October 22 - 25, 2021
React Advanced

React Advanced 2021

Nos sumergiremos a fondo

Get ready for an annual deep dive into the latest trends in React and Web development. Learn from engineers behind the framework ecosystem and early adopters at the main React Conference in the UK.

The concept of the event is both about covering all you need to catch up on in the React ecosystem, combined with deep technical exploration of the latest architectural trends, new feature adoption, and efficient ways to solve complex problems.

Engage in discussion rooms, hallway track with experts, hands-on practical workshops, and tens of insightful talks. Engineers of any level are welcome but be prepared for hardcore.

Esta edición del evento ha finalizado, las últimas actualizaciones de este React Conference están disponibles en el sitio web de la marca.
No resuelvas problemas, elimínalos
39 min
No resuelvas problemas, elimínalos
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Kent C. Dodds discusses the concept of problem elimination rather than just problem-solving. He introduces the idea of a problem tree and the importance of avoiding creating solutions prematurely. Kent uses examples like Tesla's electric engine and Remix framework to illustrate the benefits of problem elimination. He emphasizes the value of trade-offs and taking the easier path, as well as the need to constantly re-evaluate and change approaches to eliminate problems.
Sistemas de Diseño: Caminando la Línea Entre Flexibilidad y Consistencia
47 min
Sistemas de Diseño: Caminando la Línea Entre Flexibilidad y Consistencia
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The Talk discusses the balance between flexibility and consistency in design systems. It explores the API design of the ActionList component and the customization options it offers. The use of component-based APIs and composability is emphasized for flexibility and customization. The Talk also touches on the ActionMenu component and the concept of building for people. The Q&A session covers topics such as component inclusion in design systems, API complexity, and the decision between creating a custom design system or using a component library.
Aventuras de Renderizado Concurrente en React 18
132 min
Aventuras de Renderizado Concurrente en React 18
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Maurice de Beijer
Maurice de Beijer
Con el lanzamiento de React 18 finalmente obtenemos el tan esperado renderizado concurrente. Pero, ¿cómo va a afectar eso a tu aplicación? ¿Cuáles son los beneficios del renderizado concurrente en React? ¿Qué necesitas hacer para cambiar al renderizado concurrente cuando actualices a React 18? ¿Y qué pasa si no quieres o no puedes usar el renderizado concurrente todavía?

¡Hay algunos cambios de comportamiento de los que debes estar al tanto! En esta masterclass cubriremos todos esos temas y más.

Acompáñame con tu portátil en esta masterclass interactiva. Verás lo fácil que es cambiar al renderizado concurrente en tu aplicación React. Aprenderás todo sobre el renderizado concurrente, SuspenseList, la API startTransition y más.
(Más fácil) Visualización interactiva de datos en React
27 min
(Más fácil) Visualización interactiva de datos en React
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This Talk is about interactive data visualization in React using the Plot library. Plot is a high-level library that simplifies the process of visualizing data by providing key concepts and defaults for layout decisions. It can be integrated with React using hooks like useRef and useEffect. Plot allows for customization and supports features like sorting and adding additional marks. The Talk also discusses accessibility concerns, SSR support, and compares Plot to other libraries like D3 and Vega-Lite.
React, TypeScript y TDD
174 min
React, TypeScript y TDD
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Paul Everitt
Paul Everitt
ReactJS es extremadamente popular y, por lo tanto, ampliamente soportado. TypeScript está ganando popularidad y, por lo tanto, cada vez más soportado.

¿Los dos juntos? No tanto. Dado que ambos cambian rápidamente, es difícil encontrar materiales de aprendizaje precisos.

¿React+TypeScript, con los IDEs de JetBrains? Esa combinación de tres partes es el tema de esta serie. Mostraremos un poco sobre mucho. Es decir, los pasos clave para ser productivo, en el IDE, para proyectos de React utilizando TypeScript. En el camino, mostraremos el desarrollo guiado por pruebas y enfatizaremos consejos y trucos en el IDE.
Masterclass Web3 - Construyendo Tu Primer Dapp
145 min
Masterclass Web3 - Construyendo Tu Primer Dapp
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Nader Dabit
Nader Dabit
En esta masterclass, aprenderás cómo construir tu primer dapp de pila completa en la blockchain de Ethereum, leyendo y escribiendo datos en la red, y conectando una aplicación de front end al contrato que has desplegado. Al final de la masterclass, entenderás cómo configurar un entorno de desarrollo de pila completa, ejecutar un nodo local e interactuar con cualquier contrato inteligente usando React, HardHat y Ethers.js.
Automatizando Todo el Código y las Pruebas con GitHub Actions
19 min
Automatizando Todo el Código y las Pruebas con GitHub Actions
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We will learn how to automate code and testing with GitHub Actions, including linting, formatting, testing, and deployments. Automating deployments with scripts and Git hooks can help avoid mistakes. Popular CI-CD frameworks like Jenkins offer powerful orchestration but can be challenging to work with. GitHub Actions are flexible and approachable, allowing for environment setup, testing, deployment, and custom actions. A custom AppleTools Eyes GitHub action simplifies visual testing. Other examples include automating content reminders for sharing old content and tutorials.
Descifrando el Modo Concurrente
30 min
Descifrando el Modo Concurrente
Sudhanshu Yadav discusses the incremental concurrent feature in React 18 and the need for concurrent mode to provide a better user experience. Time slicing is the key pattern enabling concurrent features. Background rendering and unit of work are used to achieve asynchronous rendering and eventual consistency. Concurrent mode introduces a new pattern called differing for immediate rendering and adjusting based on available resources. React provides APIs for deferred updates and transitions. Implementing concurrent mode APIs can be complex, but it offers benefits like avoiding update starvation and reusing work. Scheduling and slots are used to control execution and dynamic FPS control. Handling multiple transitions can be challenging, but the React 18 working group discussions provide insights into the team's efforts to improve the user experience.
Accesibilidad en Discord
22 min
Accesibilidad en Discord
This Talk discusses the accessibility efforts at Discord, focusing on keyboard navigation and the challenges faced with implementing focus rings and outlines. The speaker showcases a unified focus ring system and a saturation slider to address accessibility concerns. They also highlight the implementation of role colors and the use of CSS filters for accessibility improvements. The Talk concludes with insights on runtime accessibility checking and the development of a performant core runtime system for checking accessibility issues.
Viviendo al Límite
36 min
Viviendo al Límite
The Talk discusses the future of React and introduces new APIs, including streaming rendering and server components. React Suspense allows for asynchronous loading of components and data fetching. The use of serverless computing, specifically Cloudflare Workers, is explored as a way to improve performance. The Talk emphasizes the potential for simplifying the React ecosystem and the excitement about the new API.
React Query y Auth: ¿Quién es responsable de qué?
19 min
React Query y Auth: ¿Quién es responsable de qué?
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This talk introduces React Query and Auth, discussing how React Query maintains server state on the client and handles mutations and data updates. The day spa app example demonstrates the use of React Query to fetch data and handle user authentication. React Query is also useful for managing user data and ensuring accurate data from the server. The talk highlights the importance of addressing the three main players in user data: React Query, Auth Functions, and persistence across sessions.
Aplicaciones React (+Native) full-stack y seguras con tRPC.io
6 min
Aplicaciones React (+Native) full-stack y seguras con tRPC.io
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Alex introduces tRPC, a toolkit for making end-to-end type-safe APIs easily, with auto-completion of API endpoints and inferred data from backend to frontend. tRPC works the same way in React Native and can be adopted incrementally. The example showcases backend communication with a database using queries and validators, with types inferred to the frontend and data retrieval done using Prisma ORM.
De Blender a la Web - el Viaje de un Modelo 3D
27 min
De Blender a la Web - el Viaje de un Modelo 3D
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This Talk is about Blender, a free and open-source 3D software, and integrating 3D models into websites. The speaker discusses exporting 3D models to the web using the gltf format and compressing them using gltf transform and draco compression. They also cover integrating the 3D model into a website using React and React 3 fiber, troubleshooting installation and error issues, and working with refs and frames. The Talk explores rendering, lighting, mathematics, and experimentation in 3D, as well as interaction and rendering effects. The speaker also mentions their favorite creation in Blender.
Eliminando BFFs con GraphQL y Next.js
21 min
Eliminando BFFs con GraphQL y Next.js
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This talk discusses the challenges and benefits of using Backend for Frontends (BFFs) and microservices in software development. It highlights how Next.js can simplify the creation of BFFs and unify the gateway for microservices. The talk also emphasizes the advantages of Next.js API routes in simplifying the development, deployment, and maintenance of APIs. It showcases the implementation of a BFF using Next.js and API routes, and the extension of API routes in an executable way. The speaker also mentions launching a course on using Next.js API routes for building a serverless GraphQL API.
Uso de React para construir interfaces de usuario de juegos eficientes en Minecraft
25 min
Uso de React para construir interfaces de usuario de juegos eficientes en Minecraft
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This Talk introduces the use of React and web technologies for building UIs in Minecraft. It discusses the challenges of onboarding new developers to the current tech and the benefits of using open standards. The speaker explains the use of Gameface, a solution for building game UIs with React and Webpack. The Talk also covers state management in a game environment and the use of facets for performance optimization. It concludes with an overview of the Oryui brand and the availability of resources on GitHub.
Uso de MediaPipe para Crear Aplicaciones de Aprendizaje Automático Multiplataforma con React
21 min
Uso de MediaPipe para Crear Aplicaciones de Aprendizaje Automático Multiplataforma con React
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MediaPipe is a cross-platform framework that helps build perception pipelines using machine learning models. It offers ready-to-use solutions for various applications, such as selfie segmentation, face mesh, object detection, hand tracking, and more. MediaPipe can be integrated with React using NPM modules provided by the MediaPipe team. The demonstration showcases the implementation of face mesh and selfie segmentation solutions. MediaPipe enables the creation of amazing applications without needing to understand the underlying computer vision or machine learning processes.
Patrones avanzados para la gestión de API en aplicaciones React a gran escala
20 min
Patrones avanzados para la gestión de API en aplicaciones React a gran escala
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This Talk covers advanced patterns for API management in large-scale React applications. It introduces the concept of an API layer to manage API requests in a more organized and maintainable way. The benefits of using an API layer include improved maintainability, scalability, flexibility, and code reusability. The Talk also explores how to handle API states and statuses in React, and provides examples of canceling requests with Axios and React Query. Additionally, it explains how to use the API layer with React Query for simplified API management.
Visualizando React: Metáforas, Modelos y Medios Espaciales
31 min
Visualizando React: Metáforas, Modelos y Medios Espaciales
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This talk explores the use of visuals in programming to make concepts more accessible and understandable. It discusses the limitations of text in programming and the benefits of visualizing programming concepts. The talk also delves into the use of visual metaphors in React and the advantages of using spatial principles and visual representations to understand program behavior over time. It concludes with suggestions for advancing visual programming efforts and leveraging existing metaphors in programming languages and frameworks.
Construyendo Bibliotecas de Componentes Multiplataforma para Web y Nativo con React
21 min
Construyendo Bibliotecas de Componentes Multiplataforma para Web y Nativo con React
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This Talk discusses building cross-platform component libraries for React and React Native, based on a successful project with a large government-owned news organization. It covers the requirements for React Native knowledge, building cross-platform components, platform-specific components, styling, and the tools used. The Talk also highlights the challenges of implementing responsive design in React Native.
UX Asincrónico
21 min
UX Asincrónico
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Today's Talk covers the importance of building Asynchronous UX with React and single-page applications, providing code and UX examples. It explores data fetching, adding progress indicators, handling errors, and user-initiated actions. The Talk also discusses handling component unmounts, multiple actions, idempotency, and context loss. Finally, it touches on considerations for optimistic updates and the use of CRDT or other technologies for collaborative applications.
¿MDX en React-Native!?
21 min
¿MDX en React-Native!?
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This Talk is about the development of MDX, a combination of Markdown and JSX, by a freelance full stack JavaScript developer. MDX is a powerful technology that allows for the creation of interactive content within blog posts and supports React components. The speaker developed RnMDX, a proper and polished MDX library for React Native, which can be dropped into any React Native app. RnMDX provides solutions for common issues with Markdown content in React Native and allows for the rendering of MDX content into native views. Bringing MDX into native apps is now easier, and it can be used for various purposes, such as serving the app layout from a CMS or creating interactive online magazines or blogs.
Más allá de las listas virtuales: Cómo renderizar 100K elementos con 100s de actualizaciones/seg en React
27 min
Más allá de las listas virtuales: Cómo renderizar 100K elementos con 100s de actualizaciones/seg en React
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The Talk discusses optimizing rendering of big tables using Flipper, a new version that is ten times faster with improved user interaction and richer data. It explores optimizing rendering with React, virtualization, filtering, sorting, and windowing techniques. The introduction of the Flipper Datasource packet simplifies handling updates, inserts, and removals. The performance of the Flipper data source package is excellent, even in a debug build of React, with minimal CPU usage. The Q&A session covers incremental sorting, dynamic row height, and the potential for two-dimensional virtualization in the future.
Permíteme mostrarte cómo las aplicaciones de React son hackeadas en el mundo real
22 min
Permíteme mostrarte cómo las aplicaciones de React son hackeadas en el mundo real
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React's default security against XSS vulnerabilities, exploring and fixing XSS vulnerabilities in React, exploring control characters and security issues, exploring an alternative solution for JSON parsing, and exploring JSON input and third-party dependencies.
El componente de React más caro del mundo y cómo dejar de escribirlo
23 min
El componente de React más caro del mundo y cómo dejar de escribirlo
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Today's Talk discusses expensive React components and API design, with a focus on the cost of coordination and overcoming imposter syndrome. The speaker shares a story about a cat trying to fix salted coffee, highlighting the importance of finding simple solutions. The billion dollar component on ReactJS.org is examined as an example of an expensive component. Techniques for customizing messages, improving accessibility, and using polymorphic props are discussed. The Talk concludes by emphasizing the cost of communication and the need to evaluate if props and components are the right tools for the job.
Cómo Localizar y Personalizar Contenido con Sanity.io y Next.js
8 min
Cómo Localizar y Personalizar Contenido con Sanity.io y Next.js
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Sanity.io provides a content platform for structured content that replaces traditional CMS. Their solution allows businesses to structure and query content anywhere using the Sanity studio and open source React application. The talk focuses on solving the challenge of sending personalized data to users in a static website environment using Next.js Vercel for hosting and Sanity for content querying and delivery. The Sanity studio allows for modeling pages, articles, and banners, with banners being shown to visitors based on their country. The solution involves using Grok queries to fetch the right banner based on country information, demonstrating personalization based on localization and dynamic content querying.
Rendimiento de Micro-Frontends y Caché de Datos Centralizada
27 min
Rendimiento de Micro-Frontends y Caché de Datos Centralizada
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Micro front-end architecture, like microphone tents, can help scale applications by applying microservices principles to the front-end. Microphone tents can be beneficial for performance, depending on the implementation. They can reduce bundle sizes, avoid duplicated dependencies, and ensure independent deployments. The shared API and module federation are powerful features that allow for dependency management. Micro front-ends can improve developer experience and user experience while addressing organizational and scaling issues.
React Server Components - Bajo el Capó
19 min
React Server Components - Bajo el Capó
This talk provides an overview of React Server Components. It explores rendering the root element, using react-read-in-a-tree to read the webpack manifest, and performing work and JSON serialization. The talk also discusses the drain handler and client-side components, as well as challenges and future improvements in React Server Components.
Gestión eficiente del estado con Hookstate
10 min
Gestión eficiente del estado con Hookstate
This Talk introduces hook state as a flexible and simple state management solution for React. It demonstrates how hook state can be used for global state management, as well as for managing state within individual components. The speaker highlights the ease of using hook state for tasks such as adding, updating, and removing tasks. The conclusion encourages further exploration of hook state for efficient state management in React applications.
Desarrollo de aplicaciones ilimitadas con Expo y React Native
27 min
Desarrollo de aplicaciones ilimitadas con Expo y React Native
Today's Talk discussed building cross-platform apps with React Native and Expo, addressing challenges such as setting up the native runtime and managing dependencies. Expo provides a pre-built runtime, native APIs, fast iteration speed, and integrated cloud services. EAS build simplifies app deployment by handling native code signing and validation. Over-the-air updates allow instant updates to JS and assets. Custom native code can be added using auto-linking and config plugins, and Expo supports both Managed and Bare workflows.
Construyendo Dapps con React
30 min
Construyendo Dapps con React
The Talk discusses building decentralized applications (DApps) with React and explores the benefits of smart contract technology. It highlights the characteristics and infrastructure of Web 3 applications, including decentralized indexing, off-chain data storage, and decentralized file storage. The Talk also covers identity in Web 3, with a focus on self-sovereign identity and the use of blockchain for identity verification. The process of building a DApp with React and Hard Hat is explained, along with deploying contracts and interacting with them. Overall, the Talk provides insights into the world of DApps and the technologies involved.
¿Qué tan tipado es tu framework?
25 min
¿Qué tan tipado es tu framework?
Today's Talk focused on the importance of TypeScript in preventing runtime errors and its integration with popular frameworks like Vue.js, Angular, and React. TypeScript provides error assistance and typing boundaries between components, ensuring correct usage. It also allows for the creation of generic components, leveraging TypeScript generics to define contracts between unknown properties. The Talk highlighted the use of TypeScript in various scenarios, such as working with React Node, and provided resources for further learning and exploration.
Sobre el Origen de React
22 min
Sobre el Origen de React
This Talk explores the evolution of React components, starting from version .12. It discusses the introduction of class components and the deprecation of mixins. It highlights the emergence of higher-order components as a better option for code reuse. It also covers the introduction of hooks in React 16.8 and mentions potential future branches of evolution, such as server components and function components in hooks.
Rastrea ralentizaciones y fallos en tus aplicaciones de React
8 min
Rastrea ralentizaciones y fallos en tus aplicaciones de React
Sentry is a tool for code observability that supports multiple languages and frameworks. It allows monitoring of errors and performance in applications, such as React apps in an ecommerce site. With Sentry, developers can easily investigate errors using developer tools and get a summary of the error. It also provides human-readable stack traces that highlight the exact line of the error.
Cómo Coinbase reescribió la aplicación en React Native
30 min
Cómo Coinbase reescribió la aplicación en React Native
Last year, the Coinbase app was rewritten from native to React Native due to the complexity of the app's architecture. The Android app was chosen for the rewrite and a Brownfield approach was taken to integrate existing Android engineers. The project started in March 2020 and had successful launches for both Android and iOS. The transition to React Native was successful, with increased engineering resources and feature development. Recommendations for React Native include considering the app's requirements, and the best question was about the split between native and React community modules.
setState, ¡Necesitamos hablar!
20 min
setState, ¡Necesitamos hablar!
In this Talk, the speaker discusses the importance of planning and maintaining UIs in React using state machines. They highlight the need to consider user experience and plan for performance and maintainability. The challenges of handling multiple UI states are addressed, and the benefits of using finite state machines are explained. The speaker demonstrates how to implement transitions and update the UI using a React state machine. They emphasize the benefits of state machines in handling errors, avoiding state explosions, and improving collaboration between designers and developers.
No sabemos cómo funcionan los React State Hooks
28 min
No sabemos cómo funcionan los React State Hooks
This talk explores how useState works under the hood and why it's important to understand. It addresses the common confusion around the callback to setState and provides insights gained from exploring React hooks source code. Knowing how useState works is important for learning patterns, debugging, and gaining confidence in our code. React manages the current value of hooks in a linked list and performs updates sequentially. React optimizes rendering by caching computations and performing shallow renders when the state doesn't change.
Cómo hacer el bien sin hacer nada
32 min
Cómo hacer el bien sin hacer nada
Accessibility is about making sure everyone can participate on the web, regardless of disability. Automated tools like Lighthouse and React Axe help identify accessibility errors and provide guidance on fixing them. Unit tests validate ARIA attributes and keyboard navigation, while integration and end-to-end tests focus on outcomes and simulate user experiences. Cypress.io is an open-source testing framework with excellent accessibility support. Implementing small changes leads to a deep understanding of web accessibility and bug resilience.
Ganando confianza con pruebas Cypress
23 min
Ganando confianza con pruebas Cypress
Welcome to React Advanced London where we'll learn about gaining confidence with Cypress tests. We'll explore browser testing, including tests for specific units of work, business services, APIs, and components using different tools. Cypress provides selectors for easy object selection in tests. We learned how to select objects in our tests and rerun them to check for successes and failures. We also discussed best practices for Cypress tests, including using data-cy elements, commands, mocks, and fixtures.
Llevando el Desarrollo Orientado a Componentes un Paso Más Allá
20 min
Llevando el Desarrollo Orientado a Componentes un Paso Más Allá
React was built for component-driven development. Challenges of component sharing include the inability to easily share components across applications. Monorepos have benefits but can also present challenges such as slow IDE performance and merge conflicts. Onboarding developers and the deployment process can be time-consuming. Bit solves these challenges by allowing isolated and versioned components in a monorepo, providing easy component search, filtering, and versioning, and enabling component-driven development.
End-to-end i18n
26 min
End-to-end i18n
Thanks for joining my talk on end-to-end internationalization. I'll walk you through internationalizing a React app, covering translated strings, currency and date formatting, translator management, and injecting translated strings back into the app. The constants used throughout the app define localization settings and translations. The React Intel library is used for managing translations, and custom functions are created for consistent date and number formatting. The translation process involves extracting strings, using tools like PO Edit, and compiling the translated strings into JSON files for the React app.
Cómo Cachear en el Borde las APIs de GraphQL
29 min
Cómo Cachear en el Borde las APIs de GraphQL
The speaker discusses their experience with edge caching GraphQL APIs, starting with the struggles they faced with a poor database choice. They found success with GraphQL, which helped their servers scale and led to an acquisition by GitHub. The speaker delves into the key piece that enables GraphQL caching, the __typename metafield. They also address challenges with caching at the edge, including authorization and global cache purging. The speaker shares a success story with GraphCDN and mentions the ongoing challenge of handling cache for lists with pagination.
Cómo Hopin se está moviendo 10 veces más rápido: Microfrontends a escala
25 min
Cómo Hopin se está moviendo 10 veces más rápido: Microfrontends a escala
This Talk discusses how Hoping uses micro frontends to improve development speed and create boundaries between applications. They break up apps into smaller, independently deployable apps owned by small teams. They use webpack and module federation to integrate dependencies at runtime and have a lightweight store for sharing state. The Talk also addresses performance concerns and the importance of explicit contracts and namespace styles to avoid conflicts between micro frontends.
Depurando un Bloqueo No Reproducible
20 min
Depurando un Bloqueo No Reproducible
The Talk discusses a vicious bug that caused 20,000 crashes in a JS application. The bug was an array index out of bounds exception in the SimplePool class. The team used a debugger to analyze the bug and discovered a race condition caused by an upgrade to React Native SVG. They collaborated with React Native contributors to fix the issue and deployed a patched version. The Talk emphasizes the importance of using a crash reporting tool, monitoring release health, and learning from bugs and source code analysis.
Mockear o no mockear - Esa es la pregunta
25 min
Mockear o no mockear - Esa es la pregunta
This Talk discusses the SDC's approach to software development using agile methodologies and extreme programming. It highlights the benefits of pair programming and the use of atomic design in React components. The importance of test-driven development and the React testing library is emphasized, along with the implementation of code, navigation, and form validation using Formik and Yup. The talk also touches on the abstraction layers in software development and the testing of user journeys and accessibility in the BookKeeper app.
Próximamente en React18: startTransition
8 min
Próximamente en React18: startTransition
Start Transition is a new API in React 18 that allows us to keep our applications interactive and responsive even while big updates are happening behind the scenes. In React 18, we have concurrency rendering, which allows us to differentiate between urgent and less urgent updates. By using the Start Transition API, we can mark less urgent actions as transitions and prioritize more urgent actions, improving the user experience. Implementing the Start Transition API in React 18 is easy and doesn't break existing code. It's worthwhile to start transitioning in your projects for improved user experience.
Usando Next.JS y Redux para aplicaciones web épicas sin JavaScript
21 min
Usando Next.JS y Redux para aplicaciones web épicas sin JavaScript
This Talk explores developing web applications that work without JavaScript enabled in the browser, while still enjoying the benefits of modern web technologies. The speaker demonstrates converting an existing application to work without JavaScript by wrapping buttons in a form and preventing the default submit event. React helpers are introduced to handle async actions and the speaker shows how to make a counter app work without JavaScript by removing unnecessary callbacks and changing buttons to a button component. The talk also covers adding a form and a surprise feature, and emphasizes that by leveraging forms and an event-based store, applications can seamlessly work with or without JavaScript.
Componentes, Patrones y cosas difíciles de manejar
29 min
Componentes, Patrones y cosas difíciles de manejar
This Talk discusses modular architectures, patterns, and components in software development. It explores the concept of creating components and pattern libraries, as well as the challenges and benefits they present. The Talk also delves into managing code for flexible pattern usage and the responsibility of modules. It addresses issues such as class name injection, specialized patterns, and modifying components. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of communication and collaboration with designers, testing UI complexity, and organizational responsibility for UI.
Visualiza tu música con React, un experimento de diseño de sonido
9 min
Visualiza tu música con React, un experimento de diseño de sonido
Claudia Bressi, a senior front-end and mobile developer, combines music and computer science in her sound design project using React and the Web Audio API. The project supports different audio file formats and utilizes powerful methods for analyzing and visualizing sounds. Custom hooks are used for modularity and code reuse. The project is divided into four areas: shape, color, animation, and playback. Future improvements include making it a progressive web app, adding ML algorithms, server-side rendering, and optimizing performance with workers.
Técnicas de Colaboración en Equipos Remotos
24 min
Técnicas de Colaboración en Equipos Remotos
Welcome to Remote Team Collaboration Techniques. Telecommuting has led to professional isolation and a lack of networking and mentoring. Companies are encouraged to adapt their work policies to the new reality of telework. Remote work has impacted stress levels and employee autonomy, but not productivity. GitHub and Jamstack are effective collaboration tools. Mob pairing promotes learning and progress in projects. Engaging in fun activities and taking breaks from work can boost team morale.
Infraestructura como Código para Aplicaciones React en AWS Escritas en TypeScript
30 min
Infraestructura como Código para Aplicaciones React en AWS Escritas en TypeScript
This Talk covers infrastructure as code using Terraform and CDK. The speaker demonstrates how to build infrastructure for a React application, including an S3 bucket and connecting to a real domain. They also discuss configuring cache behavior, CloudFront, and remote backends. TypeScript is highlighted as a powerful language for infrastructure as code, and the importance of automation and well-documented code for global-scale infrastructures is emphasized.
Vite - La Herramienta de Desarrollo Frontend de Próxima Generación
20 min
Vite - La Herramienta de Desarrollo Frontend de Próxima Generación
VIT is a build tool that solves the problem of slow feedback loop speed by leveraging native support for ES modules in modern browsers. It allows you to write code as native ES modules and handles the parsing and serving of modules for you. VIT supports JavaScript, CSS, SAS, React, TypeScript, and TSX out of the box. It also allows for quick migration from CRA to VIT and can be used as a middleware in an existing Node.js server to enable server-side rendering.
La Fuente Legendaria de la Verdad: Componentiza tu Documentación!
24 min
La Fuente Legendaria de la Verdad: Componentiza tu Documentación!
Welcome to this session about documentation in a command-driven era. The Data Axis framework provides a comprehensive approach to documentation, covering different areas of the development process. Component-driven development and MDX syntax enable faster development, simpler maintenance, and better reusability. Embedding components in Markdown using MDX allows for more advanced and useful documentation creation. Tools like Storybook and Duxy with MDX support are recommended for documentation solutions. Embedding documentation directly within components and migrating to MDX offer a comprehensive documentation experience and open up new possibilities for embedding and improving documentation.
Reutilizando el estado de la aplicación en React Native con Recoil
24 min
Reutilizando el estado de la aplicación en React Native con Recoil
Recoil is a minimal and easy-to-learn state management library for React and React Native. It supports distributed and incremental state definition, React suspense, and provides hooks like useRecoilValue and useRecoilState. Recoil can be used in both React and React Native applications, allowing for easy reuse of state configurations. Testing Recoil is straightforward, with the ability to observe state changes and compare snapshots. Overall, Recoil is an experimental but promising alternative to Redux.
Construye una Tienda Personalizada en Shopify con Hydrogen
170 min
Construye una Tienda Personalizada en Shopify con Hydrogen
Matt Seccafien
Cathryn Griffiths
2 authors
Hydrogen es un marco de trabajo y SDK React con opiniones para construir tiendas personalizadas rápidas, alimentadas por Shopify. Hydrogen adopta los Componentes del Servidor React y utiliza Vite y Tailwind CSS. En este masterclass, los participantes tendrán una primera vista de Hydrogen, aprenderán cómo y cuándo usarlo, todo mientras construyen una tienda personalizada completamente funcional con el equipo de Hydrogen.
Potenciando la Productividad del Desarrollador con Búsqueda Avanzada de Código
10 min
Potenciando la Productividad del Desarrollador con Búsqueda Avanzada de Código
Developers can use Sourcegraph to easily search for code using literal, regular expression, and structural patterns. Sourcegraph allows searching through open source and private code indexed across GitHub and GitLab, and supports searching for unstable batch API in React.js. It also enables searching with regular expressions, finding dependencies and usage patterns. With structural search, developers can search for specific blocks of code and narrow down their search using keywords. Sourcegraph is essential for developer velocity, helping teams quickly search through repositories, find references to shared systems, and providing powerful search parameters.
El Bosque para los Árboles (Sintaxis Abstracta)
8 min
El Bosque para los Árboles (Sintaxis Abstracta)
Hydrogen is an opinionated React framework and SDK for building fast and dynamic Shopify-powered custom storefronts. With Hydrogen, developers can leverage compilers to easily compose common operations and improve developer experience. The framework focuses on image performance, request caching, server-side rendering, and React server components. It also provides auditing for accessibility, security, web vitals, and framework violations. The Hydrogen CLI offers a powerful and fun developer experience for bootstrapping, enforcing best practices, ongoing maintenance, and testing.
Magia con Babel Macro
20 min
Magia con Babel Macro
Babel macros allow for code transformation without multiple plugins, providing a solution to the downsides of regular Babel plugins. Understanding AST is crucial for developers working with transpilers, and exploring its structure and representations can help derive code. Babel started as a transpiler but has evolved into a tool for live code transformation. Babel macros are supported in various React-based frameworks and can be used for track translation and CSS to React Native macros. However, macros have limitations, such as being synchronous and evaluated at compile time.
Nuevos modos de renderizado en Gatsby v4
24 min
Nuevos modos de renderizado en Gatsby v4
Gatsby V4 introduces deferred static generation (DSG), combining the benefits of static site generation (SSG) and server-side rendering (SSR). This approach allows for faster builds and a more deterministic cache. Gatsby V4 also includes features such as parallel query running and LMDB for enhanced performance. The focus is on integrations and improving the developer experience (DX) in the future.
Construye aplicaciones Fullstack en tiempo récord con Blitz.js
67 min
Construye aplicaciones Fullstack en tiempo récord con Blitz.js
Simon Knott
Simon Knott
Blitz.js es el Framework Fullstack de React. Está fuertemente inspirado en Ruby on Rails y se enfoca en hacerte lo más productivo posible. Está construido sobre Next.js y agrega todas las piezas faltantes que necesitas para construir una aplicación fullstack con una base de datos. La mayor innovación de Blitz es la nueva capa de datos "Zero-API" que abstrae la API para que no tengas que lidiar con APIs REST o GraphQL!

Simon presentará todas las partes importantes y te guiará en cómo empezar con Blitz, para que puedas decidir si quieres usarlo o no.
Pruebas automatizadas de seguridad de aplicaciones con StackHawk
9 min
Pruebas automatizadas de seguridad de aplicaciones con StackHawk
StackHawk is a dynamic application security testing tool that runs active security tests against running applications. It integrates with CI platforms, provides scan results in Slack or Datadog, and allows for issue triaging and integration with JIRA. The StackHawk scanner identifies security issues like SQL injection and cross-site scripting, provides detailed findings, and offers remediation guidance. Start a free trial to improve software quality and integrate StackHawk into your development process.
Regeneración Estática Incremental: Sitios Estáticos Potenciados
22 min
Regeneración Estática Incremental: Sitios Estáticos Potenciados
Incremental static regeneration is a feature in Next.js that allows for static generation on a per-page basis without rebuilding the entire site. It helps with headless content management systems and persists between deployments. The example demonstrates how server-side rendering, static site generation, and incremental static regeneration work together. The real-time visual editor allows for immediate changes to be seen. Visit the NetJS website for an e-commerce demo and learning platform.
Hablemos de los Componentes Web
32 min
Hablemos de los Componentes Web
Web Components are a suite of technologies that allow you to create reusable HTML elements, combining the fun of React with regular HTML. Custom elements and the shadow DOM are key features of Web Components, allowing you to define new elements, encapsulate functionality and styles, and interact with a separate DOM. HTML templates serve as placeholders for content to be rendered later in custom components. Custom elements and HTML templates are cross-framework compatible and can be used in React, Angular, Vue, or any other framework.
Desarrollo Fullstack con Type-Safety y GraphQL Hasura
203 min
Desarrollo Fullstack con Type-Safety y GraphQL Hasura
Jesse Martin
Jesse Martin
En esta masterclass, aprenderemos cómo construir una cadena de tipo seguro desde la API hasta el cliente con herramientas generadas en TypeScript. Crear un entorno de desarrollo tipo seguro reduce la cantidad de errores que se envían a producción, pero también permite un desarrollo de características más rápido una vez que se establece la base.

Esta será una masterclass de ritmo rápido que cubrirá una pila de características con una opinión, pero al final, tendrás un marco de trabajo funcional para un desarrollo elegante y tipo seguro.

Tabla de contenidos

- Comenzaremos creando una API de GraphQL en Hasura Cloud y definiremos algunos controles de acceso y acciones básicas.
- Luego crearemos un marco de trabajo listo para TypeScript con NextJs.
- Con el marco de trabajo y la API en su lugar, generaremos un SDK utilizando GraphQL Zeus.
- Por último, generaremos algunos envoltorios de gestión de estado tipo seguro con easy-peasy para implementar un flujo básico de inicio de sesión y autenticación.
Diseñando una Carrera de Freelance Sostenible
145 min
Diseñando una Carrera de Freelance Sostenible
Alexander Weekes
Rodrigo Donini
2 authors
¿Te gustaría perseguir tus pasiones y tener más control sobre tu carrera? ¿Te gustaría tener flexibilidad de horario y ubicación y variedad de proyectos? ¿Te gustaría tener la estabilidad de trabajar a tiempo completo y recibir un pago constante? Miles de empresas han adoptado el trabajo remoto y se dan cuenta de que tienen acceso a un grupo de talentos global. Esto es ventajoso para cualquier persona que haya considerado o esté considerando trabajar como freelance.>> Envía tu interés en convertirte en un ingeniero freelance con Toptal y recibir una llamada de un especialista en adquisición de talento <<

El trabajo freelance ya no es una elección de carrera inestable.

Este masterclass te ayudará a diseñar una carrera de freelance a tiempo completo (o parcial) sostenible y rentable. Te daremos herramientas, consejos, mejores prácticas y te ayudaremos a evitar errores comunes.
Tabla de contenidos

Módulo 1: Desmitificando los mitos comunes sobre el trabajo freelance
Módulo 2: ¿Cómo se ve el trabajo freelance en 2021 y más allá?
Módulo 3: Elecciones freelance y qué buscar (y qué evitar)
Módulo 4: Beneficios del trabajo freelance desde la perspectiva de un freelancer + estudio de caso
Módulo 6: Cómo comenzar a trabajar como freelance (experiencia, currículum, preparación)
Módulo 7: Caminos comunes hacia el trabajo freelance a tiempo completo
Módulo 8: Aspectos esenciales: establecer tu tarifa y conseguir trabajo
Módulo 9: Próximos pasos: establecer contactos con colegas, mejorar tus habilidades, cambiar el mundo
Módulo 10: Preguntas y respuestas con freelancers
Los formularios no tienen por qué ser complicados
20 min
Los formularios no tienen por qué ser complicados
Andy Richardson, a software engineer at GraphCDN, introduces Fielder, a project aimed at simplifying form creation in React. Fielder allows for decentralized form schema and onSubmit logic, making it easier to handle async validation. It eliminates the need for hoisting conditional logic and simplifies rendering and validation. The Fielder library is recommended for exploration but not yet stable for production. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being truthful and addresses the performance and re-rendering capabilities of Fielder.
Construyendo Aplicaciones Web Modernas impulsadas por CMS con Strapi el CMS Headless de código abierto
159 min
Construyendo Aplicaciones Web Modernas impulsadas por CMS con Strapi el CMS Headless de código abierto
Daniel Madalitso Phiri
Daniel Madalitso Phiri
En esta masterclass, construiremos un sitio web completamente funcional y un blog integrado con Next.js y Strapi.

Tabla de contenidos:
- Una introducción a los CMS Headless y las arquitecturas compatibles
- Puesta en marcha con Strapi y Next.js
- Integración de la funcionalidad de blog en una aplicación Next.js
- Despliegue de tus aplicaciones Next.js y Strapi (Bonus)
- Implementación de vistas previas de contenido con Next.js

Requisitos previos:Conocimientos básicos de React Conocimientos básicos de Node.js y npm Conceptos básicos de la web.

Construyendo un Sentry: 7 años de código abierto React
69 min
Construyendo un Sentry: 7 años de código abierto React
Evan Purkhiser
David Wang
2 authors
Únete a Evan Purkhiser y David Wang de Sentry mientras recorren el código de 230k LoC de Typescript/React de Sentry. Contarán historias de guerra sobre lo bueno, lo malo y lo feo. Maravíllate con su uso moderno de Typescript, react hooks y styled components. Siente disgusto por su uso heredado de Reflux y su desconcertante configuración de Webpack. Sal del masterclass con un conocimiento práctico de técnicas para mantener un código base frontend a gran escala moderno y mantenible.
Tu Segunda Fuente de Verdad
8 min
Tu Segunda Fuente de Verdad
Rachel Neighbors discusses the importance of documentation as a second source of truth for developers. She shares insights from improving the React Native documentation, including the need for refresher material, visual content, and interactive examples. Neighbors emphasizes the power of documentation in empowering communities to build reliable content and highlights the React documentation as a successful example. She invites feedback on the latest iteration of the React documentation.
Ahora lo sabes: Aprendizajes sobre Personas, Producto y Cultura del Hipercrecimiento en Snyk
8 min
Ahora lo sabes: Aprendizajes sobre Personas, Producto y Cultura del Hipercrecimiento en Snyk
Sneak, a software company, has experienced significant growth since its founding in 2015. They face challenges in culture, hiring, and scaling but focus on communication and transparency to manage change. Sneak emphasizes building a strong culture and supporting communities of practice. They hire based on key values and provide support for new hires to thrive. The concept of 'giving away our Legos' is embraced to scale effectively.
Cómo crear experiencias de edición que tu equipo amará
168 min
Cómo crear experiencias de edición que tu equipo amará
Lauren Etheridge
Knut Melvær
2 authors
El contenido es una parte crucial de lo que construyes en la web. Las tecnologías web modernas aportan mucho a la experiencia del desarrollador en términos de construir sitios impulsados por contenido, pero ¿cómo podemos mejorar las cosas para los editores y creadores de contenido? En este masterclass aprenderás cómo usar Sanity.io para abordar la modelización de contenido estructurado, y cómo construir, iterar y configurar tu propio CMS para unificar los modelos de datos con experiencias de edición eficientes y agradables. Está dirigido a desarrolladores web que desean ofrecer mejores experiencias de contenido para sus equipos de contenido y clientes.
Un Nuevo Tipo de Abstracción
7 min
Un Nuevo Tipo de Abstracción
Abstractions in software development build on top of other things and provide utility or make development easier. They can be low-level or high-level, and the smaller the abstraction, the closer it is to the lower level. Abstractions can operate in different environments and their level determines how the code operates and is approached. It's important to evaluate the abstractions used, their portability, and their distance from the low level.
Construyendo para Web y Nativo con Ionic y React
90 min
Construyendo para Web y Nativo con Ionic y React
Mike Hartington
Mike Hartington
Cuando se construye una aplicación, hay muchas opciones que los desarrolladores deben tomar. ¿Es una aplicación web? ¿Debe ser una aplicación nativa? ¿Qué debo usar para la interfaz de usuario? En este masterclass veremos cómo aprovechar Ionic para construir tu aplicación y cómo implementarla no solo en la web, sino también en nativo.
Masterclass de Pruebas de Seguridad de GraphQL
119 min
Masterclass de Pruebas de Seguridad de GraphQL
Zachary Conger
Zachary Conger
Todos hemos escuchado el revuelo sobre llevar la seguridad de las aplicaciones a manos de los desarrolladores, pero si eres como la mayoría de las empresas, ha sido difícil hacer que esto sea una realidad. No estás solo: establecer la cultura, los procesos y las herramientas necesarias para lograrlo es difícil, especialmente para aplicaciones sofisticadas como aquellas respaldadas por GraphQL.

En esta sesión técnica práctica, Zachary Conger, Ingeniero Senior de DevOps de StackHawk, te guiará sobre cómo proteger tus APIs de GraphQL contra vulnerabilidades utilizando pruebas de seguridad automatizadas. Prepárate para ponerte manos a la obra con las pruebas automatizadas de seguridad de aplicaciones.
Automatización de pruebas de seguridad para desarrolladores en cada compilación
108 min
Automatización de pruebas de seguridad para desarrolladores en cada compilación
Oliver Moradov
Bar Hofesh
2 authors
Como desarrollador, necesitas entregar rápidamente y simplemente no tienes tiempo para pensar constantemente en seguridad. Aún así, si algo sale mal, es tu trabajo arreglarlo, pero las pruebas de seguridad bloquean tu automatización, crean cuellos de botella y solo retrasan las versiones... pero no tiene por qué ser así...

El escáner de seguridad de aplicaciones dinámicas (DAST) de NeuraLegion, orientado a los desarrolladores, permite detectar, priorizar y solucionar problemas de seguridad de manera temprana, en cada confirmación, sin falsos positivos o alertas, sin ralentizarte.

¡Únete a esta masterclass para aprender diferentes formas en las que los desarrolladores pueden acceder a Nexploit y comenzar a escanear sin salir de la terminal!

Tabla de contenidos:

- Qué es y cómo funciona el DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) orientado a los desarrolladores
- Ver dónde y cómo encaja un DAST moderno y preciso en el CI/CD
- Integrar el escáner Nexploit de NeuraLegion con GitHub Actions
- Comprender cómo se pueden probar las aplicaciones modernas, las API y los mecanismos de autenticación
- Hacer un fork de un repositorio, configurar un pipeline, ejecutar pruebas de seguridad y ver los resultados