What Engineering Leaders Should Know About DevRel (But Were Too Busy to Ask)

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The field of developer relations or DevRel is rapidly increasing in popularity, with roles for developer advocates, evangelists, program managers, and directors appearing seemingly everywhere. It could very well be that you too have colleagues who work in the field. DevRel is a unique discipline aligned with every part of the business from engineering and product, to marketing, and even sales, and acts as a bridge between the company and the wider developer community. Our aligned incentives with engineering leadership are especially obvious in the fact that we exist to serve and enable developer audiences, whether external or internal.

For engineering teams, working closely with your DevRel teams provides a great opportunity to better understand your developer audiences, raise the profiles and skills of your colleagues, and make your company more attractive for hiring. Yet, despite many DevRel teams being highly technical, because of DevRel’s perceived lack of focus, our departments are often dismissed as “just marketing” by engineering.

In this talk I will answer the question of “what is it that DevRel people do”, and present some approaches for how DevRel and engineering can best collaborate and break down silos to benefit everyone, from the company to the wider developer community.

This talk has been presented at TechLead Conference 2023, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


Sally is an engineering manager whose job is to make developers' lives better, make them more productive, and help them do their best work. She works in a dynamic environment where her tasks vary daily.

A Developer Advocate's main role is to act as a liaison between developer communities and the company. They bring feedback and insights from developers to the company and present the company's products and tools to the developer community.

Both Developer Advocates and Engineering Managers work in dynamic environments, deal with various stakeholders, and prioritize tasks ruthlessly. Their main objective is to make developers and teams more successful and productive.

A Developer Advocate might engage in tasks such as giving talks, writing blog posts, conducting workshops, participating in podcasts, creating tutorials, and providing feedback from the developer community to the company.

Zan transitioned into Developer Relations after founding a startup, working as a developer in an enterprise and another startup, and gaining various skills. He started doing blogging and public speaking at meetups and conferences, which led to an opportunity to work as a Developer Advocate.

It is important for companies to trust their DevRel teams because they bring valuable insights and feedback from the developer community, help in engaging and understanding developers, and bridge gaps between different departments within the company.

Developer Relations can play a role in companies that directly address developers (e.g., CI-CD platforms), companies that offer APIs or SDKs to developers, and companies with internal developer teams that need up-skilling and staying updated with the latest technologies.

Developer Relations can be part of various departments such as marketing, product engineering, and sometimes even recruitment, as they engage in activities related to user acquisition, user engagement, and community feedback.

Developer Advocates create various types of content including blog posts, tutorials, videos, podcasts, and conference talks. This content is geared towards engaging the developer community and providing valuable insights and information.

Developer Advocates can provide feedback on new industry trends by monitoring and engaging with the developer community. They can identify emerging technologies and practices, and bring this information back to the company to help shape product development and marketing strategies.

Zan Markan
Zan Markan
21 min
09 Mar, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription
DevRel is about understanding the audience and collaborating with different departments. Dev Advocates bridge gaps between engineering and marketing, provide feedback, and stay updated on industry trends. DevRel helps raise team profiles, assists with editing and getting on podcasts, and aims to make engineers successful. Collaboration is key in DevRel.

1. Introduction to Developer Relations

Short description:

Hello, everyone. At tech lead conference. It's a great pleasure to be here and share a couple of things I know or have picked up in my career about dev rel. Sally's job is to make developers' lives better. She loves to make their lives easier and developers more productive. She really finds joy in helping others do their best work. So yeah, speaking of jobs, I work as a developer advocate at CircleCI. My name is Zan or Zan however you want to pronounce it. Based in London. And yeah, I landed into developer relations proper, doing it for pay basically, about six-ish years ago after finding my own startup, being a developer in an enterprise, being a developer at another startup and just kind of picking up new skills as I went. When I was working at a corporation, we were going through this kind of digital transformation, which is a great time to experiment with new things, because these organizations tend to have quite a lot of capability to let you experiment.

Hello, everyone. At tech lead conference. It's a great pleasure to be here and share a couple of things I know or have picked up in my career about dev rel.

The first thing I'm going to share is a little story or a thought exercise. Basically, we have two people, Sally and Ben. One is a developer advocate, the other one is an engineering manager, and it's your job to identify who is who. So, Sally's job is to make developers' lives better. She loves to make their lives easier and developers more productive. She really finds joy in helping others do their best work. She works in a really dynamic environment, where it's none of the two days of hers are really the same. So, maybe on Monday, she's speaking to a number of platform and infrastructure engineers on an individual basis, kind of getting feedback from them, learning about their issues, helping them out if she can. On Tuesday, she's supposed to be making a presentation that she's already late for, for a group of stakeholders, for a large group of people. And, she gets dragged into firefighting instead. She basically pushes back what she was supposed to do on Wednesday, so writing a blog post for their, for the company. So that's obviously pushed back, and on Friday she doesn't know where the week has gone, and there is no chance she'll get the chance to learn about the new APIs that Amazon AWS have just released or announced. So yeah, that's Sally. What do you think she is? Developer advocate or engineer manager? I'll help you slightly, because I'll tell you what Ben does. So Ben is a developer advocate. So yeah, if you thought that Sally was a developer advocate, obviously because I lured you that way. If you knew where I was going, good for you. I am that good at building suspense. Anyway, I wrote that way on purpose, just to give you a little bit of a think that our jobs, developer advocate here, tech leads, managers over there, might actually be very similar. And they are. That's all this talk is about.

So yeah, speaking of jobs, I work as a developer advocate at CircleCI. My name is Zan or Zan however you want to pronounce it. Based in London. And yeah, I landed into developer relations proper, doing it for pay basically, about six-ish years ago after finding my own startup, being a developer in an enterprise, being a developer at another startup and just kind of picking up new skills as I went. So when I had my startup, I was doing a lot of product development, I was doing a lot of stakeholder management as you do, all the marketing, everything, really, because small startups, anyway. When I was working at a corporation, we were going through this kind of digital transformation, which is a great time to experiment with new things, because these organizations tend to have quite a lot of capability to let you experiment.

2. Transition to Developer Relations

Short description:

I started a bootcamp program to address the lack of skills in graduates. I recruited senior engineers, blogged, and spoke at events. Transitioning to developer relations was easy, but I had to prove myself to some colleagues. Trust your DevRel teams and collaborate with them.

So yeah, I discovered there was a distinct lack in skills from graduates coming in our kind of graduate program, so I started this bootcamp program for them, where they got to learn in hands-on sessions, hands-on workshops about things like git, command-line masteries like Bash and POSIX stuff, test-driven development, etc.

Also recruited a bunch of others, other senior engineers in the company, to kind of come and help out, and I started doing also blogging and public speaking at meetups, conferences in Europe and the UK, and a couple of years later, when I was working at a startup in the developer tool space, we had an opening for developer advocates or developer evangelists, and they took it, and it was a very, very easy transition.

I also discovered one thing, that engineers who knew me as an engineer from before, they interacted with me in a completely different way. They saw me as one of their peers, whereas engineers, engineering leaders who came in after I had moved into developer relations, they didn't quite see me as a peer, and I had to kind of prove myself much more to them. And that's part of the reason why I'm giving this talk to you today, to kind of give you this idea of why and how you should trust your DevRel teams, they're your peers, and yeah, how you can best collaborate with them.

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