Mark Erikson

Mark Erikson

Mark Erikson is a Senior Front-End Engineer at Replay, and lives in southwest Ohio, USA. Mark is a Redux maintainer, creator of Redux Toolkit, and general keeper of the Redux docs. He tweets at @acemarke, and blogs at He spends much of his time answering questions about React and Redux anywhere there's a comment box on the internet, and usually hangs out in the Reactiflux chat channels.
Maintaining a Library and a Community
React Summit US 2024React Summit US 2024
Maintaining a Library and a Community
Anyone can publish a library to NPM. But what happens when that library is used by millions of developers? How do you juggle the complexities of publishing one of the most widely used packages in the ecosystem, and also deal with supporting and maintaining a community?

We'll look at the mindset and and approach to dealing with these challenges and what it means to be a "maintainer" today, including practices for providing user support across platforms, keeping a "devrel" mindset, designing documentation, designing features and APIs, how to consider package versioning and compatibility, when to ship breaking changes, technical challenges with publishing packages, and keeping up with the ever-evolving ecosystem.
Designing Effective Documentation: Lessons Learned Building the Redux Docs
React Advanced Conference 2024React Advanced Conference 2024
Designing Effective Documentation: Lessons Learned Building the Redux Docs
You've just finished building a brand-new blazing fast JS library and can't wait to publish it to NPM. But hold on a minute - what about the docs? Sure, anyone can slap together a README with some example code snippets, but have you actually thought about how to actually design the docs themselves?Join Redux maintainer Mark Erikson as we look at ways to effectively structure and write documentation to help your users learn and understand how to use your tools, based on years of experience building the Redux docs.  We'll talk about patterns for organizing categories of documentation, tips for making the docs easier to read and understand, useful tools for working with docs content, and more!
Why You Should Use Redux in 2024
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
33 min
Why You Should Use Redux in 2024
Top Content
I've always avoided trying to do sales pitches for Redux, and tbh most of my time has been spent telling people when they _shouldn't_ use Redux :) But I still see lots of folks asking "_when_ should I use Redux?", and "how does Redux compare to $OTHER_TOOL?". So, I figure it's worth actually doing a talk where I cover the actual benefits and reasons to consider using Redux today.
What's New in Redux Toolkit 2.0
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
8 min
What's New in Redux Toolkit 2.0
Watch video: What's New in Redux Toolkit 2.0
Redux Toolkit 2.0 is here! Find out what's changedand why, the work that's gone into repackaging the Redux libraries, an overview of new features and breaking changes, and a look at future plans.
Modern Redux With Redux Toolkit
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
7 min
Modern Redux With Redux Toolkit
Watch video: Modern Redux With Redux Toolkit
Redux Toolkit 2.0 is coming Soon (TM)! Find out what's changing and why, the work that's gone into repackaging the Redux libraries, an overview of new features and breaking changes, and the latest status on the release plans.
Building Better React Debugging with Replay Analysis
React Advanced Conference 2023React Advanced Conference 2023
31 min
Building Better React Debugging with Replay Analysis
Watch video: Building Better React Debugging with Replay Analysis
React's component model and one-way data flow give us a great mental model for building our apps, but debugging React apps can still be confusing. React's internals are a black box, and it's often hard to understand why components rendered or what caused errors.
The Replay time-travel debugger makes it easier to debug React apps by letting you inspect what's happening at any point in time. But what if we could go beyond the usual debugger features, and build new debugging features that tell us more about what React is doing? Let's see how Replay's API makes that possible.
Publishing TS Libraries for Fun and Profit
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
31 min
Publishing TS Libraries for Fun and Profit
Publishing libraries to NPM is easy - just `tsc && npm publish` and you're done, right?

Whoops, you forgot proper ESM compat. And a user is asking for a UMD build. And it doesn't work in Webpack 4. And `moduleResolution: "node16"` can't find the types.

Publishing libraries today is _complicated_. We'll take a look at the many problems and questions you should consider when publishing a package, and some hard-earned possible answers to those questions.type
Debugging JS
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
24 min
Debugging JS
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Watch video: Debugging JS
As developers, we spend much of our time debugging apps - often code we didn't even write. Sadly, few developers have ever been taught how to approach debugging - it's something most of us learn through painful experience.  The good news is you _can_ learn how to debug effectively, and there's several key techniques and tools you can use for debugging JS and React apps.
A Guide to React Rendering Behavior
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
25 min
A Guide to React Rendering Behavior
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React is a library for "rendering" UI from components, but many users find themselves confused about how React rendering actually works. What do terms like "rendering", "reconciliation", "Fibers", and "committing" actually mean? When do renders happen? How does Context affect rendering, and how do libraries like Redux cause updates? In this talk, we'll clear up the confusion and provide a solid foundation for understanding when, why, and how React renders. We'll look at: - What "rendering" actually is - How React queues renders and the standard rendering behavior - How keys and component types are used in rendering - Techniques for optimizing render performance - How context usage affects rendering behavior| - How external libraries tie into React rendering
Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
30 min
Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
Top Content
Maintaining widely-used JS libraries is already complicated, and TypeScript adds an additional set of challenges.

Join Redux maintainer Mark Erikson for a look at some of the unique problems TS library maintainers face, and how the Redux team has handled those problems. We'll cover:

- Tradeoffs of different ways to define TS types for a library
- How to target different versions of TS, and considerations for determining the supported version range
- Migrating existing JS libraries to TS
- Differences between writing "app" types and "library" types
- Managing and versioning public types APIs
- Tips and tricks used by types from the Redux libraries
- TS limitations and possible language-level improvements