Many of those things are usually fixed with one line of code. There's also a fun fact that I always enjoy to mention. Despite being 2022, 9,152 homepages had a marquee tab, which many of you might be too young to know what it was. 373 homepages had blinking content, and that shouldn't happen in 2022.
So why does this happen? Well, it's a situation of, you know, lack of accessibility is more often than not a conscious tradeoff. We don't test for accessibility and we just release whatever feature we are working on without doing proper testing, because we want to, you know, meet the deadline, and the deadline didn't take into account people with disabilities.
So how do we begin repaying? So we have two things to bear in mind when we want to repay accessibility technical debt. First thing is how do we pay the current technical debt, and the second thing is how do we avoid this happening again, which is a very long‑term process.
So for the current technical debt, I highly recommend to run a very basic audit, you can use WAVE or Axe or any automated tool that checks for the most common errors and write them down. And trying to find some spare time to improve it slowly, because you might find yourself with like 600 issues, and it's like, oh my God, what do they do? Well, create a small and well-defined task, like the outlines of these elements are not working, like this dropdown menu doesn't appear on keyboard navigation. Create very specific, well-defined tasks so that you can work on perhaps 15% of each sprint. That means that it will take you a long time to fix it, but that's okay, because you are doing work to improve it. So, you fix bugs, you rebuild broken components, and you also perhaps build new features that you didn't have before, like an escape navigation link. And when you don't have the time to fix something, you still document it, you still create a ticket for it, and put it in the backlog.
And I know how that sounds, and I know what comes to your mind right now is this meme, which means put it in the backlog so we can fix it later, right? And it's very common to think about this, when we say put it in the backlog, because it does feel like we are never going to fix it. But the reality is that it's not really about that, it's about the fact that we cannot repay what we don't acknowledge. And it's not all about you. So it's like, okay, I know I have that accessibility issue. But it's not just about what I know. It's important that everybody on the team knows that I have or that we have this accessibility issue. So when we speak about putting it in the backlog, what we mean is, we need to empower everybody. And we need for everybody to be on the same page and know what are the accessibility issues that we have and that we haven't fixed yet. So, that is why we put it in the backlog. In order to acknowledge that we still have a lot to do. And then we avoid creating more. Which is the fun part. Because we go through a situation where we suddenly have 600 perhaps issues on a single page. So, what we want to do is not just fix that, but also learn from our mistakes and make sure that we don't create the same issue again. So, what we do is, we kind of have a plan for a long‑term fix in order to avoid doing the same mistake again. It all begins with some culture change in the company, which is the hardest to get.