SubscribeYarn is a package manager for JavaScript. It is used to manage, install, and update packages from the npm registry. It is an alternative to the npm command line tool, providing a more secure and reliable way to install packages. Yarn also provides a faster installation process than npm and can handle larger projects with ease. It also helps you keep track of all the dependencies in your project and can be used to automate tasks such as running tests or linting.
The Zen of Yarn
DevOps.js Conf 2022

31 min
The Zen of Yarn

Let's talk about React and TypeScript, Yarn's philosophy and long-term relevance, stability and error handling in Yarn, Yarn's behavior and open source sustainability, investing in maintenance and future contributors, contributing to the JavaScript ecosystem, open-source contribution experience, maintaining naming consistency in large projects, version consistency and strictness in Yarn, and Yarn 4 experiments for performance improvement.
Yarn: From Design to Implementation
DevOps.js Conf 2024

28 min
Yarn: From Design to Implementation

Today we'll discuss the evolution and implementation of YARN, which focuses on determinism and stability. YARN Modern was re-architected to support projects with multiple packages and embraced Monorepos. YARN 2 improved workspace implementation, codebase partitioning, and stability. Dependency resolution and linking in YARN are handled by different resolvers and fetchers. YARN has a plugin system, a constraint engine, and a redesigned website. It prioritizes compatibility, performance, testing, and contributions to other projects.
Package Management in Monorepos
DevOps.js Conf 2024

19 min
Package Management in Monorepos

This Talk discusses pain points and effective package management in monorepos, including the use of hoisted or isolated layouts and the challenges of working with peer dependencies. It introduces the tool Bit, which addresses these issues and handles dependency management and version control. Bit enables automatic installation and management of dependencies, supports multiple versions of a peer dependency, and seamlessly updates components across different environments.
Taming the State Management Dragon
React Summit US 2023Watch video: Taming the State Management Dragon

23 min
Taming the State Management Dragon

This Talk discusses various aspects of state management in software development. It covers different types of state, such as bootstrap data, lazily loaded data, and reactive data. The Talk also explores the concept of locality in state management, including local, global, and regional state. It introduces libraries like Recoil and Jotai that challenge the single global store concept and provide better locality. The Talk emphasizes the importance of setting up state management systems for success and creating reliable systems to focus on user satisfaction.
Package-based Monorepos - Speed Up in Under 7 Minutes
JSNation 2023

9 min
Package-based Monorepos - Speed Up in Under 7 Minutes

The Talk discusses speeding up MonrayBus in a pmpm workspace by organizing packages and considering dependencies. It covers installing and configuring the nx package, including choosing cacheable scripts. The nx-graph command is introduced for analyzing dependencies and optimizing the build process.
Security Controls in the JavaScript Supply Chain
JSNation 2022

28 min
Security Controls in the JavaScript Supply Chain

This talk discusses the security challenges in the JavaScript ecosystem, including supply chain security, lock file tampering, and arbitrary command execution. It highlights the risks of blind upgrades and hidden comments in code. The talk also covers dependency confusion attacks and the importance of establishing a threat model for node applications.
The Secret Life of Package Managers
Node Congress 2022

9 min
The Secret Life of Package Managers

npm install can be a mysterious process, but understanding how package managers work is essential. NPM solved problems like large node_modules, circular dependencies, and multiple instances of the same package. Managing package versions and conflicts is crucial for consistency across projects. Alternative approaches to package management, like PNPM and Yarn2, provide insights into the hidden complexities of package managers.
Yarn in Depth: Why & How
DevOps.js Conf 2021

33 min
Yarn in Depth: Why & How

Yarn is not just a package manager, it intends to be a project manager with a focus on simplicity and a good developer experience. Yarn's impact on workflows and project management has been positive, improving scalability and release management. It offers features like local fixes, compressed packages, and sharing packages between projects. Yarn's infrastructure and extensive testing ensure compatibility and catch regressions. Yarn is modular, with plans for version 3 and a more powerful plugin ecosystem. The choice between npm and Yarn depends on the project's configuration.