Zoltan Kochan

Zoltan Kochan

Lead maintainer of pnpm since 2016, which started as a completely independent open-source package manager for JavaScript. Zoltan is an engineer at Bit. He works on the dependency management aspect of the Bit CLI. Previously worked at JustAnswer, where Zoltan was mainly working on front-end infrastructure.
Configurational Dependencies in pnpm
JSNation 2025JSNation 2025
Configurational Dependencies in pnpm
pnpm v10 added support for a new type of dependency called "Configurational dependencies". These dependencies make it possible to develop pnpm plugins and share your configurations between projects.
Package Management in Monorepos
DevOps.js Conf 2024DevOps.js Conf 2024
19 min
Package Management in Monorepos
We’ll talk about some of the pain points and look into recipes for effective package management in monorepos. 
We’ll discuss how package management works with npm, pnpm, and Yarn. Furthermore, I’ll show you a new tool that is less known but improves developer experience by a lot.
pnpm – a Fast, Disk Space Efficient Package Manager for JavaScript
DevOps.js Conf 2022DevOps.js Conf 2022
31 min
pnpm – a Fast, Disk Space Efficient Package Manager for JavaScript
Watch video: pnpm – a Fast, Disk Space Efficient Package Manager for JavaScript
You will learn about one of the most popular package managers for JavaScript and its advantages over npm and Yarn.A brief history of JavaScript package managersThe isolated node_modules structure created pnpmWhat makes pnpm so fastWhat makes pnpm disk space efficientMonorepo supportManaging Node.js versions with pnpm