Hi, everyone. I hope you're having a lovely conference so far. My name is Jenny, and I'm an engineer at Figma. I'm based in Leeds, in the UK, so for those of you that didn't know Figma had a product team in Europe, now you know, and welcome to this talk on Figma's widget Code Generator. We're going to be using it to build a FigJam widget and then talk about how it was made.
On my screen now, you can see FigJam. This is Figma's online collaborative whiteboard tool where I can do things like add a post-it note, I can do some drawing, most importantly for this talk, I can add a widget. There we go. This can be seen and interacted with by everyone that is in the file, which at the moment is unfortunately just me. And they aren't just restricted to the existing widgets. So to make FigJam files as fun and as flexible as possible, there is a public widget API, a component-based API, quite similar to React, which allows you to write your own widgets. And that's what we're going to do now.
So I've got, if we go into Figma design, I've got my design for my widget here. It's just going to be a simple voting widget with a button here that you press to vote and that will increase the number of total votes so far and then put your little profile picture into a circle and line them up all along the bottom for however many times you voted. So, and then also I've got a code editor on the other side and this is the code for what my widget project looks like. Again, it's super simple. I'm going to write all of my code in code.tsx and I've got a package.json file with a couple of scripts. The one that we want is watch. So, if I run that now, npm run watch, it should start my widget running, put all its compiled code into code.js, and if I go back into FigJam, I can run my widget by going widgets, development, simple vote, and there we go, it says, hello, I am a widget, which is what the widget function is returning. And I can add some exclamation marks to this and they'll update in real time. So, hopefully this widget code is quite familiar to you. It looks just like React using JSX components and some specific Figma layout tags.
So, if we go back to our design, if we wanted to start coding this from scratch, we'd have to go through and look at our simple vote layout and see that it's a frame with auto layout set. So, we'd have to start adding an auto layout and then we'd have to look at the properties in that auto layout like the gap of four and put this in as spacing and you can see it would take quite a long time. So, earlier this year, I helped as part of our biannual maker week to create a widget code generator plugin and if we run that, this is available to everyone on Figma community, so if you just google Figma's widget code generator, this is something you can install yourself onto your Figma app. But if we run it here, and I'll just minimize this window, run it, and click on the thing that we want to get the code for, so our simple vote widget, you can see it generates all of these components for us, with a layout that looks pretty similar to the layout of the layers in Figma, and we can copy all of that and paste it into our text editor. It's complaining about avatar, so we'll just comment that out and come back to it in a minute. But what we've got is a function called Simple Vote. So if we take this Simple Vote component and then use it inside our main widget code, we'll go back to Big Jam, it's starting to look quite like our design already, isn't it? We've got the gradient, we've got the text, it's all laid out in the right place, but we're missing the pictures along the bottom, and that has probably got something to do with the thing that I just commented out.