Search results for "cursor":

MIDI in the Browser... Let's Rock the Web!
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
28 min
MIDI in the Browser... Let's Rock the Web!
MIDI is a versatile communication protocol that extends beyond music and opens up exciting possibilities. The Web MIDI API allows remote access to synths and sound modules from web browsers, enabling various projects like music education systems and web audio-based instruments. Developers can connect and use MIDI devices easily, and the Web MIDI API provides raw MIDI messages without semantics. The WebMidi.js library simplifies working with the Web MIDI API and offers a user-friendly interface for musicians and web developers. MIDI on the web has generated significant interest, with potential for commercial growth and endless possibilities for web developers.
VS Code Can Do That!
JSNation Live 2021JSNation Live 2021
28 min
VS Code Can Do That!
The Talk covers various tips and features of using VS Code, including the command palette, Zen mode, external terminals, and debugging. It also highlights advanced editing and refactoring features, Git integration, and the use of dev containers. The speaker demonstrates how to set up a dev container for a Python app, run code in a container, and create and configure dev containers. The benefits of using dev containers are also discussed, such as eliminating manual configuration, handling dependencies, and facilitating team-based development.
JS on the Big Screen: Making TV Apps
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
22 min
JS on the Big Screen: Making TV Apps
JavaScript is widely used in web, mobile, and backend development, and now it is also being used to create TV apps. TVs with web-based operating systems can be targeted with JavaScript applications, and React is commonly used for TV app development. React Native allows for cross-platform TV app development, except for Roku. User interactions and focus management are important considerations in TV app development. Performance optimization is crucial for TV apps, as TVs have lower device scores and limited RAM. Spatial virtualization can significantly improve TV app performance.
Playwright Test Runner
TestJS Summit 2021TestJS Summit 2021
25 min
Playwright Test Runner
Top Content
The Playwright Test Runner is a cross-browser web testing framework that allows you to write tests using just a few lines of code. It supports features like parallel test execution, device emulation, and different reporters for customized output. Code-Gen is a new feature that generates code to interact with web pages. Playwright Tracing provides a powerful tool for debugging and analyzing test actions, with the ability to explore trace files using TraceViewer. Overall, Playwright Test offers installation, test authoring, debugging, and post-mortem debugging capabilities.
Building GraphQL backends with SDL
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
91 min
Building GraphQL backends with SDL
Jamie Barton
Jamie Barton
In this workshop we'll cover the basics of GraphQL, and then use that knowledge to build a backend using SDL. Once we've created our schema, we'll run it locally, deploy to production, and create deployment branches for any changes to our schema. We'll finish the workshop by fetching data from our backend from the frontend, as well as adding authentication to lock down data access!
Mac setup with Node, and NPM (if you wish to follow along locally). Otherwise an account with CodeSandbox would do.
The Whimsical Potential of JavaScript Frameworks
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
28 min
The Whimsical Potential of JavaScript Frameworks
Top Content
Watch video: The Whimsical Potential of JavaScript Frameworks
The speaker discusses the whimsical and detailed work of Stripe, particularly their interactive and dynamic pages. They explain the use of React for building whimsical details and tracking mouse position. The speaker introduces React Spring for smooth animation and React3 Fiber for creating a 3D egg model. They also mention the use of Framer Motion and React server components for animating CSS properties.
Your Tests Lack Vision: Adding Eyes to your Automation Framework
TestJS Summit - January, 2021TestJS Summit - January, 2021
28 min
Your Tests Lack Vision: Adding Eyes to your Automation Framework
Today's talk is about the importance of visual testing in software development. Visual bugs can easily be missed when relying solely on automated tests. These bugs can have a significant impact on user experience and can even cost businesses customers. Applitools offers a machine learning approach to highlight relevant differences in visual testing. Their eyes API and Cypress integration make it easy to add visual testing to existing tests. With Applitools' ultra-fast grid, visual testing can be done across multiple platforms and devices simultaneously.
Killing Bugs With Kindness
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
9 min
Killing Bugs With Kindness
This Talk focuses on reducing bugs in a React codebase by understanding antipaths. It discusses the types of bugs identified and the guardrails implemented to prevent them. The importance of being cautious with hooks like useState and useRef is emphasized, along with the use of context for state storage. The refactoring example demonstrates how reducing useState and callbacks can improve code quality and efficiency in the framework.
Building Age of Empires 2 in React
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
22 min
Building Age of Empires 2 in React
Top Content
This Talk discusses the process of recreating Age of Empires II in React. The speaker shares their inspiration for the project and explores different approaches to game development using React. They demonstrate how to create an isometric grid, enable scrolling, and render units. The Talk also covers handling unit clicks and implementing right-click movement, as well as techniques for making React render more consistently. The speaker concludes by highlighting the value of exploring different tools and approaches in software development.
Bringing the Power of AI into your Editor with GitHub Copilot
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
29 min
Bringing the Power of AI into your Editor with GitHub Copilot
GitHub Copilot is a software development productivity tool that suggests whole blocks of code based on the collective knowledge of software developers. It has been in technical preview for a year and is used by thousands of developers. Copilot's success has grown over time, and it now supports multiple editors and programming languages. The AI model used in Copilot, called Codex, operates on natural language and doesn't require special encoding. Copilot will become a paid product in the summer but will remain free for students and verified open source contributors.
Case Study: Building Accessible Reusable React Components at GitHub
React Summit 2024React Summit 2024
29 min
Case Study: Building Accessible Reusable React Components at GitHub
The talk discusses building accessible React components and emphasizes the importance of using the correct HTML elements and ARIA roles for accessibility. It explains how to navigate and select options within a form and how to add supplementary text using Aria described by. The speaker also discusses the benefits of using conditional checkboxes and ARIA disabled to improve the UI. Additionally, the talk explores the role of JavaScript in web accessibility and provides recommendations for testing website accessibility.
How TypeScript is integrated in your editor
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
18 min
How TypeScript is integrated in your editor
Today's Talk explores TypeScript integration and refactoring, code action handling, the TypeScript server and refactoring process, bug reporting, and the TypeScript protocol and LSP. The Talk discusses how TypeScript is integrated into editors, the role of code action providers, and the communication between the client and server. It also highlights the two-stage process of code actions and the importance of bug reporting. Additionally, it mentions the TypeScript protocol and how it allows for language-specific extensions. LSP is mentioned as a powerful extensibility solution used by various languages.
Building GraphQL APIs With The Neo4j GraphQL Library
GraphQL Galaxy 2021GraphQL Galaxy 2021
175 min
Building GraphQL APIs With The Neo4j GraphQL Library
William Lyon
William Lyon
This workshop will explore how to build GraphQL APIs backed Neo4j, a native graph database. The Neo4j GraphQL Library allows developers to quickly design and implement fully functional GraphQL APIs without writing any resolvers. This workshop will show how to use the Neo4j GraphQL Library to build a Node.js GraphQL API, including adding custom logic and authorization rules.

Table of contents:
- Overview of GraphQL and building GraphQL APIs
- Building Node.js GraphQL APIs backed a native graph database using the Neo4j GraphQL Library
- Adding custom logic to our GraphQL API using the @cypher schema directive and custom resolvers
- Adding authentication and authorization rules to our GraphQL API
Engaging Ecommerce with the Visual Web
JSNation 2022JSNation 2022
12 min
Engaging Ecommerce with the Visual Web
Images, video, and media are crucial in e-commerce to deliver the best user experience. Nike's acquisition of Artifact Studios and the launch of Nike land on Roblox demonstrate the future of e-commerce in the metaverse. Clear and zoomable images, point-based details, and video are essential for enhancing the user experience. Optimizing media delivery through modern image formats, compression, resizing, and technology can significantly improve conversion rates in e-commerce.
Building GraphQL APIs With The Neo4j GraphQL Library & Neo4j AuraDB
GraphQL Galaxy 2022GraphQL Galaxy 2022
146 min
Building GraphQL APIs With The Neo4j GraphQL Library & Neo4j AuraDB
William Lyon
William Lyon
Learn how to use the Neo4j GraphQL library to build Node.js GraphQL APIs backed by the Neo4j graph database. This course covers building GraphQL APIs using the Neo4j GraphQL Library and the Neo4j AuraDB cloud-native database to build an e-comerce GraphQL API backed by a native graph database in the cloud.
Table of contents:- Introduction To GraphQL & Neo4j- The Neo4j GraphQL Library: modeling a graph with GraphQL type definitions; creating and querying a GraphQL API using the Neo4j GraphQL Library- Adding Custom Logic With Cypher And Custom Resolvers: using the @cypher GraphQL schema directive; adding custom resolver functions with the Neo4j GraphQL Library- Authorization With The Neo4j GraphQL Library: working with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to authenticate your API users; using the @auth GraphQL schema directive to attach authorization rules to your GraphQL API
Prerequisites:No local setup is required for the workshop. We will make use of Codesandbox (a browser-based tool for editing and running code in the browser) and Neo4j AuraDB, a free managed database service. Some familiarity with GraphQL and JavaScript is helpful, however not strictly required. No experience with Neo4j is necessary.
Hands on with TensorFlow.js
ML conf EU 2020ML conf EU 2020
160 min
Hands on with TensorFlow.js
Jason Mayes
Jason Mayes
Come check out our workshop which will walk you through 3 common journeys when using TensorFlow.js. We will start with demonstrating how to use one of our pre-made models - super easy to use JS classes to get you working with ML fast. We will then look into how to retrain one of these models in minutes using in browser transfer learning via Teachable Machine and how that can be then used on your own custom website, and finally end with a hello world of writing your own model code from scratch to make a simple linear regression to predict fictional house prices based on their square footage.
Building Accessible React Components
React Summit Remote Edition 2021React Summit Remote Edition 2021
34 min
Building Accessible React Components
Today's Talk focused on accessibility in web apps, covering topics such as WCAG guidelines, handling required fields and field formats, error handling and disabled buttons, and the importance of DOM and visual order. The Talk also discussed the accessibility of hidden elements and links, the impact of animations on accessibility, and the use of development tools for accessibility testing. The Q&A session addressed questions about asterisks in required fields, date inputs, and automated testing tools. Overall, the Talk emphasized the importance of building web apps that are accessible to all users.
Let's build a TV Spatial Navigation
React Day Berlin 2023React Day Berlin 2023
34 min
Let's build a TV Spatial Navigation
Watch video: Let's build a TV Spatial Navigation
Today's Talk is about building a spatial navigation library for Smart TVs. The speaker shares their experience and challenges in building applications for Smart TVs. They demonstrate the functionality of spatial navigation using React and React Router. The navigation engine class is developed to handle TV control events and navigate through elements. Circular navigation is implemented to make navigation easier for users in TV applications.
Creating an Accessible Web Together in 5 Simple Steps
React Advanced Conference 2022React Advanced Conference 2022
31 min
Creating an Accessible Web Together in 5 Simple Steps
The Talk covers the importance of accessibility in web development and provides practical tips for building accessible web applications. It discusses the basic principles of accessibility, WCAG guidelines, and the use of assistive technologies. The Talk emphasizes the use of semantic HTML, tab index, ARIA attributes, and keyboard navigation for app accessibility. It also highlights the importance of testing and debugging for accessibility issues and recommends the use of accessibility tools. Overall, the Talk aims to raise awareness about accessibility and provide developers with the knowledge and tools to create inclusive web applications.