Alex Korzhikov

Alex Korzhikov

My primary interest is self development and craftsmanship. I enjoy exploring technologies, coding open source and enterprise projects, teaching, speaking and writing about programming - JavaScript, Node.js, TypeScript, Go, Java, Docker, Kubernetes, JSON Schema, DevOps, Web Components, Algorithms 👋 ⚽️ 🧑‍💻 🎧
Building a RAG System in Node.js: Vector Databases, Embeddings & Chunking
Node Congress 2025Node Congress 2025
Apr 24, 14:00
Building a RAG System in Node.js: Vector Databases, Embeddings & Chunking
Large Language Models (LLMs) are powerful, but they often lack real-time knowledge. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) bridges this gap by fetching relevant information from external sources before generating responses. In this workshop, we’ll explore how to build an efficient RAG pipeline in Node.js using RSS feeds as a data source. We’ll compare different vector databases (FAISS, pgvector, Elasticsearch), embedding methods, and testing strategies. We’ll also cover the crucial role of chunking—splitting and structuring data effectively for better retrieval performance.Prerequisites- Good understanding of JavaScript or TypeScript- Experience with Node.js and API development- Basic knowledge of databases and LLMs is helpful but not required
Agenda📢 Introduction to RAG💻 Demo - Example Application (RAG with RSS Feeds)📕 Vector Databases (FAISS, pgvector, Elasticsearch) & Embeddings🛠️ Chunking Strategies for Better Retrieval🔬 Testing & Evaluating RAG Pipelines (Precision, Recall, Performance)🏊‍♀️ Performance & Optimization Considerations🥟 Summary & Q&A
How to Convert Crypto Currencies With GRPC Microservices in Node.js
JSNation 2023JSNation 2023
117 min
How to Convert Crypto Currencies With GRPC Microservices in Node.js
The workshop overviews key architecture principles, design patterns, and technologies used to build microservices in the Node.js stack. It covers the theory of the GRPC framework and protocol buffers mechanism, as well as techniques and specifics of building isolated services using the monorepo approach with lerna and yarn workspaces, TypeScript. The workshop includes a live practical assignment to create a currency converter application that follows microservices paradigms. It fits the best developers who want to learn and practice GRPC microservices pattern with the Node.js platform.
Prerequistes:- Good understanding of JavaScript or TypeScript- Experience with Node.js and writing Backend applications- Preinstall Node.js, npm- Preinstall Protocol Buffer Compiler- We prefer to use VSCode for a better experience with JavaScript and TypeScript (other IDEs are also ok)
Back to the Roots With Remix
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
106 min
Back to the Roots With Remix
The modern web would be different without rich client-side applications supported by powerful frameworks: React, Angular, Vue, Lit, and many others. These frameworks rely on client-side JavaScript, which is their core. However, there are other approaches to rendering. One of them (quite old, by the way) is server-side rendering entirely without JavaScript. Let's find out if this is a good idea and how Remix can help us with it?
Prerequisites- Good understanding of JavaScript or TypeScript- It would help to have experience with React, Redux, Node.js and writing FrontEnd and BackEnd applications- Preinstall Node.js, npm- We prefer to use VSCode, but also cloud IDEs such as codesandbox (other IDEs are also ok)
Decomposing Monolith NestJS API into GRPC Microservices
Node Congress 2023Node Congress 2023
119 min
Decomposing Monolith NestJS API into GRPC Microservices
The workshop focuses on concepts, algorithms, and practices to decompose a monolithic application into GRPC microservices. It overviews architecture principles, design patterns, and technologies used to build microservices. It covers the theory of the GRPC framework and protocol buffers mechanism, as well as techniques and specifics of building isolated TypeScript services in the Node.js stack. The workshop includes a live use case demo of decomposing an API application into a set of microservices. It fits the best architects, tech leads, and developers who want to learn microservices patterns.
Level: AdvancedPatterns: DDD, MicroservicesTechnologies: GRPC, Protocol Buffers, Node.js, TypeScript, NestJS, Express.js, PostgreSQL, TurborepoExample structure: monorepo configuration, packages configuration, common utilities, demo servicePractical exercise: refactor monolith app
How to develop, build, and deploy Node.js microservices with Pulumi and Azure DevOps
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
163 min
How to develop, build, and deploy Node.js microservices with Pulumi and Azure DevOps
The workshop gives a practical perspective of key principles needed to develop, build, and maintain a set of microservices in the Node.js stack. It covers specifics of creating isolated TypeScript services using the monorepo approach with lerna and yarn workspaces. The workshop includes an overview and a live exercise to create cloud environment with Pulumi framework and Azure services. The sessions fits the best developers who want to learn and practice build and deploy techniques using Azure stack and Pulumi for Node.js.
How to Convert Crypto Currencies with Microservices in Node.js and GRPC
Node Congress 2022Node Congress 2022
162 min
How to Convert Crypto Currencies with Microservices in Node.js and GRPC
The workshop overviews key architecture principles, design patterns, and technologies used to build microservices in the Node.js stack. It covers the theory of the GRPC framework and protocol buffers mechanism, as well as techniques and specifics of building isolated services using the monorepo approach with lerna and yarn workspaces, TypeScript. The workshop includes a live practical assignment to create a currency converter application that follows microservices paradigms. The "Microservices in Node.js with GRPC" workshop fits the best developers who want to learn and practice GRPC microservices pattern with the Node.js platform.
Web Components in Action
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
184 min
Web Components in Action
The workshop extends JavaScript programming language knowledge, overviews general software design patterns. It is focused on Web Components standards and technologies built on top of them, like Lit-HTML and Lit-Element. We also practice writing Web Components both with native JavaScript and using Lit-Element. In the end we overview key tooling to develop an application - open-wc.