November 18, 2022
Remix Conf Europe

Remix Conf Europe 2022

The biggest Remix conference in the cloud

Remix Conf Europe is a remote conference focusing on delivering fast and scalable websites deployable to any platform with Remix. Attend talks and workshops that will help you stay up-to-date on modern web standards and cutting-edge user experience.

Esta edición del evento ha finalizado, las últimas actualizaciones de este React Conference están disponibles en el sitio web de la marca.
Escalando con Remix y Micro Frontends
23 min
Escalando con Remix y Micro Frontends
Top Content
This talk discusses the usage of Microfrontends in Remix and introduces the Tiny Frontend library. Kazoo, a used car buying platform, follows a domain-driven design approach and encountered issues with granular slicing. Tiny Frontend aims to solve the slicing problem and promotes type safety and compatibility of shared dependencies. The speaker demonstrates how Tiny Frontend works with server-side rendering and how Remix can consume and update components without redeploying the app. The talk also explores the usage of micro frontends and the future support for Webpack Module Federation in Remix.
Componentes de Full Stack
37 min
Componentes de Full Stack
Top Content
RemixConf EU discussed full stack components and their benefits, such as marrying the backend and UI in the same file. The talk demonstrated the implementation of a combo box with search functionality using Remix and the Downshift library. It also highlighted the ease of creating resource routes in Remix and the importance of code organization and maintainability in full stack components. The speaker expressed gratitude towards the audience and discussed the future of Remix, including its acquisition by Shopify and the potential for collaboration with Hydrogen.
Remix Flat Routes – Una Evolución en el Enrutamiento
16 min
Remix Flat Routes – Una Evolución en el Enrutamiento
Top Content
Remix Flat Routes is a new convention that aims to make it easier to see and organize the routes in your app. It allows for the co-location of support files with routes, decreases refactor and redesign friction, and helps apps migrate to Remix. Flat Folders convention supports co-location and allows importing assets as relative imports. To migrate existing apps to Flat Routes, use the Remix Flat Routes package's migration tool.
Patrones de Arquitectura Remix
23 min
Patrones de Arquitectura Remix
Top Content
This Talk introduces the Remix architecture patterns for web applications, with over 50% of participants using Remix professionally. The migration from single page applications to Remix involves step-by-step refactoring and offers flexibility in deployment options. Scalability can be achieved by distributing the database layer and implementing application caching. The backend for frontend pattern simplifies data fetching, and Remix provides real-time capabilities for collaborative features through WebSocket servers and Server-SendEvents.
Remixando tu Stack en un Espacio de Trabajo Monorepo
22 min
Remixando tu Stack en un Espacio de Trabajo Monorepo
Let's talk about remixing our stack in a Monorepo workspace, which allows for incremental migration and is suitable for transitioning from a Next.js app to a remix stack. Refactoring may be required for feature-specific and Next.js-coupled components, but the process is simplified because the features have already been moved out. Configuring the Monorepo to reference packages locally and linking them to the Next.js application is necessary. Nx provides benefits like fast refreshing, pre-configured setups, and features like local and remote caching.
Cómo Resolver Problemas del Mundo Real con Remix
195 min
Cómo Resolver Problemas del Mundo Real con Remix
Michael Carter
Michael Carter
- ¿Errores? Cómo renderizar y registrar tus errores del servidor y del clientea - Cuándo devolver errores vs lanzar excepcionesb - Configurar servicios de registro como Sentry, LogRocket y Bugsnag- ¿Formularios? Cómo validar y manejar formularios de varias páginasa - Usar zod para validar los datos del formulario en tu acciónb - Pasar por formularios de varias páginas sin perder datos- ¿Atascado? Cómo solucionar errores o funciones faltantes en Remix para que puedas continuara - Usar patch-package para solucionar rápidamente tu instalación de Remixb - Mostrar herramienta para gestionar múltiples parches y seleccionar solicitudes de extracción abiertas- ¿Usuarios? Cómo manejar aplicaciones de varios inquilinos con Prismaa - Determinar el inquilino por el host o por el usuariob - Base de datos múltiples o base de datos única/múltiples esquemasc - Asegura que los datos del inquilino siempre estén separados de los demás
Persistencia de Remix con DynamoDB
41 min
Persistencia de Remix con DynamoDB
DynamoDB is a next-generation key-value database that is low-latency, scalable, and easy to use. It offers advantages such as local development options, a generous free tier, and fast performance. Common misconceptions about DynamoDB being expensive or hard to learn are debunked. The Talk covers topics like basic modeling, separating concerns, working with DynamoDB in Remix, and building a DynamoDB client. Overall, DynamoDB is a powerful database that integrates well with Remix and provides efficient data access patterns.
Remixando Cómo Donamos
32 min
Remixando Cómo Donamos
Daphne uses Remix for their web application, benefiting from its resilience, error boundaries, cache boundaries, and progressive enhancement. Remix simplifies form submission, authorization, and validation, and allows for easier refactoring and code duplication avoidance. Next and Remix are used together, with Remix serving as the backend for the frontend and handling data aggregation. Remix provides query functions for fetching data, mutations for form data validation and API calls, and custom conventions using the handle export. Migrating to Remix resulted in smaller JavaScript files, faster navigation, and the ability to preload data and assets. The migration process took around nine months and involved mixing Next.js and Remix using Express. Hiring someone to work on Remix is easier than hiring for other frameworks.
¡Vamos a Remixear para Localizar Contenido!
36 min
¡Vamos a Remixear para Localizar Contenido!
This Talk introduces Remix and internationalization, highlighting the impact and importance of internationalization in software development. It explores different approaches to internationalizing URLs and the use of Remixi18next for internationalization in Remix. The Talk covers the creation and configuration of translated files, as well as the importance of loading translation files before hydration for improved performance. It discusses the challenges and benefits of localization, including the use of folder-level translation and dynamic routes. The Talk also touches on different translation approaches and the importance of considering user experience and understanding in different languages.
Construyendo una aplicación en tiempo real con Remix y Supabase
156 min
Construyendo una aplicación en tiempo real con Remix y Supabase
Jon Meyers
Jon Meyers
Supabase y Remix hacen que sea fácil construir aplicaciones fullstack. En este masterclass, vamos a aprender cómo usar Supabase para implementar autenticación y autorización en una aplicación en tiempo real con Remix. Únete a Jon Meyers mientras construye esta aplicación desde cero y demuestra cómo puedes aprovechar el poder de las bases de datos relacionales!
Cómo Remix y Prisma convierten a los desarrolladores frontend en desarrolladores fullstack
22 min
Cómo Remix y Prisma convierten a los desarrolladores frontend en desarrolladores fullstack
Remix and Prisma enable front-end developers to become full-stack developers by working across different parts of the stack without diving into complexities. They provide a great framework for writing code and interacting with databases, making it easier to be a full-stack developer. Prisma's ORM allows mapping database models to JavaScript or JSON models. Developing a full stack app with Remix requires structuring components and loaders differently, but simplifies development by focusing on one place.
Curso Intensivo de Remix y Storyblok
162 min
Curso Intensivo de Remix y Storyblok
Facundo Giuliani
Arisa Fukuzaki
2 authors
Tal vez ya hayas leído sobre Remix. Probablemente ya lo hayas usado, y recientemente hayas escuchado mucho sobre los CMS sin cabeza. En este curso rápido, pondremos todas las piezas juntas y te mostraré por qué Storyblok en combinación con Remix es la mejor opción para tu próximo proyecto. ¡Pasa y pruébalo tú mismo!
Tabla de contenido:- Introducción a Remix, diseño atómico y el mundo sin cabeza- Configuración del entorno- Creación de páginas y comprensión de cómo funcionan las rutas dinámicas con splat routes- Consejos futuros y preguntas frecuentes
Prerrequisitos: Node.js instalado, cuenta de GitHub.
Construye y lanza un blog personal usando Remix y Vercel
156 min
Construye y lanza un blog personal usando Remix y Vercel
Robert Pop
Robert Pop
En este masterclass aprenderemos cómo construir un blog personal desde cero usando Remix, TailwindCSS. El blog será alojado en Vercel y todo el contenido será servido dinámicamente desde un repositorio separado en GitHub. Utilizaremos HTTP Caching para las publicaciones del blog.
Lo que queremos lograr al final del masterclass es tener una lista de nuestras publicaciones de blog mostradas en la versión desplegada del sitio web, la capacidad de filtrarlas y leerlas individualmente.
Tabla de contenidos:- Configurar un proyecto de Remix con una pila predefinida- Instalar dependencias adicionales- Leer contenido desde GitHub- Mostrar contenido desde GitHub- Analizar el contenido y cargarlo en nuestra aplicación usando mdx-bundler- Crear una página separada para las publicaciones de blog para mostrarlas de forma independiente- Agregar filtros a la lista inicial de publicaciones de blog
Desmitificando la Accesibilidad Web
11 min
Desmitificando la Accesibilidad Web
Web accessibility ensures that people with disabilities can use and participate equally on the web. Over 15% of the global population has some form of disability. Improving web accessibility can be done using tools like ex-DEV tools and the web disability simulator. Color contrast plays a crucial role in readability, and semantic HTML and tab order help with functionality and user flow. There are additional tools and extensions available for further exploration.
La Nueva Frontera: Comercio Electrónico en el Edge
19 min
La Nueva Frontera: Comercio Electrónico en el Edge
Today's Talk discusses the new frontier of e-commerce at the edge, focusing on headless commerce and the benefits it offers. The edge, an intermediate server, can improve website loading by rendering HTML on the server and reducing latency. Venger, an open-source headless e-commerce framework, is introduced as a solution to cache API responses at the edge and improve performance. The Venger online shop demonstrates excellent performance, highlighting the benefits of headless and edge computing in e-commerce.
Remixando un Symfony
19 min
Remixando un Symfony
This Talk discusses Harvey's performance journey and how it led to the adoption of Remix. The engineering team addressed scaling and performance issues through backend fixes and frontend improvements. The redesign focused on loading products by category and prioritizing performance. The implementation of Remix resulted in improved performance and a reduction in API requests. The focus on long-term scalability is essential for handling a growing product list and customer base.
React Remixed
19 min
React Remixed
Remix is a full stack web framework that focuses on the user interface and works back to web standards. It eliminates render and fetch waterfalls in web applications, resulting in improved performance. Remix leverages the foundations of the web and combines them with features like HTTP caching and dynamic server rendering. It allows for progressive enhancement and speeds up the user experience. Remix is a powerful tool for web development with great potential for the future.
Charla sobre Remix
28 min
Charla sobre Remix
Remix is an open-source project with a modular design and excellent mutation story. It benefits from being part of Shopify and has an open RFC process for feature requests. Remix is influenced by the Hydrogen team and plans to work closely with them. Exciting features include the ability to send promises in responses and support for styling solutions. Remix version 2 will have a roadmap and be framework agnostic. Collaboration with React on server components is important. Livestreams and community discussions are encouraged. The design philosophy focuses on web standards and simplifying code. Remix prioritizes server-side first but also considers static generation. Overall, Remix simplifies code and removes complexity.
¡Tu Remix Personal!
24 min
¡Tu Remix Personal!
Today's Talk discusses Remix and Personalization, highlighting the benefits of personalized experiences in websites and web applications. Different types of personalization are explained, along with the steps to implement a personalization strategy. The use of Remix and Storyblock to implement personalized experiences on a website is demonstrated. The structure of a page with personalized content for different user types is shown, along with the use of cookies to identify user interests. The implementation of a personalization strategy using React components and the Storyblock API is explained.