Abhijeet Prasad

Abhijeet Prasad

Based out of Toronto, Canada, Abhijeet Prasad is the maintainer of Sentry's open source error and performance monitoring JavaScript SDKs. He's super passionate about web standards and helping people write faster, cleaner code. When he’s not debugging performance problems or practicing the dark arts of monkey-patching, you can find him diving into fantasy novels or playing armchair NBA team GM.
The Performance Impact of Generated JavaScript
JSNation US 2024JSNation US 2024
The Performance Impact of Generated JavaScript
When was the last time you peeked inside the dist folder to inspect the JavaScript generated by your framework or bundler?
The reality of modern JavaScript development with it's reliance of bundlers, frameworks and compilers is that the JavaScript you write is not the same as the JavaScript that runs on your browser. Tools like TypeScript and compilers like Babel allow you to support a variety of older browsers, environments, and runtimes while writing modern, maintainable code, but it can be hard to tell what is going on in that final bundle. It's crucial to understand and optimize the generated JavaScript produced during your build process so that you maximize performance.
Join Abhijeet Prasad, maintainer of Sentry's open source error and performance monitoring JavaScript SDKs as he walks through the performance and bundle size implications of generated JavaScript and techniques you can use to optimize it. He'll walk through transpilation nuances, tree-shaking, minification, and loading strategies so you can understand how to deliver better experiences for your users.
A Different Vue into Web Performance
Vue.js London Live 2021Vue.js London Live 2021
72 min
A Different Vue into Web Performance
Solving your front-end performance problems can be hard, but identifying where you have performance problems in the first place can be even harder. In this workshop, Abhijeet Prasad, software engineer at Sentry.io, dives deep into UX research, browser performance APIs, and developer tools to help show you the reasons why your Vue applications may be slow. He'll help answer questions like, "What does it mean to have a fast website?" and "How do I know if my performance problem is really a problem?". By walking through different example apps, you'll be able to learn how to use and leverage core web vitals, navigation-timing APIs, and distributed tracing to better understand your performance problems.