And it's very good that we see frameworks like Nuxt and, I think, Svelte, hopping on the train of delivering better error formatting.
Then in August, which is not that long ago, we released Astro 3, the most exciting launch and major of Astro that we ever did to that point.
We shipped view transitions. Who has used view transitions? Not in Astro, everywhere. Not that many people. Awesome. Who knows what view transitions are? Okay. That's a lot of people more. Okay, nice.
I can show it to you. Because I can show it to you in a very simple graphic here. I think this says enough, right? View transitions make your multi-page application or MPA, as you will, feel like an SPA. You're shipping JavaScript. This is actually all browser native. So, you are not shipping any JavaScript. And thus, faster and better performance. But the craziest thing about all of this in Astro is that you only have to use two lines of code. Whoa! There we go. Good, good.
So, with Astro 3, we also shipped Edge middleware, so you could deliver even content faster to your end users, creating a way faster response time. We shipped image optimizing, which is really easy to do. It's just import the image, use it in the image component, and you could use that with picture. And the difference with picture is that you could actually use different formats or multiple sizes, whatever, and it will always be optimized. But you, as a developer, get to see or get to use the most quality image that you have. And we'll take care of the rest for you.
By a major refactoring in our internals with Astro 3, we were able to get another 75 performance gain. And that was to Astro 2, which already was 33% faster than Astro 1. And what that refactoring did to our internals is really good, because it made it so that you could use any JSX framework, like Solid, Preact, or React, and you are preserving your state while you're altering a file. So, as you can see, the counter is still running. It's in the state.