Daniel Ostrovsky
A seasoned Full Cycle Web Development Expert and R&D Manager, brings over two decades of experience, skillfully leading both local and international development teams from concept to delivery. As a recognized public speaker and blog writer, he also makes notable contributions to the open-source community.
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AI-Powered E2E UI Testing: Faster Creation, Easier Maintenance
JSNation US 2024

10 min
AI-Powered E2E UI Testing: Faster Creation, Easier Maintenance

This session will guide you through the advanced field of AI- E2E UI Testing, focusing on how it speeds up test creation and simplifies test maintenance. We'll begin by examining the challenges in generating E2E tests with AI, noting how this differs from the simpler task of creating unit tests.
The discussion will then shift to a solution that addresses these challenges effectively. Prepare to see a live demonstration where we'll craft an E2E test using popular tools like Cypress or Playwright. To wrap up, we'll look into how AI comes close to fully automating the maintenance of our test suites, ensuring they stay up-to-date with minimal manual intervention.
The discussion will then shift to a solution that addresses these challenges effectively. Prepare to see a live demonstration where we'll craft an E2E test using popular tools like Cypress or Playwright. To wrap up, we'll look into how AI comes close to fully automating the maintenance of our test suites, ensuring they stay up-to-date with minimal manual intervention.