Another question here that's been getting a lot of love. How do you give feedback if you feel you only have bad things to say? Oh, that's a good question. So my first question is going to be, is there anything that person does that you think they should keep doing? Because even if you have nothing good about what they do, let's say, like, they have a lot of mistakes in their changes, they don't document, they don't communicate well, is there anything that they do that you think brings value to the team? Because sometimes some of those values might be a little more, I want to say subtle, but it's just not obvious. Perhaps they are a unique thinker. The way they think, the way they approach a problem or they just, they do things very quickly because they have a set of commands that they are used to using and it's just in their toolbox, they use it so much that they use it without thinking. And that's a good thing. It's just not good because it's almost like they did everything in this black box and nobody knows what happened. And so when we can acknowledge some of those things that it is good in a sense, but it could be better if it is, say, shared with other people or explained a little more, then I think there is at least some room for us to figure out what we can learn, what we can acknowledge or give positive feedback. Because I think ultimately, no matter which team you're working on, there's always something that we can learn from people, even though it's not the obvious, oh, this person codes very fast, or this person comes up with very good quality code, whatever it is, there are things that we can learn and I think it will take a little bit of time to notice those things.
So I have a personal question here I want to ask before I get to the next one. How do you feel your education background brought sort of like, you know, some skills to this position and specifically this talk that you have? That's a very broad question that I feel like I can talk about it for hours. But I think the number one thing I learned from education and how I think it translates to my work today is that when I was an educator, I care a lot about really fulfilling everybody's potential, helping every single student to fulfill their potential. And I think because I had no coding experience when I was teaching, software development felt like just a black box. I was thinking how, how do I do this? I studied piano performance in college. Like my last math class was in high school. How could I even do this? But then as I continued on my journey in software development, I've noticed that software is this tool that allows people to create things and to fulfill their potential just in a different way. Instead of just learning things, you're building things. And so I think that is very similar and it motivates me.
Now this will be the last question. And it's the following, when using the sales strategy, what things should we consider to make sure everyone reviews the document? So depending on your team, if you are on Slack, linking it in Slack, I think when I think about my team as an example, if I want to make sure somebody will read my document, I will actually DM them and I will remind them to leave comments. I understand the challenge because it can be and we have so many of them. So depending on how your team organizes your documents as well, I would encourage people to include the link of the document in multiple places. Because one of the experiences I had before is I wrote a document about an issue. I thought everybody read it, but they didn't. It was in the issue and somebody went into the meeting asking questions that you're just like, yeah, you did not read it at all. And so when that happens, it frustrates me a little, but I also think that maybe sometimes, especially if you work with people who are outside of your team, if you have cross collaboration, it might help to just tell them exactly where the link is because they might not be used to where things are. So overall, maybe a little bit more reminders would be my suggestion. Awesome. Thank you very much for your time. There were a lot of questions, so I would suggest that I'm assuming because you shared your information, if you do want to ask some additional questions to Karen, I guess hit you on LinkedIn. Is that correct? Yes. And that being said, once again, I do want to thank you for your time. Congratulations on your first talk. Did she do well or what?