I'm actually, I'm not sure about that, but Envelope and GraphQL-Leoga do support defer and stream and also many other new features of GraphQL that are, even if they're not in the spec, like part of the thing in Envelope, it's kind of like the Babel of GraphQL, so you could use features that are not necessarily in the spec yet and then use it already today. We use it for a couple of months already, especially defer, it's like a very powerful feature and we like it a lot. If anyone watched like the relay talk on the React conf yesterday, relay has defer support, so if you want to use that, you could definitely use it with the envelope in GraphQL Yoga.
Cool. All right, let's jump over to the real Q&A. We have a question from Alexander Vaurvik, who's also speaking later today. Are there specific JavaScript language features that the system depends on? Do you think this method of working could be applied to other languages? Yeah, that's a great question. We do think, and we also have plans, so one of the things we want to do is to, first of all, part of the reason I'm giving this talk is for other people in the community from other ecosystems to look at this approach, because we think just the approach itself should be great and, like, is great, at least in our opinion, and should be copied into other frameworks in other languages, but we also have actually plans to kind of, like, let's say, add plugins to GraphQL execution in a, let's say, language-agnostic way. So it's still in process, and we have some POCs, but, yeah, it's definitely something we're thinking about, and if someone is, like, hears that right now is developing a framework for other languages, or by the way, other, like, frameworks for JavaScript, talk to us. Like, we would love to help and just share the idea and get feedback and work together to, you know, to bring this idea to as many people as possible. And then enhance the whole ecosystem, of course. Nice. Thanks, Yuri.
Next question is from Danny. Danny Z. One of the limitation we now see in using Helix and Envelope is the lack of something like Apollo Studio. Why is this? Our testers are used in testing operations straight into the Studio. The question I have, does the Guild have any plans in having a service similar to Studio? Yeah, so, few things about it. First of all, you could use, actually, GraphQL Studio with Helix and Envelope. The whole point of every tool we created the Guild is that it works with anything. Like, we are not vendor-locking. So, we actually, with Envelope, we have a plugin for Apollo Tracing, for example, and you can completely use all the different tools from Apollo, including, by the way, one thing that we are doing with clients of us that are using Apollo Federation is that we replace the Apollo Gateway with Envelope. So, we actually take the Apollo Federation piece that, you know, combines the schemas and executes them and everything and run it inside Envelope. So, you get the best of both worlds, you get all the plugins from Envelope and Apollo Federation. So, for the first part of the answer, it is possible to use Helix and Envelope with all of Apollo tooling. So, if you're having any issues with that, let us know. For the second question, if we do have a plan for something that is like Apollo Studio, it's not only that we have a plan, we actually have something out there that's called GraphQL Hive, and it's a service that basically is a schema registry and it does many, many things like tracks also your requests live and tells you when you could deprecate them, shows you what our slope queries are. It connects to Datadog and Century and other services. So yeah, definitely also check out the GraphQL Hive. All right.