Building a Fast Website for Every Single Visitor

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Learn how to build fast, adaptive web applications that dynamically respond to user conditions and context in this informative talk. Discover the principles and techniques behind adaptive design, including responsive layouts and dynamic interactions, optimized for different browsers, device strengths, internet speeds, screen sizes, and user preferences. Explore the role of data-driven decision-making and user analytics in tailoring content and features quickly and efficiently based on these variables. Gain practical insights into implementing fast, adaptive web apps using various technologies and frameworks. Understand the significance of user testing and feedback loops in refining the application for a seamless and speedy user experience. Walk away with actionable strategies to create personalized, high-performance web experiences that drive engagement and success.

This talk has been presented at React Advanced 2024, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


A user's internet connection speed can drastically impact how quickly a website loads, affecting their overall experience. Developers can use APIs to detect connection speed and adjust content delivery accordingly.

The 'Effective Type' API gives an estimate of the user's network conditions (like 4G or 3G). It is controversial due to privacy concerns, as it can potentially be used to infer a user's location and movements.

User perception is crucial because it varies depending on the user's context, such as their device and connection speed, which affects how fast or slow a website feels to them.

The talk focuses on building a fast and accessible website for every user, emphasizing the importance of considering user perception and adaptive implementation.

Developers can use the 'window.navigator.deviceMemory' API to get an approximate number of gigabytes of RAM on the user's device, allowing them to tailor the user experience accordingly.

Browser list helps bundlers like Webpack and Babel to know which features to polyfill or transpile, ensuring compatibility with the specified browsers and reducing unnecessary code.

The 'Hardware Concurrency' API provides the number of logical processor cores, helping developers optimize performance by tailoring resource-intensive tasks based on the user's device capabilities.

The two methods are lab testing, which simulates user experience, and field testing (or real user monitoring), which collects real data from users.

Developers can use responsive images with the 'source set' attribute to provide different image sizes for different devices, ensuring better performance and user experience.

The Aurora project collaborates with frameworks to optimize image delivery, providing an image component that is optimized out of the box for better performance.

Medhat Dawoud
Medhat Dawoud
31 min
25 Oct, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
This talk focuses on building a fast and accessible website for all users, highlighting the importance of performance and user experience optimization. It emphasizes the need for adaptive implementation to cater to different devices and user conditions. The talk also discusses the factors beyond the developer's control, such as screen size, browsers, devices, internet connection, and sitting position. It highlights the significance of optimizing image components for various devices and the role of browser support and rendering engines. The speaker discusses the use of future APIs and the challenges of browser compatibility, as well as optimizing image formats and bundler compatibility. The talk provides insights on controlling bundler and device compatibility, optimizing CPU usage, internet connection, and JavaScript form submission. It concludes with a proposal to respond with save data instead of effective type for limited internet connections and recommends using React with adaptive hooks for better user experiences. Overall, the talk covers essential aspects of building a fast and accessible website.

1. Building a Fast and Accessible Website

Short description:

Hello, everyone. This talk is about building a fast and accessible website for every visitor. We cannot control various aspects of the user's browsing experience, such as screen size, internet connection, browser version, and device strength. As developers, we have the privilege of using the latest technology, but there is one thing we should not simulate: the user's sitting position. Building a fast website is essential, but accessibility is equally important. Let me introduce myself as Mehtad Dawood, a senior software engineer at Miro and a Google developer expert in performance.

Hello, everyone. It's so good to be here for the first time speaking in the UK. So hi, London. And hi to the people watching us online and people who are going to watch us later on in recording as well.

This talk as a disclaimer is a bit longer. So if you'd like to find me to ask questions later on, if I couldn't pick up anything on the stage, please find me anyway, not only afterwards, during the day I'll be available.

This talk is about building a fast website for every single visitor. And every single visitor is a part that I'm going to just make it emphasized today. And I will start with a quick question. What makes a web user so special, so challenging? I will answer this one. So we have some stuff that we cannot control as web developers or engineers, especially where they are going to browse your website, in which screen size, which internet connection, even without internet connection sometime, which browser, not even which browser, which browser version, we cannot control that. And also what device they are using, how strong or weak the device they are using. Not even we can control how they are sitting browsing your website, right?

In the other hand, we developers are very privileged. We should feel that because we always use the latest technology, latest devices, and we need that. There's a reason for that. We're running a lot of hard things and we're running the best internet usually, let's say. And tend to use the latest version of any browser so we can make use of any UI. However, there is only one thing that we are simulating the user for, and we should not, which is a sitting position. This is the only thing we don't need, but there you go.

So we need not only to build a fast website for every single visitor, we need it also to be more accessible. It's all about accessibility here. It's not only about being fast. Fast is only one factor of that.

So allow me to introduce myself. Thanks Matim for giving an introduction. My name is Mehtad Dawood. I'm a senior software engineer working for Miro. And I'm also a Google developer expert in performance. If you like what you see today, you can follow me on Twitter or find some articles I'm writing on my blog. So let's jump back to what we do.

2. Optimizing Performance and User Experience

Short description:

Performance depends on user perception. Different modes of transport may appear faster or slower depending on the observer's perspective. To measure performance, there are two ways: lab testing, which simulates the user experience but is not accurate, and field testing or real user monitoring, which provides detailed information about user behavior and device distribution. It is important to personalize the website experience based on user needs and optimize for accessibility. Choose a target and aim to build a great user experience.

Performance only depends on the user perception. There is no, nothing that you can perceive similar to what I can perceive. So imagine yourself on a skateboard and you have seen someone with a bike. What you would feel? He's faster than you, right? And if you're in a bike and you see someone in a car, he's still, this is faster than you. But if you are in the car and you see someone in a Ferrari, you'll feel that still he's getting faster. So it depends really where you are. Every time you are on the right and moving to the left, you feel that this is faster and all the way around. If you are in the car, you will feel the cyclist is even slower. So just to make sure that you understand this one. So would a motor bike or motorcycle would be faster or slower? It's really depending where you are. Right? So for those people, you will feel that, okay, this is relatively slower. Okay. And for those people who will feel this is fast. So we need to learn how and where the user stands.

To measure performance, simply we have two basic ways. First one is lab testing, which is you are simulating how the user is going to experience this, and you have to have enough data to decide whether it is fast or slow, how they are doing that. And this is not accurate. It really depends again on your great devices that you're using. You do have a M1, you look for M2 or M3 and the behavior based on lab testing for an M3 is different than an Intel. I'm talking from experience and the other way, which I'm more interested in today, which is field testing or also known as Rome testing, real user monitoring. And for this one, you get tons of information, including core vitals, different metrics. You get also device distribution. You also get the connection distribution. And you will be surprised if you run this on your website or any application that you're building. You'll find a lot of people are still using 3G or 2G, so it's not very accessible for them. And based on this information, you will recognize that there's no one size fits all. You have to make it very personalized for the user and how they are feeling your website. It's all about perception again. So you need to pick a target. Either you build it for the best user conditions and you build the glory user experience.

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