Web3 is a collection of libraries that allow developers to interact with a decentralized application (DApp) on the Ethereum blockchain. It enables developers to write and deploy smart contracts, create wallets, and send transactions to the Ethereum network. Web3 provides an API for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain, allowing developers to access data stored on the blockchain and build applications on top of it. Web3 also provides tools for developers to create their own decentralized applications (DApps).
Nader Dabit
Nader Dabit
Edge & Node
Talk: Web3 Workshop - Building Your First Dapp, Building Dapps with React
Alex Korzhikov
Alex Korzhikov
Instructor, Mentor
Talk: How to Convert Crypto Currencies With GRPC Microservices in Node.js
Paul Gadi
Paul Gadi
Talk: Web 3 Gaming: What it is and Why it Matters
Andrew Reddikh
Andrew Reddikh
Talk: How to Convert Crypto Currencies With GRPC Microservices in Node.js
Nazar Hussain
Nazar Hussain
ChainSafe Systems
Talk: Web3.js - Past, Present & Future
Russell Fustino
Russell Fustino
Talk: Build Blockchain dApps using JavaScript
Rahat Chowdhury
Rahat Chowdhury
Talk: Building Friendly User Experiences in Web3, How to Build UI's for Smart Contracts, A Frontend Developer’s Guide to Web3
Jonathan Sheely
Jonathan Sheely
Talk: Reacting to Web3
Shain Dholakiya
Shain Dholakiya
Talk: Build Web3 apps with Javascript, Build Web3 apps with React
Rafaela Azevedo
Rafaela Azevedo
The Chain Academy
Talk: E2E Tests for Web3 Applications
Simon Emanuel Schmid
Simon Emanuel Schmid
Edge & Node
Talk: Querying Blockchain Data with GraphQL
David Dal Busco
David Dal Busco
Talk: Learn to Build on WEB3 Like It’s WEB2