#web workers

Web Workers are a feature of JavaScript that allow for the execution of scripts in the background, independently of the main program. This allows for tasks such as data processing, animation rendering, and other intensive operations to be done without blocking the user interface or slowing down the main thread. Web Workers can be used to improve the performance of web applications and make them more responsive.
Improve Your Website's Speed and Efficiency with Partytown
React Summit 2023React Summit 2023
20 min
Improve Your Website's Speed and Efficiency with Partytown
Watch video: Improve Your Website's Speed and Efficiency with Partytown
Today's Talk discusses improving site speed and efficiency using PartyTown, a tool that runs third-party scripts from a web worker, minimizing their impact on the main UI thread. The inclusion of third-party scripts in webpages should be carefully considered due to their potential impact on performance. Real-world testing is crucial to identify performance issues that may not surface during development. PartyTown offers features like white-listing script capabilities and supports various frameworks for easy integration. It was built by the team at builder.io to ensure websites can scale without sacrificing performance.
Wait, React Is Multi-Threaded?
React Day Berlin 2022React Day Berlin 2022
22 min
Wait, React Is Multi-Threaded?
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This Talk explores the use of web workers in React to improve user experience and performance. It discusses the limitations of JavaScript rendering and how web workers can offload tasks to separate threads. The Talk also highlights the benefits of using concurrent mode in React and introduces the UseWebWorkerHook library for simplifying the creation of web workers. It emphasizes the considerations when using web workers and concludes with a mention of Postman's hiring and new feature release.