If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ping me on the conference Discord or reach out on Twitter or ask in the Q&A. My DMs are open and I look forward to seeing you on the internet.
Hey, so great talk and without further ado, I think we should jump right into the audience questions and the first question is from Rada. Oh sorry, I'm looking at the wrong questions. It's from Nikin. Is there any extra implementation needed to use the add underscore functions or do they come with Apollo Server?
Yeah, that's a great question. So, that is a set of directives that come with a package called graphql-loadash and graphql-loadash is not packaged directly with Apollo Server but you can absolutely use these two things together. Graphql-loadash is just its own npm package. But the tool that I was showing you all to write those queries is called the, we call it the explorer, it's in Apollo Studio and if you query through the explorer, the explorer actually extends the schema that you're using with those directives automatically. So, you can do kind of front-end queries with graphql-loadash using the explorer but if you're using another query tool you would need to add that to your server.
Okay. Thanks for the question, Deegan. Next question is from TheWorstDef, that's a great nickname. Are there any noticeable performance issues with graphql-loadash? That's a good question. So, most of my usage of graphql-loadash has actually been on the front end, in the explorer. And so the ways in which it has been slow have been when you're querying a large amount of data that you then transform on the front end. And the slowness there, I would not attribute to graphql-loadash. It's mostly just large amounts of data coming over the wire. But I imagine if you put graphql-loadash on your server, it would be much better, much different and better performance-wise. But the challenges that you'll have there, then if you use graphql-loadash and you provide that to your clients, then you're going to be breaking the spec in other ways. So you want to be specific about where you use it and why you're choosing to use it.
Okay, and then the worst dev, who is now hopefully the best dev, has a follow-up question also. What other types of visualizations make sense? Would something like charts ever be in Explorer? I have a dream that charts would one day be in the Explorer, but they're not right now. But you can imagine all sorts of things. Like if you get a array of data back and it's all numbers, why wouldn't we give you a chart? Why wouldn't we have ways that you could transform your results to see them more visually? So yes, having charts in the Explorer is like a pipe dream of mine, though to actually bring that to fruition and make it practical for everyone and kind of a generic use case I think could be a little bit of a challenging problem. But not one that's, you know, not doable. You gotta put the bar really high right for yourself and make it work. But maybe the worst death can just help you out.
That's true. I also, I was thinking while watching the talk, is this way of working something you cooked up in your own brain or is it something that you're doing at Apollo or maybe at one of your previous employers? Yeah.