GraphQL Caching Demystified

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How would you implement a performant GraphQL cache? How can we design a good algorithm for it? Is there a good Open Source solution that is efficient, scalable and easy to deploy? How is the caching key computed? What about cache invalidations? Would it be possible to deduplicate resolver execution? This might be seen as daunting but in reality is all code and algorithms.

In this talk we are going to walk through a GraphQL caching system that we have developed for Mercurius - one of the fastest GraphQL servers for Node.js.

This talk has been presented at GraphQL Galaxy 2021, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


GraphQL caching involves storing the result of queries to improve performance and reduce load times by reusing previously fetched data rather than making new requests to the data source each time the same information is requested.

Deduplication improves GraphQL performance by preventing the same resolver from being executed multiple times for identical requests within a short time frame, thus reducing unnecessary computations and enhancing speed.

AutoCANON is a tool created by Matteo Collina for performing load testing in JavaScript. It is used to simulate high traffic and measure the performance and scalability of web services under load.

A good cache key uniquely identifies each resolver's result set in a consistent manner, allowing for effective caching and retrieval of data. It's crucial for ensuring the correctness and efficiency of the cache system in GraphQL applications.

The AsyncCacheDupe module automatically handles deduplication and caching of resolver results in GraphQL, thus enhancing performance by avoiding repeated resolver executions and managing data effectively in the cache.

Matteo Collina is a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee and the Chief Software Architect at NearForm. He is an expert in Node.js, JavaScript, and GraphQL.

Mercurius is a GraphQL adapter that can run on top of Fastify. It integrates with the GraphQL JIT library to compile queries just-in-time, enhancing execution speed. It also supports full federation as both a gateway and a microservice.

Matteo Collina recommends using Fastify, a fast web framework for Node.js, Mercurius for GraphQL JIT compilation, and AutoCANON for load testing to improve GraphQL performance.

Matteo Collina
Matteo Collina
21 min
10 Dec, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription
Today's Talk focuses on GraphQL caching and improving performance using Fastify and Mercurius. The experiment involves federated services, resolver caching, and load testing with AutoCANON. Enabling caching with a 0 second TTL can increase throughput by 4 times. The AsyncCacheDedupe module allows for efficient caching and avoiding unnecessary computations. Redis pipelining has improved requests per second by 100 times. Cache invalidation is an ongoing topic of development.
Available in Español: GraphQL Caching Desmitificado

1. Introduction to GraphQL Caching

Short description:

Today, Matteo Collina will talk about GraphQL caching and how to improve the performance of your GraphQL gateway by four times. He will use Fastify, one of the fastest web frameworks for Node.js, and Mercurius, the GraphQL adapter that runs on top of Fastify and integrates with the GraphQL JIT library for faster query execution.

Hi, everyone. I am Matteo Collina, and today I'm going to talk to you about GraphQL caching. Before we start, please follow me on Twitter at matteocollina. You can find it on the slide, so hey, here I am. I talk a lot about Node.js, JavaScript, GraphQL, open source, all the things, so I don't know, you might find it interesting.

So today we are going to talk about GraphQL, before we start, though, oh, one more thing. I follow my newsletter, Adventures in Node-Land, Who I am? I'm Matteo, I'm part of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee, and Chief Software Architect at a company called NearForm. Check us out, we are hiring, doing a lot for GraphQL, so if you want, it's a good company.

Anyway, going a little bit further, back when I was a kid in the 90s, yes, I am telling how old I am, I was really, really, really impressed by this show by David Copperfield, and I don't know about you, but I always wanted to be, I was fascinated by magic, right? So, and, you know, how to make things disappear, how to make things, you know, fly, whatever. It's very, very interesting and I found them very entertaining, the shows. And in fact, there is a lot of hard work behind magic, right? So in this talk, we are going to talk about magic and we are going to make things disappear. So in fact, we are going to apply magic to GraphQL. So we are going to show how to improve the performance of your GraphQL gateway by four times. How? By making things disappear.

So, how? Well, let's talk a little bit about the tool of the craft. We need tools, right? We need things that we're going to use for this little demonstration. So first of all, we are going to use Fastify. Fastify is one of the fastest web frameworks for Node.js. It's very easy to use. It's similar to Express, but more modern, faster. It has more features. All things that you will need. It's great! Check it out. We are going to use Mercurius. Mercurius is the GraphQL adapter that you can run on top of Fastify. It's cool. Mercurius offers a few interesting features that makes it unique. First of all, it integrates with the GraphQL JIT library, so that we can take your query and do just-in-time compilation for your query, so that it can execute way faster. And so on.

2. Tools, Experiment, and Magic

Short description:

The tools discussed include a library called AutoCANON for load testing in JavaScript. The experiment involves two services federated by a gateway, offering user and post objects. The just-in-time compiler and cache module will be used to enable resolver caching. The service is a simple user object with an ID and a name. Live load testing will be performed on dedicated hardware.

It also does a little bit more things like that for performance and speed reasons. It's great. So check it out. Oh, it also supports the full federation, both as a gateway or as a microservice.

So last tool of the craft is a library called AutoCANON. AutoCANON is a tool that I wrote long ago to do some load testing. And you can use this to skip things in JavaScript. So it's to skip load testing in JavaScript. It's great. I use that a lot of times. So these are our tools, right?

Okay. So we're going to use these three things. So let's talk a little bit about our experiment. We have two services that are federated by a gateway. And one offers the user object, and the other one offers the post object. And we are going to use the just-in-time compiler, and we will enable the cache for the resolver depending on our algorithms. So we can run multiple experiments, right? You can see it here. You can run multiple experiments. And see the impact of this cache module, what does this module look like? So let's see where things disappear or reappear.

What's the service? Well, this is an example of the service. Literally, it's a user object that has an ID and a name. Very simple, okay? It's nothing special here.

So it's time for some magic. Are you ready for the magic? Let's make things disappear. So how? Well, let's go back into our terminal. So this is connected to my server. So it's running on dedicated hardware. So I'm going to do live load testing. Oh, wow.

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