April 14 - 17, 2023
Node Congress
Berlin & Online

Node Congress 2023

Master Fullstack: JS Backends, DevOps, Architecture

A two-day conference on all things Node.js, DevOps, Edge-native workers (Cloudflare & others), Serverless, Deno & other JavaScript backend runtimes, gathering Back-end and Full-stack engineers across the globe in-person in Berlin and in the cloud.

This edition of the event has finished, the latest updates of this JavaScript Conference are available on the Brand Website.
Jarred Sumner
Jarred Sumner
Oven, USA
Talk: Server Components with Bun
Creator of Bun.
Ryan Dahl
Ryan Dahl
Deno, USA
Talk: Deno 2.0
Ryan is a creator of Node.js and Deno. He studied mathematics at UCSD and the University of Rochester before pursuing software engineering professionally. He has worked in various parts of the software - from server infrastructure to machine learning research. His current role is as the co-founder and CEO of Deno Land Inc.
Matteo Collina
Matteo Collina
Platformatic.dev, Italy
Talk: Building a modular monolith with Fastify
Matteo is the Co-Founder and CTO of Platformatic.dev with the goal to remove all friction from backend development. He is also a prolific Open Source author in the JavaScript ecosystem and modules he maintains are downloaded more than 17 billion times a year. Previously he was Chief Software Architect at NearForm. Matteo is a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee focusing on streams, diagnostics and http. He is also the author of the fast logger Pino and of the Fastify web framework. He is also co-author of the book "Accelerating Server-Side Development with Fastify" edited by Packt. In 2014, he defended his Ph.D. thesis titled "Application Platforms for the Internet of Things". Matteo is an renowed international speaker after more than 60 conferences, including OpenJS World, Node.js Interactive, NodeConf.eu, NodeSummit, JSConf.Asia, WebRebels, and JsDay just to name a few. In the summer he loves sailing the Sirocco.
Erick Wendel
Erick Wendel
Erick Wendel Training, Brazil
Talk: Bun, Deno, Node.js? Recreating a JavaScript runtime from Scratch - Understand magic behind Node.js
Erick Wendel is a Node.js Core Team Developer, Keynote Speaker, and professional educator. He's delivered over 100 tech talks in 10+ countries and has been recognized as a Node.js Specialist with awards from Google, Microsoft, and GitHub. With his company https://erickwendel.com, Erick has trained over 100K people worldwide.
Alexander Johansson
Alexander Johansson
Tola, Sweden
Talk: tRPC - Move Fast and Break Nothing
I am Alex 👋, a fully-stacked TypeScripter from Sweden & the creator of tRPC. Been doing html since the late 90s, started a company in 2006 selling Counter-Strike servers & got my first official coding job in 2009. Since then, I have been on 5 continents, lived/worked on 3, and worked for everything from sub 5 people startups to big banks - as a consultant, employee, and founder. From Sweden, living in Malmö. Speak Swedish, English and rusty (Brazilian) Portuguese + Spanish.
Juri Strumpflohner
Juri Strumpflohner
Nx, Italy
Talk: Next Generation Code Architecture for Building Maintainable Node Applications
Coming from the middle of the alps in northern Italy, Juri has been working as a software architect at startups, government agencies and Fortune 500 companies. His happy place? Coding, developer tooling, creating tech videos and riding his OneWheel.
Luca Mezzalira
Luca Mezzalira
AWS Cloud, UK
Talk: AWS Lambda under the hood
Luca Mezzalira is principal solutions architect at AWS, an international speaker, and an author. Over the past 20 years, he’s mastered software architectures from frontend to the cloud, providing the right solution for the context of the job at hand. OReillyMedia Author
Marian Villa
Marian Villa
NodeSource, Colombia
Talk: Using Machine Learning to Supercharge Your Node.js App
Sr Full-Stack Product Designer at NodeSource. Award-winning Community Builder at @Pionerasdev —recipient of IBM Open Source Community Grant 2020—. Google Launchpad Mentor, Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and Women Techmakers Ambassador. Passionate developer and designer with a knack for combining technology and community development.
Boris Tane
Boris Tane
Baselime, UK
Talk: Creating an innovation engine with observability
Boris is the founder of Baselime. Before this, he worked on back-end systems and infrastructure at multiple startups, where he was drawn to cloud-native and serverless technologies. He always ended up being the guardian of the logging and monitoring systems in the teams he joined. Now, he’s helping serverless teams automate their observability configurations with Observability as Code.
Darcy Clarke
Darcy Clarke
vlt, Canada
Talk: Securing Your Software Supply Chain
Darcy is a Software Engineer, Founder, Mentor & UX Advocate who has created award-winning products & experiences with a holistic approach to problem solving for more than two decades. Most recently, he was the Staff Engineering Manager at GitHub for both the npm & GitHub CLI teams; supporting over 100 Open Source projects - accounting for over 3 billion monthly downloads. He is currently working on a stealth Open Source project while continuing to support the Node.js Project & OpenJS Foundation efforts in various Working Groups.
Lizz Parody
Lizz Parody
NodeSource, Colombia
Talk: How to use ChatGPT with Node.js
Lizz is a community-taught Software Engineer focused on JavaScript. She organizes different community events such as JSConf Colombia, Pioneras Developers, Startup Weekend and has been a speaker at EmpireJS, MedellinJS, PionerasDev, Node+JS Interactive, NodeConf and others. She loves sharing knowledge, promoting JavaScript and Node.js ecosystem and participating in key tech events and conferences to enhance her knowledge and network.
Nick Taylor
Nick Taylor
Senior Engineer, Canada
Talk: Fresh: a new full stack web framework for Deno
Nick Taylor is a Senior Software Engineer, open source maintainer & collaborator as well as a Cloudinary ambassador. He's not a big fan of spiders, but he knows they're doing good work eating bugs. He's also a big fan of TypeScript, JavaScript, Node, and all things frontend. Aside from programming, he enjoys hitting the gym, snowboarding, and rugby a long time ago.
Michele Riva
Michele Riva
OramaSearch Inc., Italy
Talk: Things I learned while writing high-performance JavaScript applications
Co-founder of OramaSearch, the next-generation full-text search engine that runs at the edge! Also: TC39 Delegate, Google GDE, Microsoft MVP, Published Author, International Speaker.
Sylwia Vargas
Sylwia Vargas
Inngest, UK
Talk: Bring Node.js into your browser with WebContainers
Sylwia (pronounced "Sylvia") is a developer advocate at Inngest, a tech writer, and an educator passionate about making tech accessible and diverse. She is a co-organizer at React Robins, a community for women and non-binary React devs. Aside from tech, she’s working on a card game and loves hiking, biking, pierogi, and plants.
Colin Ihrig
Colin Ihrig
Node.js Technical Steering Committee, USA
Talk: The State of Node.js Core
Member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee & a hapi core team member. Colin Ihrig is a software engineer working primarily with Node.js. He is the author of Pro Node.js for Developers, and co-author of Full Stack JavaScript Development with MEAN.
Anna Henningsen
Anna Henningsen
MongoDB, Germany
Talk: JS Character Encodings
Now part of the MongoDB Developer Tools team, Anna has been one of the most active contributors to Node.js core over the last 4 years. She is fueled by a passion for Node.js and its community.
Bradley Farias
Bradley Farias
Socket Security Inc., USA
Talk: Supply Chain Security Experience
Bradley Farias has been in the Node.js community as a contributor, TC39 as a member, given workshops on Node.js, and worked on OSS projects as well. He is actively interested in pushing programmer experience APIs for developer tools. He is currently invested in security tooling and experiences which involves not just research into attacks but how to make programmers' experience with security more enjoyable.
Vladimir de Turckheim
Vladimir de Turckheim
Sqreen, France
Talk: Prototype Pollution in JavaScript
Vladimir works as a software engineer at Datadog, where he builds a tool to secure web applications. He used to be a professional security auditor and a web developer in agencies. He is one of the most active members of the Node.js Security Working Group, where he handles the security of Node.js and its ecosystem. Vladimir is an official Node.js collaborator and his contributions mostly focus in the domain of security and monitoring. He also often give talks and training to software engineers to teach them about application security.
Marco Ippolito
Marco Ippolito
HeroDevs, Italy
Talk: Measuring the Cost of a GraphQL Query with mercurius-explain
Marco is a Senior Security Engineer at HeroDevs. Active contributor, releaser, and member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee, he is a renowned international speaker and a Microsoft MVP. Marco is actively involved in many projects within the Node.js ecosystem and also serves as a delegate in TC39.
Evgeny Poberezkin
Evgeny Poberezkin
SimpleX Chat, UK
Talk: Parse, Don’t Validate
SimpleX Chat (http://simplex.chat) founder - the 1st chat platform that does not have any user identifiers. Created Ajv JSON validator used by millions of JS apps.
Stephen Belanger
Stephen Belanger
Datadog, Canada
Talk: Observability with diagnostics_channel and AsyncLocalStorage
I'm a Node.js core contributor and founder of the diagnostics working group. I've been working on performance and diagnostics tools for a decade now.
Zbyszek Tenerowicz
Zbyszek Tenerowicz
MetaMask, Poland
Talk: Eval all the strings! - Hardened JavaScript
Full-stack engineer and technology researcher. Leads Security Lab team at MetaMask working on LavaMoat and Endo. Started using Node.js at v0.8 and never stopped. Enjoys innovating and teaching security, diagnostics and maintainability. One of the oldest members of meet.js Poland community - both as a speaker and organizer. Hacking JavaScript since his teenage years.
Bartek Iwanczuk
Bartek Iwanczuk
Deno, Poland
Talk: Roll you own JavaScript runtime
Bartek started contributing to Deno in late 2018, becoming the first employee to Deno Land in December 2019. Currently leading the CLI team.
Alex Ruheni
Alex Ruheni
Prisma, Germany
Talk: The Edge & Databases: Everything Everywhere All at Once
Alex is a Developer Advocate at Prisma, where he's working to make databases easy and fun. He loves learning and teaching other developers. Every once in a while, he procrastinates by preaching to other developers to adopt Ts. He's also a mediocre photographer at best – but the camera covers that up for him.
Luca Del Puppo
Luca Del Puppo
Nearform, Italy
Talk: GraphQL with Mercurius and Prisma, love at first sight
I'm a Senior Software Developer, Microsoft MVP, Google Developer Expert Codemotion Ambassador and GitKraken Ambassador. I love JavaScript and TypeScript. In my free time, I love studying new technologies, improving myself, creating YouTube content or writing technical articles. I can’t stay without trail running and love to do it in my love Dolomiti.
Paolo Insogna
Paolo Insogna
Platformatic, Italy
Talk: The tale of avoiding a time-based DDOS attack in Node.js
Node.js TSC Member, Principal Engineer at Platformatic, Polyglot Developer. RPG and LARP addicted and nerd on lot more. Surrounded by lovely chubby cats.
Alberto Schiabel
Alberto Schiabel
Prisma, Italy
Talk: Type-safe bindings for Node.js with Rust and WebAssembly
Alberto is a senior software engineer and former startup co-founder. He has over 8 years of experience and has shipped the first WebAssembly modules in the open-source Prisma and Lyra projects. He’s currently a consultant working primarily in TypeScript and Rust at Prisma Data. In his free time, he helps junior developers prepare for job interviews."
Tally Barak
Tally Barak
Yoobic, Israel
Talk: Tale of Two Repos
Tally has over 30 years of software development, product management, and consulting experience. Today Tally works for Yoobic as an architect responsible for all the Frontend tooling, testing, and DevOps processes. Tally loves Javascript and its ecosystem and is happily sharing this knowledge with other developers. Playwright Ambassador.
Matt Alonso
Matt Alonso
Cloudflare , USA
Talk: Building Multiplayer Applications with Cloudflare Workers & Durable Objects
Matt works on the Workers Distributed Data team, contributing to the runtime implementation of Durable Objects.
Alina Dima
Alina Dima
Amazon Web Services, Germany
Talk: Tools for better Observability in NodeJS Serverless IoT Applications
Alina Dima is a Senior Developer Advocate in the IoT Ecosystem Services team at Amazon Web Services. She is passionate about helping developers accelerate their journeys in the IoT ecosystem, and working with IoT communities to build better and move faster, from prototype to scale. Alina has worked in various industries such as telecommunications, manufacturing, automotive, retail, and photovoltaic. With nearly 20 years of experience as a software engineer, technical delivery manager and architect, she has designed and built multiple highly scalable, operationally ready IoT solutions, with millions of devices running in production today. Alina has shared her knowledge at various events, such as DevCon, Highload, re:Invent, AWS Summits and online Webinars.
Jason Green
Jason Green
Threads Styling, UK
Talk: Parse, Don’t Validate
Jason’s passion for the digital world has taken him across the entire spectrum of the creative process, from conceptualization to deployment. Jason is now Director of Technology at Threads Styling, building a platform to empower personal shoppers and power the future of chat commerce.
James Snell
James Snell
Cloudflare, USA
Talk: The Road to Async Context
James is on the Workers team @Cloudflare and a contributor to Node.js core. His contributions include features such as HTTP/2, the WHATWG URL implementation, and, most recently, an implementation of the QUIC protocol.
Joyee Cheung
Joyee Cheung
Igalia, China
Talk: Node.js startup snapshots
Joyee works on the compilers team at Igalia. She is a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee and a V8 committer.
Karen Huaulme
Karen Huaulme
MongoDB, USA
Talk: Game Changer! Building Search Into Your Applications
As a Principal Developer Advocate at MongoDB, Karen Huaulmé (pronounced “You-Old-Maid” - but with no d’s) develops and presents applications to help developers unleash their creativity across all aspects of data and technology. Leveraging her past experience as a Solutions Architect for some of MongoDB’s most demanding customers, Karen loves to trigger that “aha” moment in the minds of developers - when they recognize a better path to simplify, enhance, and accelerate their projects in ways they never thought possible. Prior to MongoDB, Karen spent most of her career working with video game developers as a Solutions Architect and Integration Engineer at Nvidia, Amazon and Twitch. In her free time, Karen embarrasses her 2 kids, spoils her dog, and feeds her addiction to adventure travel - not necessarily in that order.
Zoe Steinkamp
Zoe Steinkamp
InfluxData, USA
Talk: Monitoring, Alerting, And Visualizing your Node.JS server infrastructure with Open Source tools
My name is Zoe Steinkamp and I am a Developer Advocate for influxData. I was a front end software engineer for over 6 years before I moved into a developer advocate role. I have been with InfluxDB for over 3 years and i look forward to sharing my knowledge of the platform and databases. I enjoy learning about awesome new technologies and doing at home tech projects to help make my life as well as other peoples lives easier. My passions besides new technology include traveling and gardening.
Michael Hirschberg
Michael Hirschberg
Couchbase, Germany
Talk: The Database Magic Behind 40MIO Ops/S
Solutions engineer with a lot of operation experience in Couchbase.