Vite is a modern JavaScript build tool that offers lightning-fast performance and out-of-the-box support for modern JavaScript features. It uses native ES modules and provides instant server-side rendering, zero configuration, and automatic static optimization. Vite is built on top of the popular Rollup bundler but is much faster due to its use of native ES modules and its ability to skip unnecessary builds. It also provides hot module replacement (HMR) and supports modern JavaScript features such as TypeScript, JSX, and CSS pre-processors.
Evan You
Evan You
Vue.js & Vite Creator
Talk: 10 Years of Independent OSS: A Retrospective, Vite: Rethinking Frontend Tooling
Talk: The Eternal Sunshine of the Zero Build Pipeline
François Wouts
François Wouts
Zenc Labs
Talk: Screenshot testing with ViteShot
Nikola Begedin
Nikola Begedin
Talk: Migrating a 1000 Class Components App to Vue 3
Anthony Fu
Anthony Fu
Talk: New Ways to Vue
Alexandre Chopin
Alexandre Chopin
Talk: Welcome to Nuxt 3
Alex Kyriakidis
Alex Kyriakidis
Vue School
Talk: How Vite Changes the Game for Vue and Web Developers
Matias Capeletto
Matias Capeletto
Vite Core Team
Talk: The Inner Workings of Vite Build
Giorgio Boa
Giorgio Boa
Talk: Micro-Frontends With React & Vite Module Federation
Dominik Göpel
Dominik Göpel
Vite & Svelte Maintainer
Talk: What's New in Vite 6
Devlin Duldulao
Devlin Duldulao
Packt Book Practical Enterprise React Co-author
Talk: Vite - The Next Generation Frontend Tooling