
Ionic is an open-source, cross-platform framework for developing mobile applications. It enables developers to create hybrid apps that are built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and can be deployed on multiple platforms, such as iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. Ionic also provides access to native device features such as the camera, GPS, and accelerometer. The framework offers a library of pre-built components and tools to help developers build user interfaces quickly and easily.
A New Kind of Abstraction
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
8 min
A New Kind of Abstraction
Abstractions simplify working with low-level concepts like APIs or languages, allowing developers to build on top of them and add helper functions. However, there are tradeoffs, such as increased code size. Abstractions operate on a spectrum, with different runtimes like Node, Dino, and the browser at opposite ends. Code that runs in Dino can likely run in the browser, and code that runs in Node can also run in the browser.
Building for Web and Native with Ionic & React
React Advanced Conference 2021React Advanced Conference 2021
90 min
Building for Web and Native with Ionic & React
Mike Hartington
Mike Hartington
When building an app, there are many options choices developers need to make. Is it a web app? Does need to be a native app? What should I use for UI? In this workshop will look at how to make use of Ionic for building your app and how to deploy it to not only the web, but native as well.
Building for Web and Native with Ionic & Vue
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
89 min
Building for Web and Native with Ionic & Vue
Mike Hartington
Mike Hartington
When building an app, there are many options choices developers need to make. Is it a web app? Does need to be a native app? What should I use for UI? In this workshop will look at how to make use of Ionic for building your app and how to deploy it to not only the web, but native as well.
Bringing Ionic (and Web Components) to React
React Summit Remote Edition 2020React Summit Remote Edition 2020
12 min
Bringing Ionic (and Web Components) to React
Ionic React is a framework for building cross-platform apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It has hit its stable release and brings Ionic to even more developers. The Q&A session covers topics like the target market for Mux and the use of div as a button in React Native web. Ionic supports native apps and allows for a mix of web UI and custom native views.