#pinia react
Everything Beyond State Management in Stores with Pinia
Vue.js London Live 2021

34 min
Everything Beyond State Management in Stores with Pinia
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State management is not limited to complex applications and transitioning to a store offers significant benefits. Pinia is a centralized state management solution compatible with Vue 2 and Vue 3, providing advanced devtools support and extensibility with plugins. The core API of Pinia is similar to Vuex, but with a less verbose version of stores and powerful plugins. Pinia allows for easy state inspection, error handling, and testing. It is recommended to create one file per store for better organization and Pinia offers a more efficient performance compared to V-rex.
Proven Pinia Patterns
Vue.js London 2023

20 min
Proven Pinia Patterns
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Pinnia is a lighter, more modular state management solution for Vue apps, offering consistent patterns, TypeScript support, and an intuitive developer experience. PINIA encourages splitting state into manageable domains, improving code splitting, type inferences, team collaboration, and debugging clarity. Pinia provides flexibility in accessing and mutating state, with different approaches for option and setup stores. It also offers features like patch, reset, and onAction methods. Vue Mastery offers comprehensive Pinnia courses and resources for fast learning.
Vuex to Pinia. How to Migrate an Existing App
Vue.js London 2023

24 min
Vuex to Pinia. How to Migrate an Existing App
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Pinia is the officially recognized state management library for Vue.js, with a simpler API than VueX and TypeScript support. Migrating to Pinia involves creating a root store, defining stores, and using store2refs or the exported use store in components. Testing real store behavior requires creating a Pinia instance, while component testing involves importing useStore and using mapState and mapAction from vigname. Migrating tests involves creating a local view and using the Pinia plugin, and Vuex and Pinia can coexist but should be migrated module by module. Store persistence can be achieved through subscribing to store changes or using a watcher.