Unlocking Digital Ownership: How to Store Accounts Using Blockchain Technology

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Join us for a dynamic talk aimed at highlighting the importance of ownership in the digital world. We'll explore how blockchain technology offers a solution, granting developers control over their accounts and data.

This talk has been presented at JSNation 2024, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


The main topic of the presentation is digital ownership using blockchain technology.

Blockchain ensures immutability and transparency by having a decentralized system where data is stored in blocks that are cryptographically linked. Any attempt to alter a block would require changing all subsequent blocks, making it highly secure and transparent.

An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a unique digital token stored on a blockchain that can represent ownership of a specific digital asset. In the context of digital ownership, NFTs can be used to prove ownership and authenticity of digital accounts and assets.

The live coding demonstration used the Ethereum blockchain, specifically one of its testnets called Sepolia. The tools mentioned include React, Next.js for the interface, the blockchain communication package Vim, and Solidity for programming smart contracts.

Gas is a unit of measure for the computational work required to validate and execute transactions on a blockchain. Users must pay gas fees to have their transactions processed by network validators.

Yes, user data can be stored on the blockchain, but it is essential to consider the transparency and public nature of blockchain data. Sensitive information is usually stored off-chain while essential data is kept on-chain.

Blockchain authentication differs from traditional methods like OAuth by eliminating the need for a trusted third party. Instead, users own their keys and authenticate themselves directly through their wallets, enhancing security and privacy.

Practical applications of NFTs include access tokens for exclusive content, representation of real estate ownership, and dynamic NFTs that update based on real-world events, such as sports cards that change stats based on player performance.

Account abstraction allows for more flexible and user-friendly wallet management, including features like third-party fee payments and account recovery options, making blockchain applications more accessible and practical.

Chainlink is a company that provides a suite of services known as oracles, which connect blockchain systems with the outside world. This enables the integration of real-world data into blockchain applications, enhancing their functionality and trustworthiness.

Solange Gueiros
Solange Gueiros
30 min
13 Jun, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
Welcome to the talk about digital ownership using blockchain and NFTs. Explore NFTs and their integration with blockchain. Learn how to create NFTs using Remix on the Sepoia test network. Deploy and access the smart contract on the blockchain. Connect your wallet and grant access to NFTs. Understand the blockchain structure and its authentication capabilities. Connect your wallet with the frontend and interact with it. Explore blockchain connections with Chainlink. Understand gas fees and account abstraction in blockchain transactions. Learn about ownership, account recovery, and data storage on the blockchain. Discover how blockchain can be used for public information, databases, and its energy costs. Gain insights into blockchain functionality and data storage.

1. Digital Ownership with Blockchain

Short description:

Welcome to the talk about digital ownership using blockchain and how to prove ownership with NFTs and blockchain-based accounts.

Welcome, everyone. And I'm here to talk about ownership, about digital ownership using blockchain. And we are doing this understanding how to store accounts in blockchain, and I'm coding live with you.

At least I'm deploying a smart content in the blockchain live now to show how this is working. Before that, these are my contacts. Feel free to contact me if you like later. And let's start on this way.

Can you imagine having your favorite social account network blocked? Did it happen? No? Or maybe a fake social account. This happens with me a lot. And asking money to my friends. My mom is a specialist in getting, especially on WhatsApp, she gets some messages that are supposed to be me, but she already knows that's not me, but this happens a lot. And this is something that we can avoid using another kind of account that can prove your ownership. And this is I'm here to show you how to do that.

We are using blockchain. So first of all, yes, if you would like to get the presentation, it's here. And when I talk about the blockchain, I'm talking about a kind of system where we have first, immutability and transparency. This is the base of the blockchain. So we are talking about systems that we can trust a bit more, and they are not centralized out of the consensus between what's happening in that system is decentralized. So it's used to be a most fair system. And this is talking about NFTs because we are using NFTs to make our assets, to make our account. And an NFT, it's on, it'll be on the blockchain. And an NFT is a kind of token that is unique. So when we create a smart contract, that is an NFT collection, each NFT on this collection will be unique and each collection is unique as well. So we can guarantee that this will be a unique account that you are creating. And if it is done by your account, it's associated with you. So you can prove the ownership of that. And especially when we talk about digital access, we can think that, okay, we start with the username and password. Maybe now some of you are using fingerprints or even my computer, it's my face to unlock my computer. And then we can evolve more and more to really use NFTs and accounts based on blockchain. It's always evolving.

2. Exploring NFTs and Blockchain Integration

Short description:

Why NFTs? They provide ownership, privacy, and control. Examples include Forbes' NFT for exclusive news access and group membership verification. I'll give an overview of the process and share a tutorial. I'm using React, Next.js, Vim, and Solidity for programming, and deploying on the Ethereum testnet.

And so, why NFTs? When we talk about NFTs, we can talk, imagine that here in this conference, we could have your past being an NFT as well happening, other conferences more related to blockchain, but this is expanding. And you'll be so proud to have this and to show this and to have this really connected with your account. This can be something. And even you can have some kind of privacy if you design the system to do that. Or, at least for sure, you have more control related to your account. This is the point.

And here I have some examples for you. Like, do you know that Forbes has a path that is an NFT to access all the news that happens over there? Or even the other, the access token experiences is related to another collection as well. So this is the Forbes that we have exclusive benefits related to this. Or we can have this other one. They are so cute. And yes, it's another kind that you can prove that you are part of some group and nobody can pass this like saying that they are you. This is some examples for you. So let's build it.

And before I really go to my smart account, I'll show you an overview of this. I'll share after, during the talk, I'll share with you a Git book, a tutorial. And you can do this step by step later. It'll be so fun for you as well. Well, I'm using React, Next.js to be my interface. And I got the package to communicate with the blockchain. This is the Vim. Also I'm using Solidity. This is the language to program smart contacts. And I have a smart contact to deploy it now, live. And I'm using the Ethereum blockchain, one of the testnets. This is not a real one, but this is a network that is around the world. Anyone can use. We can interact with each other here. And this is two tests. Let's go.

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