Observability for React Developers

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Observability is the ability to measure the current state of a system. Backend engineers are becoming more familiar with the 3 pillars of observability, and technologies such as OpenTelemetry that can be used to instrument applications and diagnose issues. Yet in the frontend world, we're behind the curve.
Join me as I dive into the tools and techniques we can use to instrument, monitor and diagnose issues in our production React applications. I'll cover RUM agents and React framework extensions, and the metrics and traces they provide, how to combine them with backend tracing for a holistic picture, and how Synthetic Monitoring and alerting in Observability platforms can help us be alerted to issues impacting users in the UIs we build and maintain.

This talk has been presented at React Advanced Conference 2024, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.

Carly Richmond
Carly Richmond
Video transcription, chapters and summary will be available later.

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