#react games

Vladimir Novick
Vladimir Novick
Independent Consultant
Talk: Run Games Within Your React Native Apps
Johannes Goslar
Johannes Goslar
Talk: Marrying WASM/WebGL Games with React UI
Felix Wotschofsky
Felix Wotschofsky
CODE University of Applied Sciences
Talk: Hacking JSX: Building in Minecraft with React
Jorge Rubiano
Jorge Rubiano
Talk: Game Development with ReactJS, CSS, and React Three Fiber
Maya Nedeljković Batić
Maya Nedeljković Batić
Talk: Multiplayer Games with React Three Fiber and WebSockets
Kris Baumgartner
Kris Baumgartner
Poimandres collective
Talk: From Websites to Games: The Future of React Three Fiber
Bjarke Felbo
Bjarke Felbo
Talk: React Jam and Why React Is Awesome for Making Games