From GraphQL Zero to GraphQL Hero with RedwoodJS

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Redwood.js is a full stack app framework designed for rapid prototyping and building startups. It uses a React-based front end and a Node.js back end. To start a new Redwood.js application, use 'yarn create redwood-app' followed by your application name. Prisma manages database interactions, and you can run 'yarn redwood prisma migrate-dev' to apply migrations. Redwood.js simplifies GraphQL API development by mapping SDL queries and mutations to JavaScript functions in the service layer. It offers integrated testing, depth limiting, and secure-by-default functionalities. You can generate scaffolds for CRUD operations using 'yarn redwood g scaffold'. While still in the release candidate phase, Redwood.js is stable enough for production use. It supports various authentication mechanisms and plans to expand to multiple frontend frameworks. Contributing to the project is encouraged, as it is open-source under the MIT license.

From Author:

We all love GraphQL, but it can be daunting to get a server up and running and keep your code organized, maintainable, and testable over the long term. No more! Come watch as I go from an empty directory to a fully fledged GraphQL API in minutes flat. Plus, see how easy it is to use and create directives to clean up your code even more. You're gonna love GraphQL even more once you make things Redwood Easy!

This talk has been presented at GraphQL Galaxy 2021, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


Redwood.js is a full stack app framework designed for rapid prototyping and building startups. It consists of a React-based front end and a Node.js based back end, utilizing Apollo Client, GraphQL Helix, Envelop, and Prisma for database management.

To create a new Redwood.js application, use the command 'yarn create Redwood app' followed by your application name. This sets up the necessary folder structure and installs dependencies.

After defining your database schema, run 'yarn Redwood Prisma migrate-dev' to apply migrations. Then, use 'yarn Redwood Prisma db seed' to populate your database with initial data.

Redwood.js simplifies GraphQL API development by automatically mapping SDL queries and mutations to corresponding JavaScript functions in the service layer. It uses GraphQL Helix and Envelop to facilitate the server-side operations.

Redwood.js offers a streamlined setup for GraphQL APIs, integrated testing, depth limiting to prevent abuse, secure-by-default functionalities, and easy integration with various authentication mechanisms.

Use the command 'yarn redwood g' followed by 'scaffold' and the name of the entity to automatically generate CRUD operations for both front-end and back-end, enhancing rapid development.

While Redwood.js is still in the release candidate phase and not yet version 1.0, it is stable enough for production, with many startups already using it actively for development.

Redwood.js uses directives like 'require auth' to secure GraphQL queries and mutations, ensuring that operations are authenticated and authorized according to custom logic defined within the framework.

Currently, Redwood.js supports a React-based frontend but plans to expand to support multiple frontend frameworks and technologies, enhancing flexibility for developers.

Yes, Redwood.js is an open-source project under the MIT license, welcoming contributions from developers. Interested individuals can contribute to its development by submitting pull requests and participating in community discussions.

Tom Preston-Werner
Tom Preston-Werner
32 min
09 Dec, 2021


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Video Transcription

1. Introduction to Redwood.js

Short description:

Tom Pressenwurter introduces Redwood.js, a full stack app framework for building GraphQL APIs easily and maintainably.

♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ Hey, everyone. Tom Pressenwurter here with a simple question for you. What's the easiest way to get a GraphQL API up and running? We all love GraphQL, but it can feel a little daunting sometimes to get a project going. And here's another question. Can it be easy and maintainable? Can you keep things in an orderly fashion over the long term? Well, that's where Redwood.js comes in. Redwood.js is a full stack app framework, perfect for everything from rapid prototyping to building startups. I've been working on it for the past two years, and I think it's become something really useful, both on the front end and the back end.

2. Redwood.js Application Overview and Setup

Short description:

Tom Pressenwurter demonstrates a Redwood.js application, with a React-based front end and a Node.js API on the back end. Prisma is used for database communication. He then creates a new Redwood.js app called 'tracks' and sets up the development environment.

Let me show you what a Redwood.js application looks like. On the front end, we have a web application, single page app, React-based. And on the back end we have a Node.js based API written in JavaScript or TypeScript. The front end talks to the back end using Apollo Client and speaks GraphQL to the back end where we use GraphQL Helix and Envelop to create the GraphQL server.

In your business logic, you'll use Prisma to talk to a database. While Redwood.js provides the front end and the back end, today I'm gonna focus mostly on the back end and creating the GraphQL API. So let's go look at some code.

Okay, so the first thing I'm gonna do is create a new Redwood.js app using yarn create Redwood app, and I'm gonna make a simple music app. So I'm gonna call it tracks. This is going to fetch all the dependencies. Run yarn install, et cetera. Usually takes a little while, so let me speed that up for you. There we go. I'm gonna go into that directory and I'm gonna open up VS code from there. First thing I'm gonna do, I'm gonna grab a terminal window here and I'm gonna make this a git repository so you can more easily see what files I'm changing.


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