
13 min
i18n Was the Missing Piece: Let 70%+ of the Users in the World to Access Your Apps
Accessibility, better DX, and performance get a lot of attention as it improves better UX significantly. Plus, it gives satisfaction to devs by seeing the significant improvements. But how about internationalization? A fun fact: Over 70% of the users in the world access non-English content. In this talk, I'll show you more surprising facts about internationalization and what are scalable approaches. You'll see examples with libraries for frameworks with a few different logic to implement different internationalization layouts.
Let’s Remix to Localize Content!
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
28 min
Let’s Remix to Localize Content!
Have you ever wished to have a flexible approach to localize your content to scale easily? Join my talk, and I'll show you multiple strategies to translate and localize your content with Remix. I'll share with you flexible dynamic route options from Remix to generate localized content in a practical way, including a headless approach demo and how to scale your solution in the future. Let’s “Remix” to localize your content!
Crash Course into the Jamstack with Next.js & Storyblok
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
161 min
Crash Course into the Jamstack with Next.js & Storyblok
You might have read already about Jamstack. You probably already used Next.js, and recently you may be hearing a lot about the headless CMSs. This quick course will put all the pieces together and show you why Storyblok, combined with Next.js, is the best combo for your next project. Stop by and try it yourself!
- In-depth Jamstack knowledge. How it changed from old times to the modern world. Learn how Jamstack was created by comparing Static Sites and Dynamic Sites.- How Next.js serves content, and how content is served with Static Site Generation (SSG).- Atomic design methodology, and how this is applied to the content management system.- Hands-on project experience by building a Jamstack project with Next.js and Storyblok.
Prerequisites- Any Text . Visual Studio Code recommended- Node.js LTS- NPM or Yarn- GitHub account- Vercel account- Familiarity with JavaScript, React, and Git. Having worked with Next.js before is a plus
What's included1. Introduction and overview of the workshop2. Introduction to Jamstack3. Introduction to Atomic Design4. Overview of Headless CMS5. Introduction to Storyblok6. Next.js app creation7. Storyblok space creation8. Next.js and Storyblok connection9. Custom components creation10.First-page creation11. Introduction to Visual 12. Dynamic pages addition13. Blog section creation14. Deployment on Vercel
Let’s Remix to Localize Content!
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
36 min
Let’s Remix to Localize Content!
Have you ever wished to have a flexible approach to localize your content to scale easily? Join my talk, and I'll show you multiple strategies to translate and localize your content with Remix. I'll share with you flexible dynamic route options from Remix to generate localized content in a practical way, including a headless approach demo and how to scale your solution in the future. Let's "Remix" to localize your content!
Crash Course into Remix & Storyblok
Remix Conf Europe 2022Remix Conf Europe 2022
162 min
Crash Course into Remix & Storyblok
You may read already about Remix. You probably already used it, and recently you may hear a lot about the headless CMSs. In this quick course, we will put all the pieces together, and I will show you why Storyblok in combination with Remix is the best combo for your next project. Stop by and try it yourself!
Table of content: - Introduction to Remix, atomic design & the headless world- Environment setup- Creating pages and understanding how the dynamic routing splat routes works- Future tips and Q&A
Prerequisite(s): Node.js installed, GitHub account.