Fighting Test Flakiness with Time Machines

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What would you do differently if you could travel back in time? Modern testing frameworks have transformed this whimsical question into a practical one, by creating their own “time machines”.Cypress’ timeline, Playwright’s trace-viewer and’s recordings have offered a retrospective look into the life of a test, ensuring that developers and testers are no longer limited to basic error messages on test failures.

However, these different time machines will bring different insights. So how do you decide? The decision on which one to use can make a significant difference in time spent on debugging a flaky test.In this presentation I will be focusing on comparing different time machine solutions and showing various flaky test examples to demonstrate how to navigate through debugging process and believe it or not - make it fun.Key Takeaways:

  • - learn about how different time machine solutions work
  • - discover how to effectively use time machines to debug a flaky test
  • - find out about sources of flakiness within the test and within the application under test

This talk has been presented at TestJS Summit 2023, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


The main theme of the talk is about fighting test flakiness using time machines, a metaphor for tools and techniques that allow developers to analyze and debug tests by reviewing past states and actions within software applications.

Time machines in test automation allow for capturing snapshots of tests at various stages, helping to identify and analyze the conditions under which tests fail. This can reveal subtleties that might not be evident in real-time testing, thus aiding in making tests more stable and reliable.

Common challenges include lack of sufficient information to replicate issues, difficulty in communication among team members, and the inherent complexity of recreating past conditions accurately. These factors often lead to issues being unresolved or inconsistently reproduced. enables developers to capture a failing test once and then review it multiple times to understand the issue deeply. This reduces the need to replicate the flaky behavior repeatedly, saving time and increasing the accuracy of debugging efforts.

The advantages include the ability to observe detailed application behavior at the moment of test failure, better replication of issues through historical snapshots, and enhanced collaboration among team members by sharing exact failing conditions.

Yes, can be integrated with test frameworks such as Cypress and Playwright. It allows for automatic creation of recordings during test runs, which can then be used to analyze and debug failing tests more effectively.

A practical approach is to run all tests and rerun only the subset that fails with enabled. This helps in capturing and analyzing the problematic tests in detail, allowing for precise debugging and resolution of issues causing the flakiness. is a tool that provides a time-traveling debugger, allowing developers to record application behavior and then replay it within development tools. This facilitates a detailed examination of state and code execution over time, helping to pinpoint the root causes of bugs more effectively.

Filip Hric
Filip Hric
29 min
07 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription
The Talk discusses the importance of learning from the past in software testing and troubleshooting test flakiness. It highlights the challenges of using memory and communication to gather information. The introduction of, a time-traveling debugger, is proposed as a solution. The benefits of using Replay Chromium for recording and debugging, as well as the features of the Replay debugger, are emphasized. The Talk also addresses the relationship between test flakiness and app flakiness, and the significance of simulating real-world scenarios in testing.

1. Learning from the Past

Short description:

The answer to how I manage that with 4Kids is magic, and that magic is my wife. The topic is fighting test flakiness with time machines. We learn from the past. A lot of testing is actually the process of learning from the past. If you are doing SRE, you probably have conducted like a post-mortem meeting after an incident. How to learn from the past? We can either use our own memories, try to recall what has happened. We can talk to someone who witnessed something of interest. We can try again. We can try to recreate the past.

Thank you. Thank you very much. The answer to how I manage that with 4Kids is magic, and that magic is my wife.

All right. So, the topic is fighting test flakiness with time machines. So I have a question for you, for the very beginning. Would you like to travel back in time? Raise your hands. Who would like to travel back in time? All right. What would you like to do if you would travel back in time? Change the project that you're working on? That's a very software development answer. Who else? We got anyone else who raised their hand? You can shout out. Buy some Bitcoins. Buy some Bitcoins, all right. Those are great answers.

For me, actually, I would go to my own life and apply the knowledge that I have today. So yeah, maybe buy some Bitcoins or, you know, like when I'm arguing with my brother and I have a clever comeback, but like three months later, I would want to use that, you know, so like there, there you go. The point is, that I'm trying to make, is that we learn from the past. We are now at TestJS Summit and you might ask, like, what does this time traveling have to do with anything? It's that we learn from the past. If we can time travel and apply the knowledge we have today, we can do better. A lot of testing is actually the process of learning from the past. For example, if you write a bug report, you document the things that happened, you try to look into the past, and so you can try to fix them. With test automation, we use all kinds of different data and see traces of the test run. We, again, look into the past and apply that knowledge. If you are doing SRE, you probably have conducted like a post-mortem meeting after an incident. And all that is basically learning from the past.

All right, so now the question. How to learn from the past? If you think about it, we only have like a couple of options. We can either use our own memories, try to recall what has happened. We can talk to someone who witnessed something of interest. We can try again. We can try to recreate the past.

2. Using Memory and Communication

Short description:

Or we can use a time machine. And all of these ways of traveling into the past are good, but they have some flaws. The biggest problem is that even with all of this information, it might still not be enough. This often leads to an issue which many of us already had. You might lack information, clear communication, and technical knowledge. So, let's move on to the next point.

Or we can use a time machine. And we do actually have time machines and I'm going to be talking about them. And all of these ways of traveling into the past are good, but they have some flaws.

So let's go to the first one, using your memory. So if you're writing a bug report, I recently asked on LinkedIn, how do you write a bug report? And these are like the different answers that came in, what the bug report should do. And it's a lot. And I haven't even included everything. It's like descriptions, steps to reproduce, screenshots, videos, desired behavior, et cetera, et cetera. The biggest problem is that even with all of this information, it might still not be enough.

Which leads me to the other thing, talking to someone. Especially this happens in a team where the testing and fixing the bug or reproducing and fixing the bug is distributed among many different people or more people. And there's a communication bridge we need to create. And communication is hard. It's no easy task. And even in real life, if you want to talk to someone, let alone if you want to try to convey complex information.

This often leads to an issue which many of us already had. Could not replicate moving to backlog. Anyone has experienced this? Yeah? Okay. Then it's not just me. And it can be so annoying for all parties involved. Oftentimes, you can have amazingly smart people, and it would still happen. Like a couple of hands raised here. You are all smart people and it has happened to you. And by no fault of your own, you might lack information, you might lack clear communication, you might lack technical knowledge. And again, by no fault of your own, there's always something that can get in the way of finding the issue and then fixing the issue and learning from the past. Learning what happened.

So, again, talking to someone overall is great. But when you want to learn from the past. But also has some flaws. So, let's move on to the next point.


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