
Storybook is a tool used to develop and design user interfaces (UI) in JavaScript. It allows developers to create components that can be reused throughout their application, as well as visualize how the UI will look and behave before it goes live. Storybook also enables developers to quickly prototype and iterate on their designs with hot-reloading of changes. Storybook also offers a number of add-ons that allow developers to easily integrate testing and automation tools into their workflow.
Michael Chan
Michael Chan
React Podcast
Talk: Tame the Component Multiverse
Tally Barak
Tally Barak
Talk: Zen and the Art of UI Components Testing
David S. Price
David S. Price
Talk: Design-Driven Full-stack: an End-to-End Dev Workflow that Scales
Shaun Evening
Shaun Evening
Talk: Defeat Decision Paralysis: Building a Killer Design System in Isolation
Norbert de Langen
Norbert de Langen
Talk: How We Test Storybook Itself
Reuben Ellis
Reuben Ellis
Talk: Visual Testing: Optimize Storybook and Win