- React Bricks: why we built it, what it is and how it works
- Create a free account
- Create a new project with Next.js and Tailwind
- Explore the directory structure
- Anatomy of a Brick
- Create a new Brick (Text-Image)
- Add a title and description with RichText visual editing
- Add an Image with visual editing
- Add Sidebar controls to edit props (padding and image side)
- Nesting Bricks using the Repeater component
- Create an Image gallery brick
- Publish on Netlify or Vercel
- Page Types and Custom fields
- Access Page meta values
- Internationalization
- How to reuse content across pages: Stories and Embeds
- How to create an E-commerce with Products’ data from an external database and landing pages created visually in React Bricks
- Advanced enterprise features: flexible permissions, locked structure, custom visual components
This workshop has been presented at React Summit 2023, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.