I'm Tejas Kumar, and I've been building on the web for over 20 years at places like Brasel, Spotify, Zeta, and more. And a lot of this building has been enabled by AI agents. This was the big trending topic in 2025, AI agents. So in our time together today, let's talk about agents, and let's talk about it assuming zero knowledge, and go from there.
To begin with, let's just define what an agent even is. And to do that, we can just go on Google and type define agent, right? And so what we see is it's a person who acts on behalf of another person or group, a person or thing that takes an active role and or produces a specified effect. And so what we can see is an agent is someone who acts. That's literally the thing. Either here in the first definition, acts on behalf or takes an active role. Let's take a look at another definition while we're here called agency. And this is interesting because it's a noun, which is a business or organization providing a particular service on behalf of another person like a travel agent or something. Or the second one, action or intervention by producing a particular effect. And so these words are important as we discuss agents, because that's fundamental to understanding AI agents. So it notice it says a business or person previously. And when we take these definitions and apply them to AI, we get AI agents. So what is an AI agent? It's when an AI acts on behalf of you or a group or some or when an AI takes an active role or produces a specified effect.
Agency, if we look at that other definition, if we look at agency, it says a business or organization providing a particular service, or this one, action or intervention by producing a particular effect. Canals carved by the agency of the water. There's more definitions here, which we can get into the etymology and all of this. But one of the definitions of agency is also just free will or freedom to choose. For example, if you ask me to multiply two very large prime numbers, I could, using my agency, try to do it in my head, probably get it wrong, or using my agency, pick a tool to use like the calculator and get it right. So tool use and choosing the tool is a tenet of an agent, either human AI or otherwise or business. And so that's like agent 101. What does this mean for AI? Basically the same thing. Large language models or neural networks are algorithms that simulate our brains, our neural networks. They're literally the representation of a human brain. So if a human brain has agency to choose tools, so does a language model or an LLM, because it's ultimately just a neural network, a transformer based neural network, if you're interested. And so I hope that becomes clear. So what is agency? It's the ability to choose a tool to achieve an outcome or, in the case of this slide, producing a particular effect. Now let's zero in on the agency definition in the context of language models.